Questers Inc.
never underestimate the power of insanity, with life at your beck and call and death as your... View more
background Information
background Information
nah in here this world is crazy and many can survive living normal lives… but that’s booooooooriiiiiiiing better to either go insane as the concept of asylums doesn’t exist here so the deranged roam free… in fact one psycho in particular found out that some of the laws of physics don’t need to apply… at the cost of your ability to master anyhing. the adventures with these rejects may be the funnest and funniest misadventures in the world
…or just get you killed. Sticking together seems to be the best way to survive or die not much is trustworthy except the guild no matter of alignment so just for reference
(10I)= 10 insanity points= officially insane
Alignment something like Chaotic Neutral or CN or Lawful Evil LE
(-3)Law vs Neutral vs (2I)Chaos Do you follow rules
Good vs Neutral vs Evil are you a sadistic evil prick
Blue(4I) vs Orange(8I) for those who do things for no reason or unexplainable reasons can only have Blue Orange, Orange Blue Chaotic Orange or Chaotic Blue
hurr durr
stereotypical better than human race; proficient with magic
stereotypical dumb brutes; proficient fighters… and yes they can be intelligent
Catfolk for furries everywhere… don’t pretend it’s not for that; they make great rogues
Half-Demon do I need to explain can reject fate and be good; fire proficiency
Fallen angel have to be good; light proficiency
Okami-Kiba if you’re a dog person nice eh whatever
Kitsune to complete the set illusion magics auto magic
Half-Dragon screw dragon hunting can have breath attacks based on the dragon
Cyborg Wait… wasn’t this fantasy … whatever robotics mastery
Sun-Phoenix wait a few before respawning iron automatic weakness instead of water… iron kills suns
Psycho-Born(6I) born to be insane though the choice is theirs
Troll have the hemospectrum(from homestuck)
Time Lord not usually fighters great intelligence
Etc. anything else not on this list works
Headstrong only one of the leaders can be in play essentialy eccentric or brave but not enough to be insane
Levelheaded also a leader type though more of a sane and calm leader
The Wonka(10I) how’d they get hired a severely messed up leader insane
Bunny-Ears Lawyer(3I) whether literal or metaphorical they are someone great at their profession whatever it may be however they have a weird quirk or insanity but it doesn’t effect their ability does not grant insanity benefits or detriments
Crazy Awesomenist(15I) (only 1) masters their sanity gains more insane abilities powered by weirdness
Badass Unintentional(3I)that character who pulls off stunts crazy enough to work because of lack of time or sanity
Psycho Tamer(only 1)(-2I) not insane but able to keep them from doing destructive stuff (or make them do destructive stuff)
That One Sane Character(-9I)(as name suggests only one) they are actually sane this allows for people to trust them
Tsundere(about 3 allowed)(2I) I-I didn’t put this here because I like you or anything
Yandere (8I)The word “yandere” refers to a character who is crazy about someone else…often literally and violently
Nominal Hero can work with heroes but is not traditionally be good
Fighting Clown(11I)as many as possible but we can’t have an entire team) similar to crazy awesomenist they use their insaniy to fight
You can have one not on this list if you explain it in some detail and it gets accepted. Ok I think that’s everything.
Combat Pragmatist(4I) masters of not following the basic rules of fighting they think/know don’t exist they lie, cheat and do anything needed to win
First come first serve for titles
Insanity basically as stated (10I)= insanity powers. The higher above 8 the more insane however the inverse is true below 10 instead of being more stable they can have any personality considered sane just be closer to “going” insane
((Side Note this is not to make fun of or mock that’s how you know it might be in some way))
DID dissociative(requires12I) identity disorder or MPD allows for an ironic switch in personality and characte for better or worse they have some two with differing skills allows for 2 characters for the price of one
Schizophrenia(requires 24I) dissolving the bonds between reality or fiction is the bulk of most psychopaths they can use the powers of other disorders as well as giving the ability to pull other worlds or weapons or materials into this one
Paranoid personality disorder accidentally some of the best close combat fighters also dificult to trick and nearly impossible to sneak by or stealthily approach they have a hidden psychic sense
Schizoid(requires 14I) unfettered by emotion they don’t tend to care for people and are comfortable alone this leads to them learning how to avoid people and can avoid being blackmailed they however are not traditionally a social person they can voluntarily
Antisocial((this was almost tricky))(requires 15I) unlike popular belief these are the ones who are unnaturally deceptive they tend to dislike other people especially their enemies they lack a conscience or a sense of consequence they are usually fast and sly they are allowed to not have remorse for things
Avoidant(requires 14I) More Likely they obtain stealth and avoiding attention comes not wanted on their behalf they also have the ability to use their imagination to teleport or use random yet honestly very creative weapons
The Downfall To Psychopaths though they can be powerful they have a few weaknesses. One is their inability to use any one weapon they must rely on whatever is around or whatever is availiable or fists. the other is that they are often not trusted… with anything. and lastly is that they suffer from being surrounded by ironic moments or that nothing seems like it will ever be serious again
last thing I promise have fun seriousness is possible if done correctly in the best moments. This guild Questers Inc. is famous for being able to complete any quest they have even been able to win the guild games no matter you’re reasons for looking you are at the door. now the door opens but you must decide to enter on your own
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