rp, because Adrianne is being bullied by Skyrie the website
rp, because Adrianne is being bullied by Skyrie the website
adriannedarxsidekick replied 9 years ago 7 Members · 97 Replies
Raven almost purred. She stopped the sound halfway through-she had never met so many trustworthy drakes before.
“Whoa woa, one thing at a time. To answer your question, Shiv, she does-She’s a peasant girl, wouldn’t seem of much worth. Dark hair, blue eyes… That is my human.” She watched the shifter pick up the cat-girl and drop her, chortling-“I would appreciate any help I can get. Really… Even if it is just because you are bored. Blood and glory awaits those who fight-perhaps later, in thanks, I can lead you to Erander and Lendan’s hoard.” Guiltlessly, Raven’s eyes seemed to glimmer at the idea of gold.
Raven readied to fly, and stopped suddenly. “Does anyone smell that?” Her nose wasn’t the best, but Raven felt like something was nearby. Another drake… there must be something going on in Shiv’s territory, otherwise so many beings wouldn’t be gathering here.
The cat girl looks up at the one dragon, “Please don’t try to squish me… just… don’t.”
Asher slowly backs further into the woods his eyes narrowing as he kept an eye on Raven.
Shiv lift his snout and sniffed the air “why would so many gather in my territory” he sighed, his eyes piercing into the gloom of the surrounding trees
Axel watches them his eyes glowing gold in the lighting.
Kit bounds over, changing her form again in a shimmer of light. “Found it!” she said, winding her serpentine body around in circles until it was sort of hard to tell where one part ended and another began. “But, it’s just a wolf?”she cocked her head and with another shimmer of light, a gloriously blue wolf sat, panting happily. “Oh, this is fun!”
Axel growls at her as he backs up more. “I am no wolf.” He growls baring his K9s.
She giggled and lay on her belly for a moment before springing up and changing into a human, tapping gleefully on his canines.
“Only teasing dear, only teasing.” she said, laughing. “You need to calm yourself bud.”
Shiv flicks his tail slightly
“Such an eventful day, whatever next” he huffs a small cloud of smoke.
“Now now, no need to snap at me,” she stopped and chuckled at her own joke before skipping back to Raven, a sharp light in her eyes. “So how’s about we go see that human of yours?”
The wyvern could see him clearly now. She turned her watchful eye from him and shook her head, spreading the curtain of black wings against the air. “Never mind him. If he turns out to be a nuisance, we will just kill him.” Raven was not joking-she was really worried by his presence, and his demeanor wasn’t helpful. “I agree-Shiv, lead the way. I don’t suppose the cat-girl would like a ride?” If that is what she is… Raven thought to herself, before frowning.
Turning from the wolf, Shiv spread his wings and launched himself into the air and began circling as he waited.
“When your ready,” he called down.
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