Let’s Play Murder!
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Active 4 years ago
People have been showing up dead. No one is really sure who’s to blame but bodies have been appearing.... View more
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People have been showing up dead. No one is really sure who’s to blame but bodies have been appearing. It seems we have a MURDERER on our hands!!!
Choose a name, background and whether you will be a cop (a detective) or just a innocent bystander (a civilian).
NOTE: Anyone can (and probably will) be killed, both Dicks and Civilians.
No one except for the murderer knows who they are. (Murderer is already chosen. Sorry kiddys)
Let Us Begin
Let Us Begin
Posted by Bell on June 12, 2014 at 11:17 pmA young boy is passing out pamphlets in the street. You take one as you walk past and then hurry on. Written in neat hand writing is:
When God created the world…she allowed it to grow on its own. God left the world alone for hundreds upon thousands of years as she went to do other things. The amoebas evolved into plants and living organisms. The continents shifted. Animals razed war upon one another, creating a bloodbath of death and destruction, until ultimately one came out on top as the leader of the food chain. The Humans.
Bloody creatures they were. Ruthless creatures who began to rule God’s world as though it were there own. They bred like rabbits, taking over God’s paradise and turning it into a dump.Upon returning, God was furious to find her paradise overrun with these horrid creatures, and created a weapon to purge the world of the cruel humans.
Once every hundred years this weapon, Mors appears in human shape to destroy certain humans who show corruption, evil, cruelty, and hatred in their hearts.Now Mors has once again appeared. This time in YOUR city. But who knows who or where or what he is.
Be careful where you walk at night. Be wary of strangers. EVEN YOU ARE NOT SAFE FROM THE WRATH OF TH–Nothing else is legible on the pamphlet. You throw it away from yourself in disgust.
ILikeAppleSauce98 replied 10 years, 1 month ago 13 Members · 20 Replies -
20 Replies
“Damned psychopaths.” Kistuo hissed as he wiped his hands upon his trousers, as though the pamphlet were tainted and dirty. Kit dealt with enough of those pro-religious freaks while on-duty, he wanted even less to do with them on his days off. He continued on his stroll through the city, paying little-to-no attention to the writing on the pamphlet and the grim fate they spoke of. In a nutshell, Kit despised religion. In his opinion it only brought war and cruelty upon the Earth. “This world would be a better place without religion.” He mumbled, approaching a busy crosswalk.
A simple walk, a stroll; t’is all it was. Every day he woke up just to walk around- because really, that was how he had to handle his profession: walk around and present, or walk around and sniff. Sure, even now when he indeed have a job listed he sometimes would literally stop to smell the roses, though leisure is but a boring luxury. He took a sip out of his steaming coffee from a local cafe- which wasn’t spectacular either, but it did the job- while he balanced a fresh apple in his free hand, taking long simple strides as he cut through the crowd.
As the freelancer passed, Nathan heard a mewl and a soft pat beside him as if it were a merger attempt of attention grabbing. Thinking it was some annoying street cat, he stopped and turned only for a pamphlet to be nearly stuffed right at his face. He took it with a frown, balanced with his apple, glancing down as a small boy looked straight up at him. He blinked and crouched lower as he gave it a once over, nearly scoffing aloud at its contents.
When he had to squint to try and read the last bit the kid took the cuff of his sleeve with both hands, staring right at the single eye of the freelancer as if he were the only one who humored him- for what it worth. “B-b…” he began to stutter, which resulted in a curious head tilt from the young man. “Beware t-the… the f- the Phant–”
Nathan cut him off as he plopped the apple on the boy’s palms, wide-eyed confusion meeting with a small smile. He was struggling really, and the effort seemed to be killing the poor guy. “It’s alright kid, just take care of yourself.” He ruffled his matted hair before he took off, taking a final swig of his coffee. He slid the pamphlet into his cup, crushed it, and tossed it into the trash, slipping his hands in his pockets as his face was still graced with amusement of the city’s current state. Oh how amusing indeed.
“I don’t really have time for this…” she muttered after reading the first lines of the pamphlet and turned her attention back to the streets, she was walking to her job and she was already a bit late, she putted the piece of paper on her purse
She arrived at the bar Lazy Drunkard was the name on the sign, she putted her apron on and positioned herself in front of the bar’s balcony to that the costumer’s requests
she loved her job, to talk with every kind of people and make every kind of drinks, this was life for her, she was cleaning the table with a small piece of cloth when a someone walked in to take a seat…
Faylyn read the whole readable part of the pamphlet. “These damn superstitious freaks.”, she said as she crumpled it up and threw it in the trash can. “Always making these weird death stories.” Faylyn still had a mile left of walking to do before she arrived at her office.
After completing her walk, Faylyn stepped inside her office just to be met with absolute disaster. Interns flying everywhere.Moms shouting at them and talking about how the games that she makes scares their daughters. A huge pile of papers sat on her desk, and all of the real workers were asleep.
“Now what in the freaking hell is going on!”, Faylyn screamed. Everyone came to a halt, those who were asleep were now awake, and those moms had shut up. Faylyn walked over to her desk, sat down, and propped her legs up on the table.
“Which one of you people are going to tell me what started this?”
The room fell silent.
Mark was walking to a coffee shop with his briefcase in hand. He saw the young boy passing out the pamphlet. He smiled at him and grabbed on. He walked to the coffee shop order a black coffee as he started reading the pamphlet. He went to take a seat and chuckles. “I am a man of facts not fiction,” Mark mumbled to himself as he shoved the pamphlet in his pocket. He smiled waiting for his coffee. Mark got his coffee took a sip and walked out of the shop. As he was drinking his coffee he saw a homeless man with his hat on the floor. Mark reached into his pocket and pull out a five dollar bill which he gave to the homeless man. Mark smiled at him and resume his walk. Mark mumbled to himself more all the way to work.
Solice read over the pamphlet once, then twice, then a third time in disbelief.”Is this a joke?” she muttered aloud to herself, stepping into her house and locking the door behind her. This stuff never really did anything except make her nervous. It wasn’t that she actually believed them, but it was like CreepyPastas, she couldn’t help but get jittery despite knowing it was just nonsense made to scare people. She looked at her walls, which were covered in sharpie doodles of all colors, and at the countless empty canvasses laying around. She hadn’t had any inspiration for weeks. She glanced down at the pamphlet in her hands. Maybe…
Eric stood on the street in his police uniform. He looks down on the paper and shakes his head. “Kid his age shouldn’t be writing this kind of stuff….not healthy.” He threw his paper away in the tray. “Kids.” Eric walks in the street looking for trouble. He hears a thud in a dark alleyway. And some punches being thrown. He walks down into the alley. “HEY! HEY YOU” He sees two guys brawling outside a club. “Oh shit!” Both run. Eric shakes his head. He’ll let em go. They weren’t hurting anyone else but themselves.
He sighes and walks back out the alley.
Fawn glaced at the pamphlet she had thrown into the garbage a minute ago. Stupid kids, she thought They do nothing but get hurt and cause trouble these days… It haden’t been long ago she had gotten out of the emergency room because of a possible shooting where two teenage boys, one 23 and the other 21, had been shot in the back. Both had sadly died. Fawn shookk her head and tried to rip the images from her brain. She went through this almost every month, possibly even sooner, but dispite the calming gestures Fawn’s mind desprately tried to cling to, the back of her mind still held the idea that something hasen’t been right. There have been more emergency calls the past two months combined than in the rest of the year combined, and it was the middle of fall!
Fawn got up to go to her lovely bedroom, where she could almost hear her bed screaming her name, whenever her cellphone rang, filling the room with the sound of Miley Cyrus’ We Can’t Stop. Fawn picked up her phone and answered it, seeing it was the hospital’s emergency number.
“Dr. Whintrop, I know you just got home, but there’s been an emergency.” Fawn sighed and rolled her eyes.
“Yes, I can grasp that, but Dr.Stephens should be on call.. What is it though?” I asked. Dana, the nurse on-duty that was on the phone hesitated. “Dana? Who and what?”
“Dr. Whintrop, it was your oldest brother, Mike, and two of his kids, Kendall and Jordane. They were hit head-on by a drunk driver.” As soon as I processed what Dana had said, I hung up the phone, raced to the hospital, and ran into the emergency room. Dana told me the room number, and I caught Dr.Stephens walking towards me.
“The boys are ok, Dr.Whintrop, Mike, however, well, we couldn’t save him. He’s gone. I’m sorry for your loss.” I glanced at Dr.Staphens and went into the room.
He’s gone……
Darlinne was heading to the library, while she was thinking about what a friend told her a few minutes ago, apparently someone wrote about religion or something like that. She did not really care about it, religion was one of those things she hated to talk about.
She was standing in front of the library, opened the door and entered.
The library wasn’t a busy place, there were just a couple of visitors each day.
She took a book and started reading, the fantasy world in her opinion was way more interesting than the reality that imprisons her. -
A body lies naked in the alley near the PD. It appears to be female but the body is so mutilated that it is impossible to tell. The facial skin has been peeled off revealing the muscles underneath. The intestines and organs are out in the open as the diaphragm is revealed. A gut-sickening smell comes from the carcass as intestines meet the fresh air. Only a couple of days old, but it wasn’t here last night. That’s for sure.
Nathan took some detours before he needed to arrive at his destination, taking in the sights of the city as he mentally analyzed and noted its disposition. If he were to be frank, he hadn’t resided too long in these streets, moving in only recently in comparison to his current colleagues. He has visited a few times before to do some little check ups and simple jobs here and there, but this was still rather new to him. There wasn’t anything particularly special about this city before, but now with all these offers springing up he made up his mind. At least for the meantime; he hadn’t finalized a long term, being here too long will get boring.
The police department was in his view now, a fairly simple building minus all the active officers walking in and out. He reached into his coat and took out his mask, clasping it on with care. A couple of blocks left, with some alleys at his flank as he passed by. Curious how it wasn’t as busy with pedestrians in this sector, but he supposed it was to keep them out of the way. There was one he particularly passed that gave off this unusual scent, scrunching his nose. He shook his head a bit, thinking it was some garbage. But then there was this… tang… that didn’t normally reside in average waste. He stopped in his tracks as he soon identified the familiar, almost metallic odor, and ran back. He rounded the corner and froze, almost needing to gag from the stench- or the sight.
A dead body. A bloody, mutilated corpse. He slowly approached it as he took a good look at the finding. With a narrowed eye the freelancer inspected the body, noting it being some days old and definitely not being here recently. He opened a comm. line to the PD, phoning for the nearest officer. Well, time to do his job and play detective.
Solice woke up laying across the canvass she’d stayed up painting. There were paint smudges all over her face, and her hair was a wild mess, tangled into her ponytail. She stood up, swaying slightly, and stretched. As she was stretching she glanced over at the clock and froze.
Work. She was gonna be late for work! Solice flew through her pad, throwing on her uniform and sprinting out the door.
I’m gonna need to take a shortcut, she thought, dashing down the street. She took a few sharp turns and really put on the speed, blowing past a guy in a mask without paying any attention, sprinting around multiple city police cars, and into the Diner where she waitressed, gasping for breath as she punched in.
“Up all night painting again, I see,” her manager called to her, shining one of their extremely reflective trays in her direction. She looked at it and squeaked in horror. She was a mess!!
Eric recieves the call of the body. “10-4….” He gets on his police bike and drives off. He arrives as the whole area is cut off as a crime scene. CSI of course already here. They’re starting to tape up the alley. Interview people. Investigate. Eric walks up to the body as it is being wrapped up in a nice body bag. Eric has a look of disgust as he gets a look at her mutiliated corpse as they zip the bag up.
“Sick shit…” Eric sees Nathan. He didn’t exactly know him but he wanted to get filled in. “Hey.” Eric stops Nathan. “I saw the body. What do we have? Another maniac on the loose?”
Fawn was still speaking to Dr.Stephens when they came in. One of the police officers walked up to Fawn.
“We’ve been requested to have an autopsy done by a detective in town. Can that be done tonight Doctor?” Fawn nodded and motioned for Dr.Stephens.
“Yes, did they tell you what happened to him?” Fawn shook her head.
“No, but it seems they have no idea. They’ve requested an immediate autopsy. I know your fixing to have to go into surgury for Kendall’s arm, so I’ll stay and do the autopsy.” Dr.Staphens nodded.
“You’re the head of the hospital, Dr.Whintrop, so you do what you see is fit to do.” With that Dr.Stephens hurried into the operation room. After informing the police that only detectives, investigators, and other surgeons are allowed into the autopsy area, a young man stood up and walked over to her.
“May I help you,” She glanced at his badge,”Officer Vacuo?”
Mark Brightly was walking to the college where he teach then he passed the crime scene. He see the cops talk over about the maniac. He walks quickly away with fear in his eyes. A other killer in this town. Mark lost his wife a long time ago and to this day the killer is still unknown. He was hoping when he moved to this area he can run away from that thought. Is it the same person, that though went through his head until he reached the college.
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