rp, because Adrianne is being bullied by Skyrie the website
rp, because Adrianne is being bullied by Skyrie the website
adriannedarxsidekick replied 9 years ago 7 Members · 97 Replies
“Sure! I don’t mind.” The cat-girl smiles up at Raven.
Kit jumped into the air, already changed back into a wyvern.
Raven considered her options. She could’ve easily fit the cat-girl in her pouch, but sitting on a small fortune of gold might not be terribly comfortable. Instead, she gingerly picked up the humanoid and put her just above the area where her neck met her shoulders. Raven was smaller than a dragon, and felt more like a cat then a horse.
It was awkward. Raven typically didn’t let anyone ride her-she was often referred to as an animal, and while that may be true-it was still uncomfortable. She had only ever let the human girl ride her… because she trusted her. Just to be sure, she made it a point to fly below Kit. It was amazing-the brilliant blues that made up all of her transformations. Raven resented her plain color, and her heritage-she only ever dreamed that she could breath fire. Perhaps with a well fashioned ember charm, one day, she could-but it would only be with the help of magic. All this she thought while she flew. Turning to Shiv, Raven asked “So, how long have you guarded this territory?”
soaring through the air, Shiv drifted lazily towards a lonely mountain.
“Quite a while” he called down to Raven, “I found a nice cave for my hoarde and the humans were usually kind enough to leave a cow as some kind of offering.”
“You really eat cow?” Kit wrinkled her nose in disgust. “I only like it the way humans prepared it in my old realm- my old home.” she had not been very impressed with humans’ ability to spice and prepare foods here so far- maybe dragons were better at it? “Each to their own, I guess.” she didn’t exactly need to eat anyways, so she could afford to be picky.
Axel watches them fly away before he turns and walks the other direction.
“Huh.” She beat her wings. Once. Twice. “Practical, I suppose. At least they accepted that a powerful creature lived nearby, eh? Anyways, one cow… it is a small price compared to what you provide them with. I know drakes who would bleed those people dry-either that, or waste them away. Like dust-blink them out of existence.”
When Kit wrinkled her nose, Raven laughed, showing all of her white teeth. “Heh, I see. You are one of those drakes. I don’t care what state the cow is in, as long as it isn’t rancid. Where I come from, you had to work for your meat, and were too hungry to think about doing anything to eat it.”
“I don’t work for a thing if I can help it. Not anymore. ‘ Kit caught an updraft and rose up some.
Angling down towards a lonely, scorched hill with a single large cave.
“Here we are” he calls back as he circles in and lands “your human might still be inside”
Raven swooped down to the edge of the cave, sticking her nose in an explorative manner. The red eyes widened for the moment it took for a small creature to leap out at her, and point a poorly fashioned spear at her throat. The Wyvern cried out, toppled over and tumbling down the hill. When they came to a stop, the poor catgirl had been thrown off and what appeared to be the previously tied up girl was ready to strike.
“Wait!” Raven gulped. The girl hesitated.
Lounging down and crossing his forelegs, Shiv watches the exchange.
“Is that the human you were looking for?”
“Ooh, sh’s got spirit. I can see why you like her.” Kit grinned, changing into her usual humanish self.
“AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!” Ting. The cat girl disappears from view.
The human girl was tattooed all along the sweep of her collar and the tops of her arms. The inky image rose up also on one of her cheeks, the image of a monster of some sort. Her dark eyes moved over each gathered, calculating.
“Yes, this is her! Listen, it’s just me… Raven.” The Wyvern assured her, as the girl relaxed on her chest, seated and breathing heavily.
“I know. I’m so sorry Raven. That was entirely rude of me. I… missed you quite a bit.” After a moment, Raven was back on her feet, and the wild looking human bowed cordially. “I wish I hadn’t had to meet your friends like this. Companions of Raven-my name is Khione. I am pleased to make your acquaintance.” The spear at her side was in passive position, as if she had had some kind of training.
Raven let smoke curl out of her nostrils. She was clearly proud of her human friend.
A metallic dragon is seen flying in the horizon getting closer. He lands in front of Raven, “That was not pleasant. The landing hurt.”
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