Road to Gehenna’s Gates : NetherHell
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Active 6 days ago
The exact location of Gehenna’s Gates / NetherHell is often disputed. Demons know their way there... View more
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Group Description
The exact location of Gehenna’s Gates / NetherHell is often disputed. Demons know their way there because if they do not return to their designated inferno they are hunted and then tortured in the deepest part of Hell. Sometimes the rulers of the abyss make the road visible to capture a few wandering souls or to let the demons out to cause a little bit of chaos in the living world.
The Road to Gehenna’s Gates (or Highway to Hell) is filled with different places designed to keep some visitors trapped in limbo and some roads lead to a deadly battlefield where they wage the battle for their lives and souls.
The Road to Gehenna’s Gates is a dangerous journey where Hell Awaits.
++Note: This group is mainly for members of the GrandSugarClan, although all may enter and use this group,
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Passageway Between Hades and The Road to Gehenna’s Gates
Passageway Between Hades and The Road to Gehenna’s Gates
Rika SniperSugarSpirit Minami replied 6 years, 4 months ago 14 Members · 65 Replies
You’re right! But remember we came in through different means last time.
*Hearing his demon name summoned. Tetsuya uses his shadow aura to surround Captain Yami in a cloak of invisibility. Even though he realized that this may not entirely fool Satan. He knew that Satan would wonder more about Bezaliel’s presence in the demon realm than Captain Yami’s.* Let’s find him! Quickly! *he was referring to finding Kintoki.*
*He remembered that he was supposed to stick to the plan although he was reluctant to leave them with all those demons surrounding them. Yami had to trust that they could handle themselves. Besides, it wasn’t their first trip to this place. But it was for him. Still he looked at Yoichi, and devilish as he looked he wondered how such a skinny guy would manage against that beast of a demon. He then shrugged and thought of a tiny guy that wants to be wizard king that took on demons larger than himself.* I gotta believe they know how to surpass their limits. Alright I leave it to you! *he then could see Bezaliel’s key.* Let’s go find this uncle of yours Tetsuya! *he walked past the mayhem unnoticed and walked on ahead.*
*Rika felt Shuhei’s arms catching her before hitting the ground. She quickly stood up and even frowned not from anger but surprised to hear his question* How should I know?!? That damn thing must be confusing me with something else! *She see branches coming out of the ground from different directions and she quickly takes out her sword to cut them off but she immediately felt her mutant instincts kick in, alerting her that something was being thrown her way. She spots the large black ball of fire just a few feet away to hit her and she lifts her hand for cover when suddenly she emits a psi-bolt of energy launching it right back at the black ball. She looked at her hand then at Shuhei surprised and questioning herself what she has done? Shit! Not again!
Astryyd: *Astryyd was confused about the bullets that continued to assault her body. But the true anger came when she noticed her black ball destroyed, she barely dodged the backlash as one of her wings was burned when she tried to dodge.* How did you acquire this new ability? Get away from my prey or I’ll tear you up and eat you along with them!!! *Trying to keep her balance she flew high up in the air then she began to circle from the sky downward as she did so her wings folded back and she opened her beak and released a number of fire circles in Rika’s direction and then she would shriek after every three rings. The more she flew downward, the faster she was starting to approach Rika. She didn’t care who else was around.* You should have remained in your damn cave!!
*She quickly ducks trying her best to avoid getting hit by the fire balls but when the demoness mentioned the word “cave”, Rika literally froze* What?!? *Rika had a quick flashback of the attack that happened at the cave back at the Gravelands and noticed that she was emitting what she thought would be a purple aura* Could this be the aura of the demon I slayed? Is this what she’s recognizing? *She screeches in pain as one of the fireballs slightly hits her leg then covers her ears to avoid the shrieking sound ringing in her ears. Rika suddenly felt an inner pulse within her and without any hesitation, she launches her psychic whip towards the demoness with the attempt to close it’s beak and pierce her with her katana*
That damn thin grew a beak in mid air! Look out partner! *Shuhei attempted to protect Rika but there as something similar to him that came flying out of the forest. Something that took hold of his arm and stood face to face with him.* What the….?
Countess Morbida: *She had appeared like a ghost out of the forest and with her vampire strength had gotten a hold of Shuhei’s arm. She smiles and stares at the male* Well! When Lord Satan said there would be guests in our end of the forest. I didn’t expect such a delectable delight! You and I are the same! *She was wiping blood fresh off her lips.* You’re blood must be so appetizing! A vampyre demon like me? *she laughs*
Astryyd: *The demoness broke off her own beak and her face looked human again. This way she could move away from Rika’s attacks* Why are your movement that of a human!?! *The demoness was confused and once again attempted to claw at Rika with the talons of her feet* I’ll take you back to my cave and rip you apart!!!
*Shuhei was astounded at how much stronger she was than he was and faster. He was sure it was because she had fed on both human and demon blood. Something he had not done in a long time. He was always having substitute blood and the blood he had gotten before the substitute blood was from his sister Helena. But he dared not do that to her again. It drove him mad with guilt. He then noticed the struggles around him and he quickly used his sword bring it up swiftly between them and tries to slash her in half from the bottom up*
Demon Trio: *The demon trio that was trying to attack Ali, Ed and Al were having their own difficulty. They were confused by the magic the young ones possessed and what they thought was a tin can as running towards them. But the two demons on the sides of the third demon were taking all the brutal attacks. The one in the middle was dodging and then it grinned and looked at the three blonde magician/alchemists. It’s wing became an arm and it’s arm started to grown in size and it formed a giant fist which it intended to bring down on the three like a giant hammer.* Take this!!!
Countess Morbida: *She instinctively releases Shuhei and flashes back to safety.* How rude! *She would point at him and then the sword. * That’s no ordinary sword and how do you come to wield it? *She whirls around and disappears from his sight again and appears behind him.* Don’t be so shy! We should get to know each other better.
*Realizing the danger he was in. As quick as lightning, he reversed his sword and jabbed it back towards Morbida, he tried to impale her with the sword. Then he quickly turned and faced her.* It’s not an ordinary sword! It’s been given to me by the amazing blacksmith Red and it’s the one that will cut you down. *he growls*
Countess Morbida: *She felt the blade slightly cut her arm as she moved away from his thrust and she was impressed at how quickly he was adjusting to her speed.* Red? She sounds delicious! She must be the Lady Red the malevolent band of templars here always speak of. *She then twirls away from Shuhei and laughs* We were practically made for each other! Why are you being so stubborn.*
*Thorny Toshi was making sure that Captain Yami and Tetsuya had not been followed. When he returned he noticed that each of his travel partners was confronting strange demons. The problem was that the forest seemed to be coming alive with all the movement around them. Thorny Toshi had gone to eradicate and for the most part, frighten away any of the other forest demons coming to them. When he arrived he noticed that the fastest and most dangerous creature as attacking his brother. Thorny Toshi came to her and grabbed her wrist. His eyes would glow red as he stared at her and his hair began to turn white. He was using some form of hypnotism. But he felt her fighting his influence.*
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