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Pokemon rp! In comes a new era!
Pokemon rp! In comes a new era!
(Gosh, for such a big group there’s not many forums here XD)
After all is said and done, pokemon are just pokemon, and humans just humans. No matter your experience with them, or even your connection, you are two very separate species. This means that Pokemon are subseptable to things that humans are not, and vice-versa.
Things in the world of Pokemon were going along as always, with Team Rocket blasting off and some trainers challenging gyms. Others were just starting their adventures as trainers, and others simply milling around the household, doing chores. Students were in school, learning to be trainers. However, the wild Pokemon were hiding in anticipation of what was to come, and sure enough it came. The Pokemon slowly began to turn on their trainers, their friends, and themselves. People began to fear them, but this is only the beginning of the story. We have yet to find the ending, as it is unfolding as we speak. I needed you to understand the direness of the situation, so you may be for it or against it. Choose now, young one, for your decision will greatly affect this world.
Essence looked around, feeling the presence of something strong close in on her. She brought up her palm, the spike on the back of her hand glowing as aura pulsed through it. Her ears twitched, and her fur blew lightly in the wind. This was a Lucario, female, and unable to see aura’s. She could sense them, sure enough, but seeing them was another story altogether. The bushes behind her rustled, and she spun around, still in a ready position. A girl tripped out of them, followed quickly by a jigglypuff. The pink puffball’s eyes were glowing red, which was only magnified in the late afternoon’s darkness. Essence quickly jumped between the girl and her pokemon, throwing a ball of burning aura towards Jigglypuff.
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