Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose
Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose
A temple of the gods and goddesses that watch over the multiverse guardians of the GrandSugarClan. They enter through Satou Arcanum and it’s location is found deep within the Ancient Retreat of Heavenly Beings. Here they hold long and formal conversations about the their observations.
++Note: This group is mainly for members of the GrandSugarClan, although all may enter and use this group,
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☥ All new arrivals and new rp characters, we ask that you first join Skyrie.net group read the forum topics there and understand how to get around Skyrie and what’s expected of you.
☥ Please do not insert yourself in any ongoing rp without permission.
☥ If we find any post we deem irrelevant we will delete it without warning.
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