The Awakening of the Swords & Blades

  • Ginko Sakatachi-Hijikata (SnowbloodSugarFiend)

    August 9, 2018 at 8:04 pm

    Alka: *The rusty sword was tainted with blood and filled the room with sadness. She felt as Ginko wrapped her hands around her blade. The sword felt a warmth and compassion that made her awaken before the one she would soon consider her knew master.* Who has awakened me! I am Alka, Assassin and member of the Clan of Swords.

    Ginko: *She heard the sword talk and would shake it a bit.* Is this thing defective. I thought I heard it speak.

    Alka: Cut it out!!! That’s making me dizzy you fool!!

    Ginko: *She stops and smiles* So the sword speaks to me. I knew I should have had some strawberry milk this morning. Now I”m hearing things!!

    Alka: Baka!! Why would you pick me up?

    Ginko: *She looks at the sword, her eyes more compassionate and tender than usual.* It’s because, I can relate to you. You went out and killed many for an unfulfilling revenge. It didn’t bring your former master back to you. Did it?  *She then carefully put the sword down.*

    Alka: *Appearing in a human form before Ginko.* How? How did you know?

    Ginko: I can hear your soul’s sadness and I am able to see the bloodstains on your soul. In this case, I noticed them on your blade.

    Alka: *Bows* Would you….. *She hesitated for a moment but when she looked at Ginko she felt she belonged with her. She knelt down to make it official.* Would you be my new master?

    Ginko: *digs her nose* Oyy!! You make me sound like some kind of hentai perve! No! *she said.* I will not be your master.

    Alka: *Alka’s eyes watered up.* I see..

    Ginko: *She would extend her hand to Alka.* But you can be my companion.

    Alka: *She felt new life had been given to her by those words. It truly surprised her. This person did not look at her just as a weapon but as an extension of herself. She took Ginko’s hand and turned back into a sword.* I will be your protector!

    *With this Alka became Ginko’s blade and she would take her to Lady Red’s blacksmith shop for a make over.*


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