Road to Gehenna’s Gates : NetherHell
The exact location of Gehenna’s Gates / NetherHell is often disputed. Demons know their way there... View more
Gehenna’s Gate
Gehenna’s Gate
**The Road to Gehenna’s Gates is long and dangerous. The perils before arriving at the gates are filled with murderous demons and strange places. The gates are just beyond Citta Infernal. Citta Infernal was located in the region of Gehenna. The demons in Citta Infernal are actually in Gehenna. They are allowed to do as they please without leaving the area. But there is a deeper hell, a demonic realm further south, this realm is known as Inferno where Satan’s favorite playground was set up to house the high ranking demons that enjoyed certain regions. It is where they carried out specific punishments and even Satan himself would entertain himself torturing souls. Most of the demons in Gehenna didn’t want to be near the gate of Gehenna.
Gehenna’s Gate was a strange structure. Sometimes it seemed like a stone door standing between Gehenna and Inferno but there were moments it opened it’s eyes and moved away but it always returned. No one questioned where the gates moved to when it wasn’t noticeable. On Halloween, it was flat on the ground of Gehenna and would open like a giant mouth and would duplicate itself to open above so that the demons on the Road to Gehenna’s Gates could also leave the realm for that one hellish night.
Gehenna’s Gate was guarded by members of Satan’s army. Approaching the gate could only bring doom, despair and eventually an entry into a more frightening realm of demons.**
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