Characters, Rules and stuff.

  • Characters, Rules and stuff.

    Posted by Wake on December 8, 2016 at 2:37 am

    Ok so this might be a little complicated so bear with me (*-*”)

    In this world, there’s a game known as Gu, in this game we kill each other for rewards in the form of Points. Points can be exchanged for a million yen (10,000 dollars) or in-game items, such as shields, weapons or buffs. Everyone in this game is assigned a Sigil, a superpower that allows people to fight harder. The majority of Sigils are ‘animal’ Sigils, the weakest kind that generally give sensory enhancements and minor animal morphisam. The other tiers are more powerful, generally psychic or body mod types, split into 3 tiers, superhero, royalty and godlike. The more powerful the Sigil the rarer it is. The game of Gu itself is an app, items are bought from the in-game store on your phone, thus its vitally important to keep your phone safe and out of other players hands. The RP takes place in Shibuya where select players have been chosen to participate in a all-out hunting match, the goal is to kill as many players as possible until the event ends.

    Rules: Don’t kill anyone’s character unless they’re cool with it, make sure to confirm with someone that you’re killing a character, and if you want someone to kill you off, feel free to ask~ You can use the group chat for stuff like that if you want. Try not to have an op Sigil, but you can if you give yourself a handicap or something. Multiple characters are allowed, feel free to make more whenever you want, if you want to have an army of them its cool! Characters are also assigned by level, ranging from D4-A1, A level players are rare and highly powerful. You have to be at least a B level player to create a Clan, which is basically an alliance of players.

    When making a character make sure to include their name, appearance, age, personality, Sigil and other abilities! If you want to add a bio or anything else that’s also good!

    • This discussion was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by  Wake.
    • This discussion was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by  Wake.
    Andi Wolf replied 8 years ago 4 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Wake

    December 8, 2016 at 3:39 am

    Name: Rein
    Age: 13

    Sigil: Laplace Function, the ability to sense the location and momentum of every atom in a given area, thus a fairly high-ranking superhero type sygil but not quite royalty. It also gives her the ability to dive into her mind to solve puzzles or deduce.

    Abilities: Her Sigil makes her quite adept at dodging bullets and running away, she’s also a skilled sniper, however cannot handle herself in hand-to-hand or really any combat without a gun. Her strategy generally relies on fleeing in creative ways.

    Personality: Somewhat cold and calculating, but not mean. Generally easy to get along with, especially because being friendly is the best option for someone like her without fighting power. Once gotten to know her, she’s a nice person and a loyal friend. Also extremely clever, especially for her age.

    Appearence: Somewhat short at just under 5 feet tall, she has straight jet-black hair just longer than her chin, large sharp black eyes with a slight slant to them that reflect like polished obsidian and a small mole right under her left one. Usually wears a long white coat with matching shin-high boots and scarf.

    Bio: Rein, due to her Sigil, is a useful resource for other players, known as the info broker or analyst, she can extrapolate information about people’s power or abilities. Player rank C3, Clan unaffiliated.

    Name: Maesaka Ryuji (goes by Ryuji)

    Age: 17

    Sigil: Bullshit Detector. Can tell lies from truth. Animal tier.

    Abilities: Despite a useless Sigil, he’s a fairly powerful player because of his machine gun which he carries around constantly and bullet-proof armor.

    Personality: A somewhat rough guy, known to use strong language. He has a bit of a temper at times, but nothing he can’t control. He has a sense of humor and can easily become friends, however he’s not the type to take betrayal lightly and will not hesitate to kill a traitor, as well as being extremely quick to avenge a fallen friend.

    Appearance: Tall and strong, just over 6 Feet. He usually wears full-body black bulletproof armor, complete with dark goggles and a helmet. He covers the exposed portion of his face with a skull-like bandana and always carries around a heavy machine gun, his look is not complete without it. He has tired-looking eyes and dull blonde hair that almost reaches his shoulders and is usually mussed and a little dirty.

    Bio: Level C1 player, Clan unaffiliated.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by  Wake.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by  Wake.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by  Wake.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by  Wake.
  • Kit Apparently

    December 13, 2016 at 7:50 am

    Name: Miru
    Age: 15

    Sigil: Vulpes Sylph, the power of the trickster. She is able to create minor harmless illusions by way of brainwaves. Despite its harmless nature, it is Royalty.

    Abilities: Her Sigil is most effective for general mayhem, as she can ‘signal boost’ if there is a large enough concentration of minds surrounding her. This wears her out quickly, however, and her mental state can deteriorate rapidly if she overworks herself. Fairly skilled in cloak-and-dagger or hand-to-hand, no long-range capabilities.

    Personality: Miru has a very strong personality, and can become quite annoying. Even so, she tries to make friends, if nothing else to make things a bit more interesting. She is almost always looking for trouble and has a bad habit of wandering hands, and some lying. Not really likeable… but if you give her a chance her friendliness will surprise you. loyal to those she considers friends, good luck telling who that actually is though.

    Appearence: Wild red hair, purplish eyes that always seem to be lit up mischievously. Average height and build, on the muscular side, not very tan. She wears loud clothing and clashing colors, as if to fit in with the mad hatter and his crew.

    Bio: B-4, clanless

  • Andi Wolf

    December 13, 2016 at 11:03 pm

    Name: Jax

    Age: 17

    Sigil: Transformation, along with being able to bring his drawings to life.

    Abilities: He can basically transform into anything but mythical creatures and extinct creatures are difficult for him and it drains his energy, as for the, bringing drawings to lift, thing he can bring anything he draws to lift. Once again this does drain him but not ask much. The down side to this is if his hand gets hurt he can’t create anything and if his art book gets destroyed then is will destroy all of his creations that he had brought to life. He is not all that physically strong but can run fast and is good with a bow and saber.

    Personality: Jax isn’t much of a people person but is willing to team up or be friends with anyone, just as long as you don’t touch his art book, he is also really quiet and shy.

    Bio: Level C4, classless.

  • Chris the wise

    December 14, 2016 at 11:56 pm

    Name: Mihashi Mio

    Age: 15

    Sigil: Amour, Conjuring and controlling a giant suit of armour around her body. Royalty Level

    Abilities: the armour she summons is incredibly strong, stopping bullets, usually taking the form of a giant samurai or knight. Should she be overwhelmed or panic she will react like a hedgehog, generating a sphere around herself and slowly rolling away.

    Personality: Mio is painfully shy, usually hiding in her hood when out in public. she puts on a facade of confidence during shrine work but it cracks if used to long. while she would like to make friends her shyness holds her back.

    Appearance: When not in amour or working she wears a blue hoodie over her long black hair and shrine kimono top, the top tucked into track pants.

    Bio: While not exactly forthcoming with her story, sharp eyed people would spot her working at her families shrine, in full Miko clothing. B-1 Clanless

  • Wake

    January 17, 2017 at 2:18 am

    Name: Sui (Ruka)

    Age: 12

    Sigil: Boundless Bottle & Hell’s Freezer. Powerful control over water and ability to freeze liquid.

    Abilities: Sui, aside from having 2 Sigils, is completely useless at fighting. Shares a single body with her twin brother, Ruka. Only Sui can use Boundless Bottle and only Ruka can use Hell’s freezer.

    Personality: Sui is a meek and quiet kid, often nervous of speaking to and meeting new people. Ruka is quite the opposite, he acts fairly rude and pushy most of the time. Sui doesn’t like to hurt people, Ruka doesn’t mind. Their frequent argument makes fighting fairly difficult.

    Appearance: Wears a pale blue jacket with a bunny-eared hood. Sui wears the hood down and Ruka wears it up. Bright blue eyes, however appear more steely when Ruka is in charge. Light blonde hair that has a tendency to shift over to one eye.

    Bio: Ruka was Sui’s twin brother. He died years ago in an accident, however the game managed too bring him back, but he is forced to share a body with Sui. Class D-1. Clan unaffiliated.

    Name: One

    Sigil: Beezlebub. Air-manipulation type Sigil. It allows him to control the air around him in short bursts either to move his body or to cut like a sword. Similar to the way a swordsman can quickly close the gap between himself and an opponent then use his sword to cover the remaining distance. Can only move about 3 meters with his Sigil.

    Abilities: Fights hand-to-hand, although uses aids like grenades when convenient. Can be surprisingly clever at times

    Personality: Extremely cruel, remorseless killer. The only reason he participates in the game is for the joy of murdering others without consequence. Has no qualms about killing his own men once they’ve outlived usefulness. In the tradition of the Yakuza, he is known to cut off the pinky finger of the men he’s killed and keep them as a trophy.

    Appearance: He has long, oily, black hair and sickly, sallow pale skin with snakelike features. Wears a black t-shirt and a sleeveless black leather vest with the insignia of his clan, the Eighth, a snake with his tail in his mouth twisted into an 8 shape.

    Bio: Class A-2, Clan: Eighth, leader. Undefeated.

  • Andi Wolf

    January 27, 2017 at 4:55 am

    Name: Maxwell (Max)

    Age: 17

    Sigil: Glaciating Glare, & Terrible Touch. Can freeze people in place for 1 min. if they look into his eyes (like medusa but without the turning people to stone), is able to steal/mimic others sigil.

    Abilities: Max s great with hand to hand combat but will use long distance weapons if necessary. He is also every intelligent when it comes to fighting or strategizing. He also will take/bite chunks out of his opponents. His sigils drain him quit a bit so he only uses them once or twice in a battle depending on the fight. Other than that he mainly uses hand to hand combat or weapon combat but will use his teeth if he is hungry or pissed off enough to. He also can and will eat someone.

    Personality: Doesn’t care about anyone or anything but is a ruthless killer when it comes down to it. He will join in an alliance only if it benefits him. Though he usually keeps to himself. As you have probably figured out he can be cannibalistic and really doesn’t care about it. He has a bit of a temper that can get the better of him. So mainly if you piss him off but want to keep all of his fingers run.

    Appearance:   He was born with the horns and his ears like that but usually hides them with a hat. As you can see he also hides his mouth which would be where the second picture comes in. The second picture is just so you can see what his mouth looks like, and so you can understand how he can tear chucks of flesh from people.

    Bio: Class A-4, Clan: None. Defeated once.

  • Wake

    January 27, 2017 at 5:54 am

    Name: Kaname Sudo

    Age: 16

    Sigil: Forge of Kago-Tsuchi. The ability to create anything with his mind, although cannot make anything he can’t understand, life, or things that are very big.

    Abilities: Good but not great at all around fighting, the only skill he has is from being in the game. Fairly resourceful and a fairly good strategist. Can handle most firearms, bladed weapons and is ok with hand-to-hand.

    Personality: Simultaneously kind, however without regard for life. Involves himself with the game as little as possible when he can help it. Avoids contact with most people, not because he dislikes them, but because he has no reason to.

    Appearance: Extremely ordinary, the type of person you’d never look at twice in a croud. No distinctive features. Dark eyes and black hair that isn’t particularly straight or curly. Average height. Usually wears jeans and a hoodie.

    Bio: Class: B1, Clan: Hammer and Thread.

    Name: Makoto Rintaro

    Age: 15

    Sigil: King of Thorns. Has control of any string object.

    Abilities: Uses cast-iron chains with spearlike heads as a weapon, can also use them almost like legs or grappling hooks to move through the air at fast speeds. Also uses extremely thin razor sharp steel threads almost as tripwires in some cases. Other than sigil-based powers, is fairly weak.

    Personality: Finds some joy in killing, however isn’t necessarily mean. Will do whatever is ordered of him, so is somewhat like a dog on a leash.

    Appearance: Dresses in an almost Victorian style, always with a white rose in his lapel, has orangeish-blonde hair kept in a tight ponytail and dark green eyes. Somewhat short and thin with lean muscle, built like a gymnast.

    Bio: Class: A3. Clan: Hammer and Thread.

    Name: Mega-P

    Age: 16

    Sigil: Life Reset Button. An extremely powerful defensive Sigil. At will, she can completely heal herself from the brink of death, however in the process of doing this a handful of memories are lost and an entire lifetime of false ones are gained. However, is not immortal. If she is killed before she has the chance to reset, she will die.

    Abilities: Fairly acrobatic, in the habit of jumping around and doing cartwheels while fighting and treating it more as a joke than anything. Uses a long sharp spear as a weapon.

    Personality: Annoying, fairly grating to most people. Has an extremely carefree attitude with the habit of using cutesy mannerisms and talking in a singsongy way. The worst thing in the world, to her, is being bored. She holds the belief that the world exists only for her.

    Appearance: Green hair just shorter than her ears, save for in the front that goes just past her shoulders. Wears a orange jacket with sleeves that go just past the elbow with a fur-lined hood black short shorts.

    Bio: Class A2. Clanless.

    (Sorry for having so many characters, (-_-” I plan to kill off a bunch of them)

  • Andi Wolf

    March 8, 2017 at 10:07 pm

    Name: Yrkki Jay (people usually call him Jay since they can’t pronounce his first name)


    Sigil: Can speak with the undead and he can summon a demon (his name is Al). He can only do one at a time because he has to have a lot of focus with both. (he’s not the best as focusing on two things at once)

    Abilities: He is usually great at freaking people out just by standing there. Other that that he is great with a sword and carries one with him all the time, he can also throw knives but doesn’t do it often.

    Personality: Quiet and keeps to himself. He is actually really nice once you get to know him just don’t piss him off.

    Bio: Class A4, No clan


    His Demon:

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