Lost World
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Active 7 years ago
A long air travel, takes a turn for the worst. A plane crashes, at least safely, into an island far... View more
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Fallen turns and pushes her legs out then rolls on her side..
“Is it bad?..” She says not looking at the bruised legs, they hurt like hell but thankfully she can move them.
*caldera feels along the girls legs for breaks, then checks for any cuts or wounds*
“Well, ya got a bit of a nasty gash on your left leg but you should be able to walk. Ya got lucky kid. Hang tight, Ill go check on the other person who’s still alive, you get up if you feel ya can.”
Nero looks around and noticed that he isn’t anywhere near the the crash site. “How the hell did I end up in the middle of no where.” He said and he looked around before noticing a piece of metal stuck in the ground. He picks it up and see’s it’s sharp. “Well I got a make-shift weapon now so that’s a plus.” He said before making his way towards the smoke in the distance after wrapping the bottom of the metal in cloth to protect his hand.
Fallen stands up “Ahh!” She says and falls back down.. he legs in pain “Well.. this is gonna suck..”
“Take it easy, until we find medical supplies, we’d best minimalise injuries as best we can. Don’t go hurting yourself further”
She turned and walked away, picking her path carefully through the debris “HEY. YOU STILL OUT THERE?” she called in the direction of the earlier screaming
Ludwig hurried off to the main wreckage and squeezed inside so he could find where their luggage was. It took some time but he finally found the luggage hold and a little longer after that his travel pack. He carried it with him back to the girl who was trapped in her seat. Once there he knelt and rummaged through his bag, pulling out the kit. He pulled out a pair of scissors and cut the seat belt, getting the seat off of her.
Irja smiled softly, “Thank you…” she looks at the cut in her stomach, “Can ya heal that too?”
“Vell I can stitch ze vound but it’s going to hurt like hell” he said as he assessed the damage. He pulled some alcohol from his kit and started to clean it.
*still walking, checking bodies for any life signs as she went, caldera called out again “ANYONE. I KNOW I HEARD SOMEONE” she sighed and looked around, not seeing anything useful*
Nero continues to wade through the trees with is make-shift machete at the ready. “Hello! Anyone out there!?” He yells as he gets closer to the smoke.
Freddy stirs awake, still strapped into his seat, landed on a beach. unbuckling he stands up and looks around, hearing faint yelling.
“You don’t have to yell when I’m right here” Fallen says to the guy standing in front of her, her legs still hurt like a bitch.
*hearing what she thought was a new voice, caldera responded* “hey! Over this way!”
“I guess it’s best to leave it be then…I’ll wash it off if there’s any water around here…” Irja shrugged and sat up slowly.
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