Amimaina's Darwins Game and other stuff board

  • Amimaina's Darwins Game and other stuff board

    Posted by Wake on August 19, 2016 at 5:47 am

    I think Im going insane, but whatever, this is my board for me and all the 0 other people who use this group to post our emotions, opinions and fangirling hfuihfij’s about darwins game and other stuff. Also I only talk about manga here, is that weird? I’ll probrably make an anime board for myself and the 0 people reading this later.

    Anyway the main point of this is that Ive decided to reread darwins game again for the hell of it. Aside from that, I’ll probrably be posting shit about +anima bungaku shoujo and ek0 909 if i can find a good rip of that somewhere

    if one of you 0 people reading this has a link to eko 909 send it to me

    Wake replied 8 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Wake

    August 20, 2016 at 12:00 am

    Well Ive decided to use this board for talking about anime too, right now Im watching oruchuban ebichu, its like an ecchi version of hamtaro kind of…. but everyone is always so mean to poor ebichu…

  • Wake

    August 20, 2016 at 12:27 am



  • Wake

    September 7, 2016 at 2:36 am

    Kk so from now on I’m designating this for rants only, but if anyone else ever uses these forums then you do you m8. AAANYWAY I’ve decided that I need to go on a grimgar kick, starting with good ol of illusion and light then going on to the slowly getting slightly more popular of fantasy and ash. I kinda feel like getting into that sorta mindset that’s uniquely grimgar, to be honest it’s probably one of my favorite things in general, there’s noting I’ve experienced as of yet that’s quite like it, however I think log horizon might be kinda similar but with a more sword art flavor. I’m personally not that into Sao but I digress. Anyway the first time I got into grimgar I cried a lotttt when (*SPOILER*) Manoto died T-T and I hope to relive some of that magic and cry a lot again. Welp, wish me all the despair!!

  • Wake

    September 7, 2016 at 2:41 am

    I don’t know why I named this thing darwins game, basically no one but me reads darwins game. I’ve even talked to the translators of darwins game and they don’t even read it. I guess I’m the only one in the world who cares about darwins game. Sucks because darwins game is pretty good. If any one of u ppl (yes, you sugar doods too) end up reading this, do me a solid and read a bit of darwins game.

    on a side note, I feel like someone should make a thing like Pokemon go but darwins game, it would be really fun if they just subtracted the murder and all

  • Wake

    December 9, 2016 at 5:03 pm

    Hao-hao~ more insane ramblings to no one, *necroposts vigorously* AAAANYWAY I just finished the Log Horizon manga and omG it was gooood af, I’m gonna watch the anime once I get home, but I don’t think that seta is the main character (T-T I think it’s that one kinght dude with glasses. That succs tho, I love seta sooo much ;-; BUT I HAVE HOPE THAT HE WILL AT LEAST CAMEO I think it might be almost more of a prequel, like back when the tea party was still a guild but that doesn’t make sense bc of the apocalypse buuuut idk \_(0-o)_/ either way I’m super pumped

    lowkey changing my phone background to seta now kekks

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