rp, because Adrianne is being bullied by Skyrie the website
rp, because Adrianne is being bullied by Skyrie the website
adriannedarxsidekick replied 9 years ago 7 Members · 97 Replies
Giving a resigned sigh, Shiv turns to the newcomer, “Great, another one” shaking himself a to clear his head he addresses the sky “momentous events must be incoming”
Raven felt the dragon’s body slam into hers, and lost the human. Khione fell unconscious on the ground nearby, laying in an awkward position.
The Wyvern hissed in a most primal fashion. She was accustomed to seeing dark hide, and knowing only two things. Bite first, and ask questions later. She spread her fantastic wings and snapped them back up tight, causing a resounding pop to resonate through the clearing. Apparently, that was exactly what she was going to do. As Raven prepared to fight, all of her fur like feathers rose around her neck and spine, and finally, her tail.
(Raven is a little dumb sometimes. Plz don’t hurt her too much.)
The dragon backed up, looking at Shiv. Its head turned back the Raven. It stood, on two legs, swaying its tail back and forth. Its tongue flicked out a few times. The dragon suddenly slammed its front claws into Raven’s snout. It stood back up again, it went back on all fours. The dragon made sure that its thick, large horns were protecting it. It’s wings spread out, it was ready to fight. Its tail swayed aggressively back and forth.
Raven snorted acid, equally red eyes glowering up at the offender. Instead of impaling them, as she had hoped to, she was stunned by the drake. She took advantage of the lack of balance there would be while it was on two legs, and swept her tail under it’s legs before it could land back down. She slammed on top of the other, baring her teeth but hesitating.
The dragon hissed loudly. It opened its mouth, spitting some ash onto raven face. It stared at her for a long time, eyes focusing on hers. The dragon soon relaxed totally. Four words passed its lips.
“I know your eyes.” the voice sounded female, thick, and raspy. The dragon had a hard to understand husky voice. Though, through the eerie quietness, the words were clear as day.
Raven shook her head, blinking out the ash. The powder rained back down on the dragon harmlessly as she did so. Magenta flecks blazed in between the crimson lines of her eyes-something common of Wyverns, and uncommon of dark dragons-and Raven, who seemed to only just now really consider the possibility that she was overreacting, widened her eyes in shock.
“I know your voice!” She took the pressure off of the other dragon. “No way-” Her defenses dropped, and she shoved her still stinging snout into the chest of the other, purring affectionately. “Your Servant is ready to obey… Mistress.”
The dragon cracked her jaw, pushing Raven away gently. “Mhm..yes,” the female said, sitting up. She glanced at everyone else, snorting. “I suppose I should introduce myself.” the dragon cleared her throat, though, it wasn’t going to help her voice change one bit. “I am Xiuhcoatl, or Xiuh. Please, call me Madam Xiuh.” her voice depicted no emotion besides the slight sass that laced her tone.
Raven backed away. She was ridiculously pleased to have this dragon here.
Khione groaned, and Raven put the girl back on her place in between her shoulders.
Shiv let out a long suffering sigh, “at least this one is friendly, I am Shiv and you stand in my domain”
Asher looks at all of them his ears laying back as he gets uncomfortable.
“Well, this is interesting.” Kit drawled, transforming in an explosion of blue fractals until she mimicked the new dragon’s form, minus being colored a midnight blue with stars gleaming amongst everything. “I was unaware dragons had a concept of royalty. Or are you, perhaps, just a clan leader?” she tilted her head slightly to one side, awaiting an answer.
Xiuh let out a low, deep, growl. She moved slightly away from Kit. “I don’t think it’s your business to know. Either answer could mean a brutal death to me,” Xiuh cracked her jaw. “And besides, only Raven is allowed to know that.” her eyes glanced over to Raven, then back to Kit.
“Kit, you misunderstand. In the world of drakes, Wyverns can be assigned to any Dragon at birth. I was assigned to this dragon.” She stated this as a fact. It was absolute in her eyes; and that absolution could be felt by all of them. “I was supposed to be her guard… and I failed.” The red eyes flickered down.
Shiv snorted “must be a regional thing, all I got was a whole loada goblins”
Xiuh snorted. She looked at Shiv. “Because you’re not a royal, dear.” she stood up on her hind legs again and walked over to Shiv. She instantly grew in height and length. She went back down on all fours. “So respect your royals and elders.” She lifted her arm and bopped Shiv on the snout with her claw. “Boop!” she giggled and walked right on back to where she was.
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