Characters 2 (The Prisoners & any other staff)

  • Rock ^RowdyGalactoseBestiarusz^

    June 19, 2017 at 7:57 pm

    My character:
    Prisoner’s Name: Rock
    Number: 69
    Cell Block: 13

    Mini Bio: ” Inmate number 1369. He is American, has a mohawk, wears long feather earrings, and is the physically largest of his fellow cell mates. He loves fighting and eating and is incredibly strong, with only some of the supervisors being stronger. He can be short tempered and impulsive, but cares for his friends, and mostly remains peaceful and happy. He escaped other prisons because the food was terrible, but likes the cooking at Nanba.” (source wikipedia)

  • Rock ^RowdyGalactoseBestiarusz^

    July 3, 2017 at 1:27 pm

    He’s in here somewhere! Or maybe he escaped!

  • Jyugo {EscapeArtistSugarKnight} Tairen MatoiAdjani

    July 12, 2017 at 9:02 am

    *grumbles after being drug back to cell 13 after attempting to escape* “No no I’m right here, I made it to the door this time.”

    (I’ll add my bio here too soon)

  • Momoko Hyakushiki (TegowaiSugarSoul)

    January 4, 2019 at 11:07 pm

    // all prisoners and other staff, let yourselves be known here please. thank you.//

  • Niko Beldine HayashiSakata ++AnamarisSugarFang++

    January 4, 2019 at 11:21 pm

    Prisoner Name: Nico

    Inmate Number: 25

    Cell Block: 13

    A short introduction on me:
    Nico has wild, bright green hair that reaches his lower back and he has a dark skin tone and reddish eyes, although one is covered with bandages. There are similar bandages covering his neck, right arm, and right leg. His usual outfit is a plain orange prison uniform. He has a ball and chain attached to his right ankle. Aside from this he is a very cheerful person, rarely taking things seriously; he is seen as happy go lucky. He is a huge anime and manga fan and he enjoys video games. He can be childish and immature at times, as well as being rather impulsive but he cares for his friends in cell block 13.

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