Lunaris SugarCottontail Woodlands
Descendants of the Lunarian Usagi created a safe haven in which humanoid bunnies, WereRabbit, bunny... View more
Venturing into Lunaris Cottontail Woodlands
Venturing into Lunaris Cottontail Woodlands
*With the rabbit/bunny being interpreted differently by the human culture. There were traits found to be real among the inhabitants of Lunaris Cottontail Woodlands. Those closer to the surface was more aggressive and able to step foot beyond the boundaries of the woodlands. They were seen as symbols of good fortune and the moon. Further in where the more sensitive kind which were thought to be artistic but only barely touched their foot outside the borders. Deeper within was a complex culture. There were many that were shy timid and afraid. They were sometimes considered “Fear Callers.” by humans who were said to be Native Americans. These rabbit/bunny yokai projected fear therefore it was believed that they called or attracted fear to themselves. The smell of their fear brought out the predators. For this reason they remained deep with the Lunaris Cottaintail Woodlands.
Then there where the guides of the shadow world. When these types would show up, they would be elderly rabbit/bunny types that were wise and therefore they made those visiting them nervous. Their function was to examine the deep reflexive fear that holds the visitor back from growing.
Many of the rabbits, bunnies and other types deep within Lunaris never passed theses tests as they were paralyzed with fear which would not allow them to unbind themselves from the area.The problem was that the few who were able to unbind themselves, never returned. So the inhabitants assumed those who ventured out were dead or worse killed. So they remained in the same area reproducing among each other and they kept a routine which was said to make them think in the same manner never allowing them to move forward.
But the inhabitants of Lunaris Cottontail Woodlands did have an advantage. The inhabitants had medicine for love attraction, abundance, wealth and warm, dry burrow. The reason this realm needed protecion of the god of the moon was because it was also a place abundant in nature spirits, magic, fairies wandered around granting some magical abilities to the inhabitants of Lunaris and intermingling with them making it a realm of magic and mystery to those who never had a chance to venture within.
It was time for those that returned to journey within the realm and discover it’s truth, it’s secrets and gain control of the powers they deserved.
Fearful as these creatures may be some are agile and clever using spontaneous movement to deceive and lose any predators or curious visitors that would come within.
And then there was the strange phenomenon of the rabbit/bunny hybrid types that had become monsters among the peaceful inhabitants. Their fears surfaced as something ugly.
This is what those who journeyed into this are would have to deal with. It would start off as a peaceful journey but could change at any moment. As the inhabitants sought to protect themselves and their secrets.
But if the god of the moon gave you his blessing, you would be able to enter but from there on, you would be on your own.
Any human who would hurt any of the peaceful inhabitants would find themselves turned into the most timid and fearful of rabbits and find themselves becoming an inhabitant of the deepest areas of Lunaris Cottontail Woodlands.*
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