Character Creation One

  • Character Creation One

    Posted by Elliot Artificer on May 20, 2015 at 12:09 pm

    Create Characters Here (All items are optional)

    Name and/or Nickname:

    Personality and Character Quirks:

    Physical Traits:

    Special Skills and Abilities:

    Particular Weaknesses:

    Reason for being on Kleomina:

    Apollo V. replied 9 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Elliot Artificer

    May 20, 2015 at 12:30 pm


    Inventory (anything you can carry on your back, cumulatively):

  • Elliot Artificer

    May 20, 2015 at 12:33 pm

    Also, try not to make your characters too OP ;-P

    Creativity will be rewarded though, somehow…

  • Elliot Artificer

    May 20, 2015 at 12:38 pm

    Name: Jefferson Flimplip a.k.a. Jeff

    Personality: Despite often being a bit grumpy and easily annoyed, he tries to help people when he thinks they need it and is generally approachable.

    Physical Traits: Tall, muscular (if a bit chubby), when he stands upright he’s an intimidating looking fellow even with his blue and white work uniform, complete with cap.

    Special Skills and Abilities: He is extremely strong and pretty quick, he has an ability to sense trouble and possess a reasonably good knowledge about the planet.

    Particular Weaknesses: Pastries… He also get hay fever, really bad hay fever.

    Inventory: Everything at the bus stop. (this character is and exception to the “on your back rule”)

    Background: He just works here, more might be revealed in the unfolding story.

  • NatalieT396

    May 22, 2015 at 6:51 pm

    name: Lana Rosaline Mills or Rose.

    personality: Quiet, shy, can be outgoing once you get to know me, extremely smart

    Appearance: 5’2″ thin, medium length brown hair, brown eyes, large blue tortoise shell glasses, always has a book, wearing a black hoodie, dark blue skinny jeans, black converse, with a black leather backpack  and a duffel bag.

    Info: needed a new start so she left home and came here hoping for a new life.


  • cass coltheart

    May 23, 2015 at 8:55 am

    name:Caldera kingston aka Avalanche

    personality: extrovert, will talk to anyone and will talk a lot. she is cheerful, easy going, friendly but refuses to take nonsense and is serious when necessary

    physical traits 5″4,  srong build, light brown hair, dark skin, a slight squint. always wears light clothing, t-shirts, shorts etc

    skills/abilities: military training, extensive engineering knowledge

    inventory: duct tape,monkey wrench, wire cutters, varios other knick knacks and a shotgun…yknow…just in case….

    info: ex military engineer and demolitionist, caldera realised that the peace time was unlikely to end soon. after the new planet was discovered she saw an oppurtunity to get her life back on track and going somewhere.

  • The Destructive Force

    May 24, 2015 at 9:31 pm

    Name: Dipperson VonDutch A.K.A. Dipstick

    Personality: Extremely easy going, thoughtful, extrovert, encouraging, sees things on a bright side. However, he has a very short fuse with compensates for something extremely drastic (You have been warned). When angered, can become irrational, crude, and unnaturally violent. Ironically, it’s amazingly easy to cool his jets, by using reason and something cute, like a hug.

    Physical Traits: 6’2, 181.7 lbs, bluish-green eyes and blond hair pulled forward into a big spike. Commonly wears biker clothing, like a leather jacket with red streaks, leather pants with yellow flames, a red T-shirt underneath, fingerless gloves, and combat boots.

    Abilities: Dipstick has a small number of abilities. The Phoenix Flame is ancient magical power within Dipstick that can be activated via extreme rage. One activated, he’ll turn into an enormous blazing phoenix. This power has a couple of extra abilities such as fireproof, a weakness to fire and Ash Renewal, an ability that Dipstick uses to heal himself by burning his wound into ash and renew it through that. However, Ash Renewal leaves him open for a major attack.

    Weapons: Because of the search for a new life, Dipstick’s arsenal is limited, but still very powerful. He wields an ancient blade known as the King’s Fury, a blade that controls his Phoenix Flame and allows him to use fire attacks as he wasn’t able before. The Eruption, a cobalt double flail that when swung around fast enough can burst into flames.

    Weaknesses: Cold, it’s very easy to freeze this guy in his tracks.

    Backstory: Long story short, Dipstick left the military to this planet to check it out.

  • Apollo V.

    May 28, 2015 at 12:52 am

    Name and/or Nickname: Apollo

    Personality and Character Quirks: Tends to stay professional in front of a large group and people, simply to hide the massive amount of power he possesses, since exposure will lead to him being widely hunted.

    Physical Traits: Apollo has been augmented in height, being about 7’2 right now. He has black hair and wears a gray/black track shirt and pants. The most noticeable trait is that he refuses to wear shoes on any occasion.

    Special Skills and Abilities: Apollo has an internal thermal generator, giving him the ability to generate heat as well as redirect it to the point of burning various things. His skin is toughened through epidermis augmentation, the soles of his feet and palms are about twice as thick as leather, being fire resistant. He can slow his fall by heating the air below his feet, acting as a cushion. He’s skilled at aiming any weapon and possesses a miniature railgun, which he’s spent his whole life with.

    Particular Weaknesses: Unfortunately, his thermokinetic abilities are in tune with his emotion and thoughts, so something as simple as a mental block can prevent him from using ANY of his abilities. Getting him too angry will cause him to go haywire, injuring those around him as well as himself.

    Reason for being on Kleomina: Apollo is Kleomina in the belief that there is a darker meaning to the planet and why there is a large population flocking to it. He desires to know everything about the planet as well as set up an outpost for his town.

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