• Loaka of the Wind

    September 27, 2014 at 11:22 am

    There doesn’t seem to be any doors immediately ahead, or to the right, so you turn left towards the T-intersection.

    Along the ground is this weird little trail of RED, like someone dragged a huge bristly BRUSH over the ground, or pulled a DEAD GUYinto a hiding place. You judge the odds of either of these things being true as roughly equal. Being the only interesting thing ahead, you continue, turning to look down to the right of the hallway.

    Without the light of your room at your back, you’re relying a bit more on your own lights here. The corridor seems to end here as well, at least for the right turn. There’s a PURPLE DOUBLE-DOOR to your left and an OPEN DOORWAY to the right, where the curious trail leads. Both have terminals next to them, logically for opening and closing said doors, but neither are receiving power. The unyielding metal of the purple door makes that a dead end until you can retrieve some manner of PRYING tool.

    There’s a dark, forbidding room ahead, or an entirely unexplored path behind you. Or you could just give in to madness, though that will likely achieve nothing, given your COLD, LOGICAL ROBOT MIND.

  • Max

    September 27, 2014 at 6:45 pm

    >LOOK into the open doorway

  • Loaka of the Wind

    September 28, 2014 at 12:40 pm

    You look inside, and find that the room is FAIRLY EMPTY

    Well, except for that massive something-stain on the floor. The floor’s got a huge puddle right in the middle of this weird, triangular room. There’s nothing in here but the stain, with any features on the wall merely being extensions of it. Something is still dripping into the puddle of something, so you turn your lights to the ceiling.

    There’s a grate up above, with the liquid trickling from it. There’s a suspicious gouge on the side, but that could be from anything at all.

  • Delta Aiken Nomani

    September 30, 2014 at 9:28 pm

    Install third eye in your face and use it for HILARIOUS SHENANIGANS.

  • Whatsyourface

    October 2, 2014 at 1:33 am

    >Input command: Use super robot jumping abilities to reach the grate with ease, remove grate and climb into hole.

  • Loaka of the Wind

    October 2, 2014 at 1:35 pm

    You take the OPTICAL INPUT DEVICE from your inventory and INSTALL it into your face region. Arcane mechanical processes allow this to occur, and now you have a third eye fixed squarely in your forehead.

    As impressive as the awakening of your third eye is, you’ve gained very little. It turns out your new eye can judge distances up to several meters away, which is nice. No psychic powers … Or are there?! (spoilers: you have not gained psychic powers. you checked.)

    Combining both hilarious shenanigans and superior robotic jumping skills into one, you attempt to leap up the couple of meters into the air to reach the grate.

    Your new attachment delights you by informing you of your maximum jump height of 6.3 centimeters. You are too heavy, and equipped with some basic LEG SERVOS LV. 1. You were clearly designed without basketball in mind.

    Welp, there goes that plan. Where to next, pardner?

  • Whatsyourface

    October 3, 2014 at 1:36 pm

    Input command> LEAVE room and enter purple door to see what is behind them.

  • Delta Aiken Nomani

    October 3, 2014 at 8:18 pm

    ==> also install audio out device and sing a haunting opera melody

    ==> try to make something useful out of the spare metal. Like a ladder. Or a spring. Or stilts.


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