Parkour Island
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Active 6 years ago
We crashed on a deserted island with abandoned houses and terrifying monsters that lurk at night. All... View more
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Posted by Exportedfish55 on October 19, 2015 at 11:22 pm-I wake up on the roof of a building as parts of the plane’s debris around me on fire as I stand up and look around for survivors-
Twelve Year-Old Girl. Her Father Found This Account replied 9 years, 1 month ago 8 Members · 239 Replies -
239 Replies
Nero slowly opens his eyes and pushes himself up off the ground. “Damn it…what the hell hit us a flying cow.” He said before fully standing before looking around and noticed he was in an abandoned playground. “Well wonderful…from hell to Tartarus…well could be worse I guess.” He said before he took a step forward and tripped over a seesaw face-planting on the other side. “…I deserve that…”
Sky wakes up and looks around. She is in a plane chair still strapped in. She notices she is on top of a roof. She sits up and leans on her elbows. Suddenly, she feels a sharp pain in her thigh. She looks down and notices there is a sharp piece of the plane in her leg. Her eyes change to a purple color and she whimpers in pain. She gently unbuckles her seat belt and moves to the side a bit. She feels a tear slip out of her eye as she looks up. She sees a boy on the roof she is on, not to far away wanderig around. “H-Hey! Over h-here!” She winces from the pain.
Nero pushes himself up again and dust himself off again. “Alright from now on no jinxing it.” He said before he started to walk through the alleyways of the buildings. “Hmm…should probably get to higher ground.” He said before he tested his legs and when he though he was good he ran and jumped onto the nearest ledge and started to climb to the top.
Cakesniffer wakes up feeling lightheaded and face first in dirt. “Agh!” Long gashes are on her forearms and leg. She stands, her legs wobble and she falls back on her butt, “well, this is just wonderful.”
-I’m a nightmare and I’m going crazy, You’re going nowhere so I’m taking you with me- Sagittaurius
Cakesniffer notices a struggling girl, a bit older than herself. She walks over, “Oh my, do you need some ice?” She asks sarcastically, She laughs and adds, “I think we should call an ambulance, oh, heh, wait, we’re on an island IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!” Then she starts examining the girls wound despite her bad attitude.
<span style=”font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 20.4px;”>-I’m a nightmare and I’m going crazy, You’re going nowhere so I’m taking you with me- Sagittaurius</span>
Sky looks up at the younger girl. “Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for coming!… Okay, do you think we should… try to pull it out?” She winces at her own words, knowing it will extremly hurt if she did that.
-I hear and see other people as I start running to them jumping from roof to roof sliding on tables and making my way to the two girls. When I reach them I see one is injured as I look into her eyes softly- “Are yall alright?”
Sky looks up at the boy and shakes her head slightly trying not to move her leg. She looks around and says, “I’m gonna pull the piece out.”
“here let me assist with this ok.” -I rip off a piece of my shirt and tie it in a huge knot and hand it to the injured girl-“Bite down on this and ill pull it out and treat the wound ok.” -I rip another piece of my shirt off and tie it slightly above the wound where you have no blood circulating to it and I quickly rip it out and move the tied piece of clothing around your leg down on the wound applying pressure to it- “was that so hard now here climb on ill get you somewhere safer than here.” -I bend down low and assist you on my back as my eyes turn to the younger girl and I smile softly- “would you like to come with me and her I promise im not a killer my names Kai by the way.”
At the part where Kai was pulling out the piece, Sky screams a bit and a couple tears roll down her face. After, she gently stands up with the help from Kai. She gently hops on his back and wraps her arms around his neck softly and losely.
-I look at the two girls as I start to walk slowly and I lift up a couple times when I feel the girl on my back slide down as I come to a house that was cleaned enough I softly sit the girl on the nice and comfortable looking couch and I help the other girl sit their with the wounded one as I kneel down on a knee I look up to the wounded one-“May I try and apply better medication to your wound?”
Sky looks at the boy and shakes his head no, that she doesn’t mind. She looks softly at the boy in the eyes. She glances down at her leg.
-I unwrap the bandage and look at the wound as I jump up and run around the house looking for alcohol later I find a bottle of vodka and I run back as I pop open the lid and take a huge swig of the vodka swallowing it then pouring some on the wound to sterilize it and get all the bacteria out. As I do so i let her grip my hand to use like a stress ball to squeeze. When I finish treating it I rip off another piece of my shirt and tie it around her wound and look at her-“Ok its cleaned and treated properly so you should be good to go.”-I smile kindly at the girl and sit on my knees drinking the vodka as I take more swigs I stop and offer the girl a drink of it-
Sky tightens her hand around the boys hand as she winces, holding back a scream. After the boy offers her a drink she shakes her head no and says, “No thank you. I don’t like to drink.” She looks down at her leg and sighs. She looks up at the boy. “By the way, I’m Sky.”
Zero sits in a pile of broken plane peices, his chair shattered underneath him, a peice of plane has been stuck in his stomach, he can’t pull it out. Though, he can heal it quickly, it doesn’t mean that it will still hurt.
He lifts up his jacket and shirt, Zero sighs, “Great, it’s in deeper than I thought.” He graps onto the end of the sharp peice of white metal. Zero closes his eyes and pulls it out, he screams then shuts it in a second. Blood fills his hand and comes out of his stomach, “Shit.” Zero quickly takes off his jacket and wraps it around his waist. “Okay, okay, good…I’m good.” He slowly stands up and looks around, he limps out of the busted plane. He looks around and leans on a tree.
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