Name: Manticore
Age: 2 (Real Age: ??)
Gender: Female
Preference: Homosexual
Blood Type: AB+
Power Type: Mist
Specialty: Illusions, Poisons, Defensive Fighting
Weaponry: Carmen the Pangolin: Can transform into a variety of objects, but cannot produce items itself. Turns into a shield, a chainsaw, a boomerang, a pair of hook swords and a blowgun

Owned: Starbucks
History: Manticore was once an infamous thief capable of infiltrating and robbing even the most secret and well guarded of mafia bases using illusions and minor psychotropic drugs to avoid detection and misdirect investigations for weeks and months on end. Rumors still occasionally can be heard about where she ended up hiding all of her stolen loot since hardly any of it was ever found on the black market, and other darker rumors suggest that Manticore went to great and bloody lengths to bury her real name. The illusion user herself eventually became well both dreaded and respected in the mafia community for her daring and surprisingly bloodless thefts. No mafia family was idiotic enough to admit to hiring her in order to avoid the wrath of their fellow families, thus most people are unsure of whether she actually was part of the mafia or not.
During her last heist, Manticore found an small letter slipped in with her target inviting her to join a specialized team of only the best of the best in the criminal underworld. This is what eventually lead to her contracting the Arcobaleno Curse.
Prior to obtaining the Arcobaleno Curse, Manticore had a girlfriend she was planning to elope with after finding the perfect ring to propose with. Nothing less but a Mafia ring would do, of course. After a painful break-up due to the stress of having an ageless, infantile body, the girlfriend has seemingly vanished into obscurity. Any attempt by outside parties to track her down inevitably succumbs to a trail of false evidence leading their way back to a very irate Manticore.
Nowadays, Manticore spends her time stirring up mischief while trying to avoid attention at the same time. She has occasionally been known to accept jobs to “acquire” important weapon schematics or juicy data, but pretty much just does what she wants.
General Theme: Fur Elise
Trapped in an Illusion: Death Waltz
Action Theme/Prolonged Battle: Hungarian Dance No. 5
Up to No Good/ Combat Theme: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Manticore is incredibly superstitious about people uncovering her birth name.
She will immediately become flustered if called “cute”, “adorable” or referred to as a baby.