character creation

  • Posted by woodfeather the patchwork on November 2, 2013 at 1:11 pm

    ~you may be a dragon~


    name: Quantum cherry
    talent: science
    age: is still a filly
    bio/looks: was created by a mad scientist, she has a slightly curly red and orange mane with mall pink horns between her ears. she has a blue coat that gets increasingly dark (her head is light blue but it gets darker t where her hooves are purple
    extra: actually likes dragons, even teen ones… as she is feared and hunted by other ponies.

    DisneyGurl replied 10 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • OtakuRoars

    August 23, 2014 at 9:27 pm

    name: Ice Breaker
    talent: Pony Alchemy and Magic
    age: fairly young.
    Shunned by those of her home land for her obsession with magic, being the only Zebra with a horn. She loved using her skills to help when she was younger despite being told not to and many villagers disliking it. Then as she grew she discovered Alchemy. She became very skilled (earning her cutie mark) and managed to make herself some wings (though they don’t look like regular pony wings (little mechanical with true pony feathers)). Having done so cause the village to only fear her skills more, many didn’t accept her for who she was and so she was made to leave and now wanders Equestria.
    Her pony magic being weather based, she doesn’t have need to use conventional Pegasus methods but follows the ways of the places she is at only in attempt to fit in though struggles to not be herself (has learned to hide it regardless of her hating doing so)

    ((I’ll try and upload her photo soon!))

  • DisneyGurl

    November 21, 2014 at 7:04 pm

    name: Ivy Rose
    talent: growing plants with her magic
    age: mare
    bio: woke up at a young age to find everyone gone. She wandered around fending for herself. Her talent was discovered when she saw a small tree that looked sick. Her being born a kind hearted pony she used a magic spell to save the tree earning her cutie mark which is a leaf.
    extra: is very shy and if she sees somepony she is unsure of she will run away from them and hide!

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