PRESS START – Forum Adventure
Public Group
Public Group
Active 7 years ago
This is a story about a robot, in a place, at a time.
Suggest what the robot should do to progress... View more
Public Group
Group Description
This is a story about a robot, in a place, at a time.
Suggest what the robot should do to progress the thrilling plot and witness beautiful imagery as we take you on a ride to another universe.
(Disclaimer: Story may not be thrilling, beautiful, take you to another universe or contain a robot, place or time.)
(take the J-level (janitor level?) keycard and dance a jig on top of the box)
Name yourself Kenshin the Demon Lord, for no particular reason
> Suddenly realize that the weird thing with glowy eyes is Vex.
Suddenly realize that the weird thing with glowy eyes is not Vex.
Suddenly realize that you don’t care if the things with glowy eyes is Vex or not.
Use the key card to open random doors
You do all of these things but really only some of these things because some events prevent you from doing the rest of those things.
You take the J-LEVEL KEY-CARD. It has a picture of a gross, fleshy creature on it. Eugh.
You take the METAL MOP. You use it to do a dance on top of the box, along with the J-LEVEL KEY-CARD. Then, in a fit of aggression, you assault the box with vigour, as though to displace confections from its innnards.
Instead, you displace something else from its innards. You don’t see it because it HURTS.…
>run start-up
>syntax error
>run startup
>syntax error
>run start
>syntax error
>ERROR: commands for ‘start’ include ‘activation’, ‘destruct’, ‘egg’, ‘diagnostic’ … [59942 more commands omitted]
>start activation
>starting …… ?
(You’re this guy now.) -
You let off a ‘beautiful noise’*, soothing all in the area.
Talking about ‘all in the area’ …
This guy emerges from the indistinct greyness that is the area you’re in. He seems to have not enjoyed your noises and is very slowly waddling towards you. He’s wearing some sorta weird robe, more like a sheet over his head.
* <– the beautiful noise
Remember to call the strange man Bob the penguin lord
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