• Posted by Loaka of the Wind on November 11, 2013 at 5:04 pm

    You are a robot. This is all that you know, it seems.
    A robot ponders its life. What is life? What is? What? Robot.

    You are in a room. You cannot remember what the colour is called.
    There are two things here:
    – One is a box-like box. It is looking at you with a red eye.
    – The other is a stack of rectangular things with scribbles on them. You think they might be words. You think you probably can read them too.

    a status of sorts

    You have no idea what the green bar is.
    You have no idea what the blue bar is.
    You have no idea what the boxes are, or why only three of them seem to be open.
    You especially don’t know what a [R]OBOT is. You do know what a robot is, however.

    What will you do?

    Loaka of the Wind replied 10 years, 5 months ago 16 Members · 92 Replies
  • 92 Replies
  • Tartarus

    November 11, 2013 at 5:10 pm

    ((You should demand further information from the speaker above you. It clearly knows something))

  • Narrative Prompt

    November 11, 2013 at 5:18 pm

    ((Seeing as how your shadow is completely circular, there must be a light source above you. Examine the light source.))

  • Loaka of the Wind

    November 12, 2013 at 4:47 am


    You beep at the speaker. It turns out that you do not have a VOICE CHIP installed.
    The speaker responds. It is distorted by static and definitely in a language you don’t understand.

    NEW KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED – Voice Chip Missing
    NEW KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED – Foreign Language?

    what is this anyway

    You look down at the dark circle at your feet. You look up and see nothing but a roof of the same colour as everything else. You make the summation that this is ENTIRELY NORMAL for shadows and that your shadow will LIKELY REMAIN A CIRCLE for absolutely no reason in most circumstances.

    NEW THEORY ACQUIRED – That Shadow is Totally Normal

    You idly wish there was some sort of PILE OF DOCUMENTS around here that would explain things to you.
    You momentarily ponder SEARCHING THE ROOM but think better of it.
    You wonder if you have an INVENTORY but fail to follow through.

  • Ickle Wickle Dickle-chan

    November 12, 2013 at 11:10 am

    ((Examine the room while square dancing.))

  • Loaka of the Wind

    November 12, 2013 at 12:50 pm

    spin to win

    You decide to square dance around the room as a means of inspection. However, you have no idea how to square dance. Instead, you walk in a square pattern. You begin to rotate, giving you a better idea of the contents of the room.

    There is a SPEAKER here. It DOES NOT SPEAK YOUR LANGUAGE, whatever your language is.
    There is a PILE OF RECTANGLES WITH WRITING here. You think you can READ them.

    You turn more, facing away from yourself for once.

    back of my head bro

    There is a CURIOUS DOOR here. It is probably LOCKED. The colour is, you decide, a HORRIBLE choice.
    There is a CURIOUS DOOR DEVICE here. It is probably the LOCK. It is staring at you.


  • Narrative Prompt

    November 13, 2013 at 11:53 pm

    ((Ask the door “Why so curious?” while smiling at it))

  • Loaka of the Wind

    November 15, 2013 at 2:53 am

    whysocurious bromide

    Ignoring all of the obvious plot hooks, you interrogate the door’s face with a hearty ‘beep’. It stares at you blankly.

    NEW(?) KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED: Voicebox Still Missing


    Attempting to smile, you find yourself with an odd predicament. You don’t actually have a mouth.

    NEW THEORY ACQUIRED: Mouth Drawn On With Marker

    For now, you are stuck with the ‘=3’ expression. Perhaps if you acquired a MARKER you may be able to alter this.

    whysocurious bromide

    The door says something to you that you don’t understand. It then says something that you do understand.

  • Narrative Prompt

    November 17, 2013 at 12:35 am

    (( Read the notes on the floor already ))

  • Loaka of the Wind

    November 17, 2013 at 1:01 pm

    You read the notes. Finally. They’re quite informative, unlike almost everything else in this room. You sure are glad you checked those first, however!


    That looks like your status screen! They also tell you what the things mean.

    “1 – HP
    Health points, an estimate of your
    current health state and proximity
    to destruction

    2 – EP
    Energy points, an estimate of your
    current auxiliary power for secondary
    systems usage

    3 – INV
    storage slots to hold secondary
    items and tools – storage can be upgraded.”

    Someone has also scribbled a number here for some reason. What could that be for? You turn the sheet over and — hey, look! More scribbles!

    whats up-g

    You’re not sure what any of this means. Unless you are, in which case, good job!

  • Narrative Prompt

    November 17, 2013 at 4:37 pm

    (( Connect to a WiFi connection))

  • Loaka of the Wind

    November 18, 2013 at 12:45 pm

    does this look like the face of mercy to you

    Try as you might, you can’t connect to a WiFi connection! The reasons you think this might be are:
    1) You don’t know the WiFi password
    2) There are no WiFi signals nearby
    3) You do not have a WiFi-capable component anyway
    4) What is a WiFis anyway, am I right?

    You await another course of action. There’s surely something in this room you haven’t looked at, right? Something, anything … what could it be … ?

  • Ickle Wickle Dickle-chan

    November 18, 2013 at 1:26 pm

    ((Inspect your head for loose screws.))

  • Narrative Prompt

    November 19, 2013 at 12:45 am

    (( Wait for the answer to be revealed to you through divine intervention ))

  • Loaka of the Wind

    November 19, 2013 at 4:13 pm

    You fiddle around on the back of your head.
    Clink … clank … rustle … clink …
    Wait, rustle?


    There’s something on the back of your head! Frankly, you feel a little silly for not noticing it earlier. You tear it off.

    cryptic bullshit

    Well, this is some cryptic bullshit. It says:
    Do not
    trust Vex
    my friend
    – Ral

    The red marker person has drawn a line through ‘do not trust’ and ‘my friend’, crossed out ‘Ral’ and drawn a little symbol that reminds you of a chain. You’re pretty certain this is either an important puzzle or dumb nonsense.

    You await divine intervention on these cryptic plot-based shenanigans. They never come, which you are certain is a sign from above.

  • Narrative Prompt

    November 20, 2013 at 1:17 am

    (( Make a mental note to trust Vex later ))

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