One Piece: Rise of Pirates, The Third Age
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After the Death of the second King of Pirates, the balance was overturned and Marines took over the... View more
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After the Death of the second King of Pirates, the balance was overturned and Marines took over the seas. The Yonkou were all destroyed and once the Shichibukai had performed their use, were executed as well. Once the powers were out of their way, they seized full controls of the ocean and slaughtered all those who would commit crimes on the sea for fear of a new coming. Fleet Admiral Nomikomu will see to it that Pirates are erased from existence.
The RolePlay
Coby felt Axel’s strength and was able to hold back at a matching strength with seemingly no problem. He listened to what Axel had to say and he lost his warm smile, a deep wave of regret releasing from its pent up dam. When Axel released his hand, he released as well and his eyes were dark as they filled with his self-hate. His very being seemed to turn from that of a proud Vice Admiral to a man scorned by his own vices. Before Axel could run, when he felt the sting of being accused of breaking what he meant to Garp, he spoke out, “I could have never been but I tried my hardest… I shouldn’t have done what I did…” When the shark began to run, Coby called out to him in an angered tone, “You don’t understand the choice that had to be made. I had to choose between two that I considered family. One brought life and a chance for change where the other would have brought death to millions more. I don’t kill pirates here. I offer them reprieve where other marines would follow the kill on sight. The sun pirates are nearly always protected because of the mark’s history but others have no chance and I give them one.” He watched as the shark got closer to the water and his voice rose, “I KNOW THE KING STILL LIVES! HE LIVES AS LONG AS A SINGLE PIECE OF HIM REMAINS!” He then returned inside to continue running the grouping as he whispered to himself, “I didn’t want to kill him…” He should have killed Axel or at least went after him, but he was tired of injury and bloodshed. He was also tired of hospitality being spat upon. He was not going to kill another pirate, despite the laws, ever again.
Axel would hear Mihawk over his snail and say, “Axel, you’re as bad as Mako when it comes to muting your snail.”
“KISHI~! DO IT AGAIN~!” Tanakami was squealing with excitement on her end. “Crap! Brook, get off my wing, that hurts~!” [size size=8]”Sorry!”[/size]
“Heiwa, status,” Mihawk asked.
“Shut it right n-“ She appeared to have muted her snail before finishing her sentence though the sound of water rushing around her and splashing could be heard.
“I think she’s drowning them,” Kid put in his input.
A very angry voice of Mako’s gunner chimed up, “Go fuck yourself.”
“Shut up, sushi,” was the rebuttal.
“Both of you calm down,” Darcel spoke.
“You can shut up too, rabbit stew.”
“Act your ages,” Mihawk spoke again, “If you can’t at least do that then the best you can do is leave and cower on your own.”
Mako’s snail was unmuted but a smooth male voice came through of Truble’s gunner, “Since Heiwa can’t give you the fyi since she ain’t here, Mako’s doing alright. Heiwa went after our captain. I think I can see her on the way back and no one is drownin no one. Kid, put up or shut up. We’re all after the same thing and if you can’t play nice on the team, I am sure that Mihawk will put you in your place in two seconds or less.”
After that snail was muted, Mihawk said, “Axel, do your best. We are here if you need us.” -
-Axel knew his words would dig deep and that was there intent could such a simple thing bring such a power to its knees. He shook his head thinking this is what they feared, such cowards were not to be respected but to be walked upon and forgotten. He would have respected the man if he had hit Axel but no he simply let him walk away. He steered the ship through the sea hoping he could get some breathing room. He listened to what was being said before he spoke” Before my dying day I will stand as one of the four, those who holds these spots stand tall for your what I see as my greatest challenge, Those who hide in the shadows known as the undead, you are the ones who could destroy these four without blinking, you are the ones that make my soul burn as a pirate. I am going to rule this land and make it so those who call themselves the law will stand trial while we pass judgement on there treason to morality,, Mute”. He tucked the snail away and sighed as the storm hit the boat he used his adrenalin fulled anger to pull it strong he almost heard the wood begin to splinter at the waves strength. He hoped to make land before day break but he was unsure so he would rise it out till he reached the shore of the next island there he will make his next decisions.-
The other end of the snails went silent for a couple of hours. Sometime, when Axel was in the middle of the storm. He would hear an unfamiliar male voice sound through the snail. “Sometimes, the young are the ones who destroy what is in the future. Other times, they are the ones that save it. Without the marines, a pirate’s life is menial. Without pirates, no one needs marines for protection say for the common bandits and petty thieves.” The voice paused and then said, “We all hide, because we are needed. Soon, we will not need to. Your challenge is accepted.”
There was silence for ten minutes before Mihawk spoke up, “The undead have spoken.”
The next message over the snails was from a very weak sounding Mako, “That… was a first…” A cough came through next and the sounds of people trying to keep her down but it seemed she was struggling. “BACK THE FUCK,” She coughed in the middle of her statement, “OFF!” It was clear that she was irritated. She then spoke again, “Axel… We’re proud of you… And Heiwa… We know you took off… Thanks for saving Truble… And for volunteering… to help Axel…” She took a deep gargled breath and said, “Mihawk… Stats on the Fleet Admiral… He’s fucking powerful… He’s taken the Yami Yami No Mi to a level beyond its previous user… He also has two other powers… The one… I don’t exactly understand… When Truble saw me go down… Before I blacked out… I could have sworn… He got stronger…” She took a stop to breath, “And he has a zoan… I… Have no clue what… The hell… It is… It’s like… A wolf with the… claws of a reptile… And wings… Teeth sharper than a shark’s and the jaw strength… Of an angry crocodile… Even with Haki… He snapped my arm in half…” She stopped talking and from the lack of breathing sounds, it was clear she had muted.
“That’s because you’re worthless,” It was Kid again, putting in his input. His voice was more sour, as if he himself was blaming the newer generation for the abomination in the marines. “Why didn’t you use that karate?”
“I did… asshole,” She spoke back and said, “And…”
“And what?!” Kid sounded like he was yelling at her, “If it almost got you killed, then it’s no good.”
“It did… Some damage…” Mako sounded like she was growling through but was then coughing up a storm.
The snail was taken from her and Truble’s doctor spoke, his voice could haunt and chill to the very core of any being’s bones, “Kid, you are stressing out an emergency care patient… I cannot allow this. Mute your snail and sulk on your own. This information is vital so allow the adults to talk.”
“I’m older than you,” Kid sounded back.
“Kid, shut the fuck up,” Tanakami sounded pissed, “You’re ruining the good mood. You also ruined round nine with your whiney ass voice.”
“Tanakami,” Mihawk didn’t need to say more for her to back out of the conversation. “Kid, back down.”
The garbled voice of the undead came through, “You will be removed from us if you dare keep talking back.”
“Am I late?” The voice of Buggy sounded through, it was distraught and seemed like he had been through hell and back as well.
“You’re finally connected,” Mihawk almost sounded relieved. “How are your marine connections?”
“Not good,” He admitted. “From the news I have received, Jango is dead. They know what I look like currently at the Reverse Mountain so I am stuck in the Grand Line until I change appearance and alibies. I called Helmeppo, he cannot speak to me until I change alibies. I recently called Coby and he seemed really… Not himself. He threatened to track me down and eliminate me. I believe something made him snap. He is no longer a safe contact. In his rantings, I heard him say something about wanting to be killing a shark?” He was silent a moment, “Said he was sending a couple fleets after someone and said I would be next. I left that snail out in open waters. He can’t track us. Mako’s, um… Doctor gave me this snail. For a fish, she’s very cute.”
There was giggling heard from another part of the connection that could only have been assumed to be the doctor. Then the undead spoke again, “Glad you made it, Buggy. But all of this information is highly distressing and will put a lot of strain on what we stand for.” The lines went silent again. -
-Axel heard everything being said and couldn’t bring himself to speak again as he began to feel the weight of his actions. He needed strength and was unsure of where to find it”unmute, I will be making my way to the next island in the line so that I can hide my ships and the flags and whitebeards jacket”. he let that last item slide from the tip of his tongue” I am unaware of it being removed from its resting place of the grave site so this could be a fake but Heiwa so it, I need to hide these items where the marines will not find them so I will be taking them to this island and digging a massive hole and burying them deep till I can return for them, I will be traveling by swimming from now on and I will take my chances with the sea kings then the marines and enter the calm belt where I can swim but there ships can not follow, I will not bring this plague to my home so I will need another place to roam hopefully this will lead to me gaining power”. He was hoping his little boat could get him there soon enough before they caught up. He knew the jacket he had wasn’t fake the damage was to perfect and the blood just seemed to old to be that of a replica. He sailed untill he made land running with the three chests he ran and and he ran hard till he reached an area of the island so thick with threes that even a small human would have trouble entering so he ripped up one of the trees and then began to dig deeper under it till he was sure it was deep enough and buried his treasure opening each to take one last look at before he made sure they were all secure to fight off any erosion as these chests were meant to last generations under worse conditions. He then covered it in dirt and then forced the tree back in position. he made it looked similar to the others but he drew a hat on the tree and under it he scratched M.D.L and ran from the area. He went back to the dock and once he got his fruit and supplies of the ship smashed it to pieces and then began throwing the pieces out to sea. He took his supplies to the other side of the island from where he buried his treasure and found a clearing where he could eat some of his fruit and dry meat. He was starving after all of this stress, he needed rest so after his meal he laid down flat. He made sure if you were coming from that direction that you wouldn’t be able to see him because of the tall grass. He was unsure of the other direction but it seemed mostly forest so he doubted someone coming from there.-
Carina’s nodded slightly when the admiral promised to reward her for dispatching former Rear Admiral Jango.The action was difficult and sent her head spinning slightly. She closed her eyes, partly in relief that she had been victorious after all, and also to try and reduce her headache. Carina didn’t need to see the expression on the admiral’s face to pick up on his anger when he ordered the other marines to bring medical. The clattering of booted feet on the floor signaled that the men were obeying his order. Oh thank goodness. I’m not sure how much longer I can go on for.
She obligingly took his hand and followed the admiral as best as she could, hopeful that they were headed towards the medical ward and grateful that she didn’t need to navigate the hallways entirely by herself in such a disoriented and dizzy state. Carina leaned some of her weight on the admiral to make it easier for herself to walk.Her body was feeling heavier than normal from a combination of her exhaustion and sore leg. By the way he had scooped up the dead corpse of Jango, she guessed that he would be coming with them to medical.
“Aye, sir,” she responded in a slightly wavering voice thick with blood and exhaustion, “I ate the Doku Doku no Mi and now I’m a Poison Human. I can make and control any type of poison.” As if realizing something, Carina added, “I’m safe to touch right now, though.” She didn’t want the admiral to start worrying about himself or the medics accidentally getting poisoned.
Mihawk spoke words to Axel after he said about the jacket, “Make certain they are never truly lost. Communications silent for now. Only direct contact lines until Axel assures his end is safe.”
The communication was silent for a while and when Axel was eating, he got a direct communication. It was the voice from before that was one of the undead. “Axel,” The voice spoke, “Those had better be hidden well. You’d also better remember how to find it. You will be assured a bloody death if you don’t make sure you can retrace your steps.” He took a breath and said, “You getting stronger will be very important and I think you should train with Mihawk, Mako, Truble, Darcel, Buggy, Brook, Crocodile if you can find him, Tanakami, and then maybe I will have a drink with you. We can train after that. I would suggest you find Crocodile first. All we know is that he is in Alabasta. If you can’t then go to Buggy first, he shouldn’t be too far into the grand line. Once you train with one, then go to the other. Then get back in contact with me.” The direct line was cut off before there was a response.Someone was moving out into the open area, presumably from the town nearby. The male saw the shark in what he typically used as a training ground and called out, “You, state your reason for being here.” He had a sword at his side and one of his hands were firmly on it. He seemed close to drawing his blade at any second should the shark advance or speak ill. His mind was racing on what he was doing and didn’t know if this was friend or foe. Though he was just eating, it seemed but he would not take a chance.
The admiral placed his arm on the other side of her to let her lean on him once he felt her weight shift to him. He made sure to keep her steady and even when she explained that she had a poison fruit that allowed her to make all kinds of poisons, he didn’t even budge from helping her. He just kept keeping her along and smirked a bit. He spoke to her honestly as they neared the medical ward, “I understand that fruit powers can be turned on and off. I personally think from experience with other users that you and other fruit users have more discipline than normal people.” He chuckled a bit. “If you all wanted to, you all could show no restraint and use your powers nearly all the time to train them and eventually wipe out everyone… But instead, you train when necessary and keep it pent up from hurting comrades.”
He led her into the medical ward and looked at a nurse and she came right over. He then directed his full attention on the nurse as he said, “Make sure she is well soon. I would like to speak with her about her deeds in great detail in order to promote her properly.” He then handed her over as he said, “I have a dead body to dispose of.” He backed away as the nurse reached out to help her to a bed to begin diagnostics and emergency first aide.
As The captain came running up and issued her and order she nodded to him and looked to the mem and sighed and shoved out of the door way and stumbled before getting her footing again and she grabbed two of the less injured me and looked at them. “You can walk you can carry men now help me get them to the base or so help me I will throw you into one of these cracks.” She grabbed two of the men onto her shoulders and growled at their weight. And started to stumble and carry them to the base and narrowed her eyes growling. “Bastards.” She whispered then looked at the people gathering. “Everyone follow me We are going to the Marine base You will be safe there.” She called out and the town started to follow her towards the base the door still open from when she had launched out of it and carried the two men down to the infirmary and dropped them on bed and then looked to the town that was pouring in and started to rush out jumping from shock to shock as the tremors carried through the town. She continued to move men into the base tell all that was left was her outside and she thought a moment now that everyone was in the base and closed her eyes as she continued to hop from tremor to tremor. She then rushed back to the base and slipped inside and looked to the sand devil. “Sir I would Like to go do One last sweep of the town make sure we have everyone. If I find anyone I will get them back here if I don’t I will return Quickly.”
The people seemed relieved in the shaking base but at the least it would hold up better than the houses were. The Sand Devil had worked his ass off to help his injured crew and further his things. Once he was finished with what seemed to be them all, the girl from the doorframe earlier approached him to ask him the most idiotic question he’d ever heard. His eyes narrowed upon her and he began to walk outside, looking at the seas getting worse. He spoke out as he flickered his eyes back to her, “You can search the island but don’t leave it. So help those you can and if there are others out in the sea then they have been claimed.” He walked out nearly steadily despite the fierce shaking. “Searching for survivors of the sea will be better for after the tremors cease… If they are from a fight then they should not last long. As for those on the land, move swiftly.”
He began to walk towards the waters and watch their fury from a closer view. He watched his own ship be taken by the fierce waves and started to think about the smaller boat he’d encountered some time before and hoped the shark didn’t have to face the waters when they were like this. He felt the ground crack beneath his feet and would step to one side of the fissure and then resumed staring and thinking on how terrible this could become.
Nodding to her captain and turned and bounded out bouncing from tremor to tremor she had always been the agile one in the crew and she soon bounced into a shop and skidded across the floor and checked for a basement while in here she also checked for cash and anything small of value she could place in her pouches that would not raise suspicion of what she was doing. Hearing the growl from the dog she kneeled and braced herself against the counter. “Look we need to get you to safety If you can follow me I will take you I just don’t want you hurt.” She said then hearing it growl even more she sighed leaving it be she would tell the captain let him deal with it. She then bounced to the bar and searched the upper and lower area of the bar. Finding the alcohol and the food she took and head the food and alcohol elsewhere on the island during the chaos she would be easily undetectable then. Slipping back into the town she hit the first house and found two people dyeing and sighed. She snatched what cash she could see and then looked to the two. “Look I’m going to get you to the Marine base just a second.” She bounced out of the house and shouted down to the docks hoping her voice carried. “Captain I have two people dieing can you get them out”
The Sand Devil could hear her clearly and his eyes would narrow down again, he turned to where her voice came from and ran there. He made his way quickly and picked up the two injured citizens then took off back towards the base, dropping them off with men that could get them through to the medical wing fast. The sand devil proceeded back outside and went back to the docks. He wanted to keep a watch on the situation, simply punching through and breaking things that would have crushed someone who was untrained. He resumed getting lost in his thoughts, arms crossed in a worried state of being.
She watched him take the two people back to the base once he was out of sight she continued to search the home. As she pulled the last of what she could find in the home out she then rushed out hopping to the next home and sliding in seeing another person dieing and grabbed the cash that was visable and then picked the man up inside and leaped out of the home and rushed jumping form one tremor to the next and handing him off to a marine to get him medical attention and rushed back out stopping at that house and searched the home Seeing nothing of value she moved on to the next and sighed seeing another dead person and picked her up being careful to launch to the base bouncing there and dropped them off before rushing back to the house searching it. Taking what she could and leaving the perishable items behind seeing no use in taking them she moved onto the next house taking the man she found there back to the marine base and launching back into the town and searching that home. Stashing the cash in her pouches she launches to the next house and searches it taking what cash she can see then Hollers down to the coast for the Captain. “Captain We have two more dieing that need to be taken back to the Marine base. Still searching the house for more survivors.”
The Sand Devil stood firm until he heard the call of the woman again. He would stride long and move his legs swift as he arrived upon the next house of being called for assistance. He carefully placed his arms around the dying pair of those who resided in the home. He then picked up and placed them upon his shoulders before rushing them back as the tremors began to worsen. He rushed getting there and gently handed them off to two Seamen Apprentices for escorts to the medical room. He turned to return to his thoughts but a Commander walked up to him and spoke swiftly, “Sir, I have news.”
“What kind of news?” The Sand Devil looked to this step lower of a rank with concern in his eyes.
“First,” The Commander spoke to his Captain, “We know the cause of these tremors and that they will cease in a few hours. The pirate that he was so fighting was forced to flee.”
The Sand Devil tensed at the thought of a pirate even being able to escape the Fleet Admiral. He took a deep breath and relaxed, not realizing his pupils were nearly completely slit until he took the notion to relax. “So… Truble lives… Did he not persue?”
“He did,” The Commander attempted to not stutter, continuing before the Captain could reply, “Second, There is a declared pirate. News came from Vice Admiral Coby. He wants some of us sent after the culprit.”
“There are no pirates dumb enough to announce themselves,” The Sand Devil insisted. “We’ll send a fleet anyways, send Lieutenant Commander Kerak.”
“One more thing sir,” The Commander urged before the Sand Devil could leave again, “The people have reported that woman out scouting of robbing them right in their plain sight. I can show you the accusers in the medical wing-…”
“That won’t be necessary,” The Sand Devil left swiftly and made his way using his acute senses to find the woman plundering in one of the houses. He would stand with his arms crossed and would speak firmly and angrily, “What do you think you’re doing?” He would stand strong in the doorway out, his eyes slit like the predator he was.
The admiral’s words gave Carina some food for thought, despite how muddled her thought process currently was. Was the discipline and restraint of Devil Fruit Users due to natural selection or happenstance? How many nameless people died from being unable to fully utilize their abilities or by accidentally drowning?
Carina allowed herself to be led into the medical ward where one of the nurses approached her immediately with a look of concern on his face. Carina’s heart skipped a slight beat at the admiral’s mention of her promotion, and she broke into a pleased grin before getting ushered by the nurse into an area of the medic ward divided by a thin curtain for treatment of her injuries and a quick diagnostic.A bright light was shone in Carina’s eyes by the first nurse as another bustled in with a box filled with bandages, antibiotic gel and suturing supplies to work on the bloody cut Jango had made on her arm. After much fussing and prodding at the nasty blue-purple bruise snaked around the young marine’s shin, the nurses finished their examination. A third nurse came in to hear what was the problem and then left again to go inform the admiral.
“So, did I win?” Carina asked with a slightly out of it grin.
“Well, your injuries aren’t life-threatening. You’re lucky your leg wasn’t broken in that fight. That cut will need stitches, but that’s not too much of a problem,” the male nurse informed Carina with a winning smile which faltered when she returned the smile with a look of worry that she tried and failed to disguise. The second nurse subtly moved to prevent the seventeen year old from attempting to bolt out of the medic ward, and tightened her grip on the injured arm.
The nurse explaining Carina’s injuries adjusted his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose and checked the clipboard with Carina’s medical record and frowned, “Oh. Your Devil Fruit…” He glanced back with an apologetic grimace, “Well, regardless of whether anesthesia affects you, you’ll still need to get those stitches. Sorry about that.” He knew that Carina was responsible for making most of the base’s anesthesia, but it looked like Devil Fruit Powers had some serious disadvantages as well. “It looks like you have a slight concussion, but nothing that a good night’s sleep and taking it easy for the rest of the day won’t fix. Come back if you start feeling dizzy or unusual though.” He walked over to a drawer containing medical supplies and pulled out an ice pack and handed it to Carina to place over the large bump on her head. “Hold that there, would you?”
“Yeah, okay. I did win though, right? ‘m not as bad as the other guy, am I?”
“Umn.. yeah. You killed the Rear— I mean…Jango, remember?” The nurse reminded, attempting to be patient as he forced the girl’s hand closed around the ice pack and maneuvered it over her goose egg.
“Oh. Yes, I did. Just making sure he’s still dead. He could have gotten better.”
The nurse gave Carina a kind of slightly exasperated look, noticing the confused and slightly zonked out look on Carina’s face, the nurse turned to the other nurse currently dabbing antibiotics onto the arm wound. “Might as well do it now, when she’s half-out of it.” He grabbed the injured arm and steadied it so that Carina’s pained twitches and struggles wouldn’t mess up the stitches.
Soon, the girl was all bandaged up and it seemed like the pain of getting ten stitches to close up her arm worked well to clear out the foggy haziness she was experiencing from the concussion. She was responding more quickly and she was now speaking coherently. The bump on her head was still a bit swollen, but starting to go down and it didn’t hurt nearly as much either.
The nurse pulled back the curtain now that the surgery was over with and then went to go give his report to the admiral.
The admiral took the reports and waited until she was coherent. He didn’t mind the hours of waiting and was impressed by the shock absorbers installed in the medical ward. It was almost as if there wasn’t mass tremors occurring outside. On the second report, he rose to his feet and entered in despite advisory not to. He pulled himself up a seat next to the no longer disoriented woman and gave her an approving smirk. “So, let’s do this,” He spoke as if he was in a tad bit of a rush.
One of the other members ran in and leaned over to the admiral and whispered into his ear, “The Fleet Admiral is fighting a pirate on the Grand Line and that’s where the tremors are from…”
The admiral seemed to tense up and then he flicked his hand at the wrist to usher the lesser to leave. They nodded and headed away. The admiral turned his attention back to the woman in the bed and let out a concerned sigh as he said, “Don’t mind that, apparently the tremors aren’t natural. One of your own who happen to not have control, clearly stated by the world shaking.” He hauned over to place his elbows on his knees as he said, “So, other than killing a highly skilled pirate, what are your other applicable skills?” It was clear he had concern in his eyes, mostly over the fact of her injuries that should have been much worse. He was trying to place together why the Rear Admiral could be taken down so easily. Then the shaking, there should have been more injury due to that as well. He was just happy the medical ward was only slightly rocking, perhaps just his mind adjusting to being still.
He refocused and asked of her once the answer was given and said, “How did Jango treat you?” He was curious but he also wanted to hear whether he was truly a marine or had been a pirate the entire time. He didn’t want to take the word of a document, they could be forged. Words could be forged too but the young are not as well to twisting them, so in her words he would put her faith. He himself did get to see Jango take a bullet for the men behind him where he simply could have dodged and let them be killed. He pondered on each word, taking it in and seeming deep in thought.
-Axel was in the middle of eating a large leg of chicken when he looked over and saw the male so Axel sighed shaking his head at the male wondering why his luck was horrid this evening. He turned and rose to his feet before walking towards him” you will leave here and tell no one of seeing me and by morning I will be gone and nothing will be out of place, I have came to this island for sanctuary while I plan my next step to get past the marines and into the grandline. Axel put his right hand behind his back and decided to use that ability that he had been keeping to himself if this human decided to cause problem. Axel began to move his fingers to his palm and then stretching them out then moving them back in as he pulled the liquid out of the air. He then dipped the tips of his fingers in the water puddle that was pooling into his palm. His sand paper like skin made the water droplets stick to his skin so his attack was prepared and at this distance it would be hard to block unless this male was super fast.-
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