Aimaina's miscellaneous yaoi rant board

  • Aimaina's miscellaneous yaoi rant board

    Posted by Wake on August 19, 2016 at 5:33 am

    Because of how commonly I have a good ol yaoi nosh, I’ve decided to create this to keep stuff slightly more orgonized, not like it matters anyway because Im the only one who uses this group but whatever.

    Anyway, today I read a couple yaois, and I will make a seperate post for each of them, Im gonna start with this one that I forget its name. At first it was so fuckingggg gooood, about a masochist who is also a sadist who thought he was incapable of falling in love but then became friends with someone who had a scar and burn fetish (and because of MC’s extreme masochisam he has lots of those) and then ended up falling in love because the guy appealed to his sadist side, as in MC always got hard at the thought of seeing guy cry, but also to his masochistic side because guy would never cry or anything like tha (or at least thats how I interpret it) but then it went downhill and became about some really confuzing and convoluted yakuza shit, dont get me wrong I love a good yakuza/yaoi thing but I havent seen it delivered very well. Either way, if you ever find the manga Im talking about, dont read past the first issue or two.

    Wake replied 8 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Wake

    August 19, 2016 at 5:40 am

    Now onto more pressing business, Ten Count. This manga…. Ooooh this manga….. PERFECTION~! Oh boy did I enjoy reading this shit. The basic premise is a guy with extreme mysophobia/ocd (meaning he’s afraid of germs) meets a psychiatrist by coincidince, and because its a yaoi, Im sure you can guess where it goes from there. BUT THIS AINT NO JUNIJOU ROMANTICA AND THIS SURE AS HELL ISNT A GRAVITATION this is actually a pretty serious story that kept the drama up throughout the entire thing, but because I dont want to give away spoilers (for all 0 people who are reading this) Im just gonna say that both the characters are pretty fucked up deep inside, and the inner-conflict of the main character adds a nice ammout of drama to all the smut scenes. The only thing thats bad about this manga is that its still incomplete.

    Aso I like the wordplay of black and white in the main characters names, its fitting for their personalitys.

  • Wake

    August 20, 2016 at 5:59 am

    I was reading some komaeda x hajime dojins and *CHOKES* WHAT IS THIS

  • Wake

    August 21, 2016 at 6:42 am


  • Wake

    August 30, 2016 at 12:20 pm

    I need more yaoi friends…. but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about 10count…. so guuuuuud

  • Wake

    September 5, 2016 at 4:00 am

    *sigh* I cant rename this to wakes yaoi rant board…. anyway I’m gonna post this otokonoko shit here for future refrence

     hanami koeda de aimashou

  • Wake

    October 30, 2016 at 7:25 am

    writin yao like motherfuckin traaash

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