This is the Pokemon general group! Here, you can roleplay as a trainer in one of the many regions, be... View more
Pokemon Tabletop Roleplaying
Pokemon Tabletop Roleplaying
Hello! I am currently working on a Pathfinder campaign (a table top rpg similar to Dungeons and Dragons) in which all of the players are Pokémon trainers and must catch and defeat wild Pokémon on their quest to save the world from the evil “Team Vendetta”, a group of criminal Pokémon trainers with a Shadow Dialga.
This production is still under construction, and I hope to have it finished along with some reference sheets for any other people who would like to play/run this game by this January.
What I am curious about whether you guys have potential ideas to add.
Basically, what do you wish the world of Pokémon had which you can’t find in the games? What are your favorite things about Pokémon? What are your least favorite? Can Burst Warriors and Pokémon trainers coexist peacefully? Is there anything in particular you like/dislike about Pokémon Mystery Dungeon? Do you guys prefer Pokémon anime mechanics or game mechanics?
Feel free to give me some feedback! I’d love to hear from you!
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