King of the Urn
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Active 3 weeks ago
In ancient China, there was a legend known as Gu. One would place one hundred poisonous insects in an... View more
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Mio nods at the message, sending back “be careful” before looking around the floor a little more.
Ryuuji kept his gun pointed firmly at Miru, “Bullshit detected.” he murmured with a deep voice, “You’re lying, or at least not telling the whole truth.” He put his finger against the trigger, “I won’t answer you, and I don’t trust you. Now tell me, what weapons do you have?”
“Just my mind and my knives, dear.” she opened her coat to reveal an array of knives, from switchblades to one nasty looking chef’s knife. “I don’t suppose you could, I dunno, not shoot me?” she concentrated on his phone screen, and pulled a bit of a switch. She wove an illusion that she remained standing in front of him, holding the image of the ring’s location in place while her real self stepped to the side, hidden from his sight. Miru crept forward, staying out of the area where he had the gun pointed. The illusion let go of her coat and it dropped with a small nose as the knives were slightly jostled. “Perhaps we can work some sort of truce?” the illusion asked.
“I still don’t trust you.” Ryuuji says, then lowers his gun with a sigh, “…But if it’s a truce, fine. Right now I’m working my way up the building, just scoping things out.” His posture relaxes slightly, “I’m not after your ring, if you’re concerned about it. It’s yours. Tell me your Sigil and we’ll move on.”
Miru crept around behind him and made her copy disappear, giving herself a few seconds before appearing and speaking again. “It’s something like teleportation. I sort of shift everything for myself and move on a separate plane of existence- it’s why I disappear.” she says, shrugging nonchalantly.
Ryuuji swiftly turns around and nods, “Fine. Then let’s get going. There’s another ring on the roof, I’m going to head straight over there, tag along if you want.” He lowers the gun and sighs slightly. “Though, it might not be a good idea to teleport behind me like that, I don’t want to reflexively shoot you or something.”
Miru smirks. “Noted. I won’t teleport behind you.” she followed behind him, humming and running her fingers along the wall.
Ryuuji nods once and tucks his gun under his arm. Shortly, they reached the stairs to the roof, “Lets go.” Quickly, he scaled the stairs and opened the door to the roof. The second he stepped out, he faced the barrel of a gun, a young girl with black hair holding it. Ryuuji steps back a little and begins to reach for his gun, but stops his hand short, “…Rein?” The girl faltered as well, looking up from the scope of her rifle, “Ryu…?”
“Miru!” Miru piped up startlingly loud. “Great, lovely that we all know each other. That way we’ll feel twice as terrible when we ultimately kill each other.” She crossed her arms, waiting for the two to recover from whatever ridiculous shock they were currently experiencing.
Ryuuji turned back and glared at Miru, “I’m not sure about you,” he said, irritation slipping into his voice, “but where I come from, it’s seen as rude to kill friends.” He turned his attention back to Rein, putting a hand on her head and scruffing her hair, “Anyway, how ‘ya holding up, kid? I’m glad you’re alive! How’s the gun?” Although his face was obscured by the mask, a smile was apparent in his voice. Rein smiled slightly in response, “Everything’s fine.” Her smile faltered as she glanced at Miru, “But who’s this?”
Miru waved slightly, smirking. “I’m a stray. He told me I could come along.” Her eyes sparkled with amusement. “Beyond that, I suppose I’m the same as any of you. So desperate for something that I was willing to participate in a death game and not enough of a people person to be in a clan.”
Ryuuji shrugs, “I was in a clan once.” He murmurs. Rein tilts her head, “Desperate for what? Money, power, or fun?” She asks, “Or were you sucked in by accident? It’s always one of those things.”
“It certainly was one of those, wasn’t it?” She replied, grinning. Miru leaned against the wall, closing her eyes. “I have some scores to settle, some money to make, and some fun to have. So- I guess I’m dabbling in all the fields. Hands in more than one pot of honey and all that.”
Ryuuji sighs, “…You’re that type of person, huh?” He walks toward the edge of the building and sits down, leaning his back against the fence. he takes off his helmet and mask, revealing his long dirty-blonde hair and rough face. He leans his head back, looking up at the sky, “Anyway, Rein, You got info, right? Anyone interesting in this game?” Rein sat down next to him, “…A couple. Kaname and Makoto are here.” She said somewhat tentatively. Ryuuji grimaces slightly, “The whole clan’s back, eh?”
Maxwell looks to the door hearing footsteps and he pulls out a knife.
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