Welcome / Introductions/ Rulez

  • Welcome / Introductions/ Rulez

    Welcome to the enchanted realm of the rabbit and bunny descendants of the Lunarian USagi. A safe haven in which humanoid bunnies, WereRabbit, bunny yokai, WOlpertinger and other hybrid rabbit species could have a place of their own.

    // Feel free to say Hi! And write a mini-intro in this section please. Arigato//

    1. respect the rabbits (and the admins/mods too)
    2. rp only
    3. no hardcore hentai/yaoi
    4. don’t copy other’s characters please, that’s just rude (at least ask the person using the one you want to us if it’s ok to use the same one).
    5. RP as if you’re in a an enchanted realm of bunnies. (You don’t have to be a bunny to be here okay πŸ˜‰

    Apple Marigold [Vox#DominoBug] replied 6 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Apple Marigold [Vox#DominoBug]

    October 11, 2018 at 9:06 am

    *After Ginkachi had bought some fluffy slippers at the mall, she had invited Apple, a teenage ladybug girl, to visit the Lunarian Cottontail Woodlands. Apple decided to go and venture into the woodlands alone. She leaves immediately after her shift, but not before buying a head of lettuce to gift to the bunnies.*

    I hope nothing scary pops out… *She cautiously navigates around the trees as she searches for the area where Ginkachi lives.*

  • *Ginkachi was looking more and more like a white fluffy bunny. She hops over to Apple.* Hi Apple chan! You made it! *She tries to take her hand but it’s a paw.* Oh? I have to get used to this. Follow me, I’ll show you around. I’m just learning about this place myself so there is a lot I might be surprised about too. *she looks back and wiggles her nose and whiskers. One ear popped up in attention and the other flopped down and relaxed.*

  • Apple Marigold [Vox#DominoBug]

    November 30, 2018 at 9:20 pm

    Oh? *Apple heard Ginkachi’s voice but couldn’t see her at first until she said “You made it”*

    Gin…kachi? *She looks down at the bunny and blushes a little.* Awwh so cute!


    Okay lead the way! *She follows bunny Ginkachi into the woodlands*

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