rp, because Adrianne is being bullied by Skyrie the website
rp, because Adrianne is being bullied by Skyrie the website
adriannedarxsidekick replied 9 years ago 7 Members · 97 Replies
“haaaai.” Kit waved slightly and grinned. “I’m Kit.”
“And you already know that I am Shiv” He lifted his head and looked over those gathered “now why were you tied up outside my lair?”
“Well, I thought it would be an enlightening experience to relive.”
Raven was surprised. “Khione-”
“-I’m sorry.” The human smiled. “I was trying to be funny-it has been a while since I have been with someone I can trust. Shiv, Kit.” Raven couldn’t help her with the third Drake. The Wyvern looked at him, head tilted.
“You never told me your name, stranger. Or why you hid your true form.” She looked over at a stake with cut cord hanging loosely on it.
The metallic dragon bowed, “Oh, I apologize. I am known as Quicksilver. And as for hiding my true form? I actually usually prefer the other form a lot. Humans don’t run away at the sight of me quite as much. I like to study them sometimes. It’s actually pretty interesting.”
Kit scoffed. “No offence to you- Khione, was it? But humans are far too easy to pull one over.” she turned into a gray tortishell.
A piercing yelp fills the air and a crash right after it. A few trees fell in the distance where the noise came from.
Shiv peers towards the fallen trees, head tilting “more company?”
“More than likely.” The Wyvern swiveled her serpentine neck towards the noise. She could see the smoke, her red eyes focusing on the spot. “Let’s go see! Alas, it has been too long since I have been with a party. I hope you haven’t grown bored yet Kit-we still have things to see!” Excited, she beat her wings and took to the sky again, the human girl gracefully hopping into place on her back. That felt familiar as well-Raven was pleased.
“Raven… you have made enemies of the Lord’s vassals.” Khione had taken to speaking closely to Raven’s ears. “They were not pleased to find out that I supported you.”
Raven swallowed. “Hm. That tends to happen when you eat an important guy, doesn’t it?”
/hm… maybe having a companion is better than it really seemed. Hm… No, I’m still not going to get one./ Quick launches into the air and follows the yelp. /…Still. I like wolves. Let’s hope that wolf is ok./
Leaping skyward himself, Shiv followed.
“An adventure seldom disappoints”
Asher was backing away from a large dragon growling but he had a slight limp. Now that he was in the open it could be seen that he a larger than a normal wolf and he had wings and spikes going down his back.
Dragon smoke came from its nostrils. “You worthless halfling trying to steal my food.” Swipes its claw at Asher but just hits another tree since Asher jumped out of the way.
Quicksilver reaches the opening and lands behind the dragon, “Hey, leave… it… alone!” He snarls at the dragon.
Dragon looks back at him and growls. “This has nothing to do with you!”
Asher looks at Quicksilver and he growls softly.
(I don’t know how to explain what Asher looks like so there is a picture of him on my profile.)
Dropping heavily into the clearing, Shiv reared up regally with his wings spread.
“Before considering who’s business this is,” He booms while glaring “think about who’s territory you trespass in”
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