One Piece
Anything and everything related to One Piece. You may rp, use your OCs, and talk about it. Talk... View more
Sign below when you are done reading the rules and you can RP!
2. You must be respectful. In Character(IC) is an exception.
3. When you make your character, make sure it is a good description. Add pictures if possible.
4. You can only die if you want to die. Others can kill you, but have to have permission first.
5. If you do not follow these rules, you will be notified. Do it again and face the consequences.
6. NO METAGAMING! This means no crossing your Out Of Character(OOC) and IC. Your character does not know some things you might.
7. You can submit evil character ideas or any ideas in general you would like to add to the Rp, such as Arcs, in the Ideas forum.
8. If you have any other ideas for rules, just say so.
9. Try your best to stay active. I know commenting can be hard sometimes, but if you are gone for a WHILE, you will be notified.
10. Watch the amount of roleplayers in a roleplay, if it is too much, stay out of it and make your own or join a less-popular one until further notice.
11. If you want a crossover, make your own forum.
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