Chapter One: A New Earth

  • Posted by Ducky on February 25, 2015 at 1:04 am

    (This is still open for new characters. I’m just opening it up for the already-existing ones.)

    It’s your story that brought you here. It’s your story that drives you to go forward from here.

    It’s your story.

    I won’t ask what you’re doing in the parking lot of the airport with no car and no money for a plane ticket. You’re welcome to share, but it probably won’t affect what happens in the next few minutes.

    I won’t ask why you’re alone. You’re welcome to share, but it would probably be insensitive to ask where your family is.

    I won’t ask questions. You’re welcome to share.

    Instead, I’m going to tell you what’s happening at this exact moment.



    You’re standing in a parking lot. To be specific, you’re standing in the parking lot of the General Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee.

    Whatever your reason, you need to get to New York. The city, that is, not the state. You won’t be driving, you won’t be in a train, and you won’t be flying.

    Strangely, fortune seems to finally be intervening. In addition to yourself, there are three complete strangers currently standing in this parking lot, and you’ll soon learn that they have the same goal as you do.

    You should take some time to get acquainted.



    And before I leave you on your own for a while, one warning: This won’t stay simple for long.

    Kaito Shion replied 10 years ago 7 Members · 50 Replies
  • 50 Replies
  • Twelve Year-Old Girl. Her Father Found This Account

    February 25, 2015 at 1:14 am

    Sky sits on a kirb. Her phone rings. She answers it. “Hello? ….Yes….W-what do you mean..? What do you mean the drive is cancelled?!….No…you cant do that….N-no! No! Dont hang up!! Please!! Can you at lea-” The person on the phone hangs up on Her. Sky put her phone in the back pocket of her skinny jeans. She puts her elbow on her knee and her forehead laying on her palm of her hand. She sighs. “Ughh, why..”

  • Jace Coulson

    February 25, 2015 at 2:07 am

    Checking her phone, Jayne paid no mind to the girl near her. No new messages, no missed texts. She hadn’t expected anything else, only hoped that maybe this once someone would wish her luck. But the lack of a goodbye was hardly anything to get her spirits low. This was her decision, her life, and she was choosing something for herself for once.

    She pocketed the phone and furrowed her brow. Anticipation coursed through her, but for what she wasn’t sure.

  • taiga ♫

    February 25, 2015 at 3:15 am

    Sivan ignored the two girls that were near him, running a hand through his hair hastily before glancing back at the smallish sketchbook he held. He fumbled through his numerous pockets of his jacket, searching for the dark blue pen he always used. When he couldn’t find it, he blinked, looking extremely worried. “Damn..” he muttered. It was a habit of his — forgetting where things were, even though he seemed to be just holding them in a matter of seconds.. The pen wasn’t lost, though, just tucked behind his ear. He didn’t notice.

    He only continued searching the pockets of his jacket and pants, walking in a circle and staring at the ground to see if he dropped it or something and looking like an idiot. “Where is it..”

  • Sherlitary

    February 26, 2015 at 2:59 am

    Sherly choked back a sob while looking at the people around them. They were all strange, all stressed, just like them. They looked at the strange person walking in a circle looking for something “What are you looking for sir?” They asked, voice going up a couple of pitches as they approached the person. They pulled their jacket sleeves down & averted their gaze to the floor, clearing their throat.

  • Kaito Shion

    February 26, 2015 at 10:28 pm

    Kaito sighed to himself, looking to the rest of the people in the parking lot. It seems his tour bus was out of commission, and he had to get to New York fast. He assumed the others here had similar predicaments. “…Well…This is going to be an issue.” He Muttered to himself, wondering who to talk to first. Everyone seemed to be preoccupied with their own issues, so he didn’t want to just but in and say anything. “…Hm.”  Saying nothing wouldn’t get him anywhere. He decided he had to at least do something. He approached the two other girls in the parking lot, clearing his throat. “Hi…Are you two stuck as well?”

  • Vaermina

    February 27, 2015 at 3:47 am

    Valarie Printup looked around at the people that inhabited the parking lot. She was sitting along the curb with her phone against her ear. “Come on.. Pick up.. Please!” No one answered her call and she put her phone in her pocket, annoyed. She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. Tears pricked her eyes but she fought them back. She had no idea what to do now.

  • Jace Coulson

    February 27, 2015 at 5:15 am

    She raised an eyebrow at the boy before sighing. “It looks like,” she said. “Somehow my debit card is empty, so I’m broke and waiting for something to happen. Don’t know what, though.” She adjusted the violin case on her shoulder. “And you? What left you on the curb at the airport?”

  • Kaito Shion

    February 27, 2015 at 5:31 am

    “Well, Originally I was meeting my mate here to head for a concert, but they called last minute and said the tour bus was outta commission, so I can’t get my stuff, or get to NYC.” He sighed, playing with his scarf.
    “Shitty day for everyone it seems, huh?”

  • Jace Coulson

    February 27, 2015 at 5:41 am

    “Yeah, some kind of cosmic B.S.” Her phone buzzed but it was just a reminder to practice playing. Jayne scowled and dismissed it, shoving the mobile angrily back into her jacket pocket.

    “Concert?” she asked after a breath. “What do you play?”

  • Sherlitary

    February 27, 2015 at 5:55 am

    Sherly looked up upon hearing the words ‘New York’. “Did someone say New York?” they walked over to the group of people conversing “Because I was supposed to meet my family over there for a reunion & my driver just cancelled.” They scanned the group, looking for anything that could unite them in anyway

  • Kaito Shion

    February 27, 2015 at 5:57 am

    “I’m a singer actually…Most of me and my gang are! You probably heard of my most Popular bandmate.” He smiled, suddenly noticing the other approaching.
    “Hm? Oh, yea…I have to be in New York to do a show…”

  • taiga ♫

    February 27, 2015 at 1:26 pm

    Sivan looked up when he heard someone speak up to him, looking a bit startled before he answered. “Oh– I was just looking for my pen..” he mumbled, his eyes returning to the ground.

    He lit up a bit as he heard the strangers having the same destination as him. He pursed his lips. Why not give it a shot? Maybe something good would happen.

    He hesitated a moment before walking over to the group and clearing his throat. “Does everyone here needs to go to New York?”

  • Sherlitary

    February 27, 2015 at 4:21 pm

    Sherly smirked, looking at Sivan’s ear “Oh yeah? What does it look like? Dark blue?” They asked, tuning into the conversation of the group.

    “Okay they need to go to New York, I need to go to New York, I’m assuming you do too.” Sherly scanned the group “If I was religious, I would say this was fate.”

  • Vaermina

    February 27, 2015 at 4:56 pm

    Valarie’s eyes shot open as she heard the words “Mew York come out of someone’s mouth. She looked over at the group of people talking and walked over to them. “I’m sorry for eavesdropping,” se said nervously, “but I heard someone say they were going to New York. That’s where I’m headed. Well, where I was suppose to be headed.”

  • Jace Coulson

    February 27, 2015 at 5:22 pm

    “Okay, I know I said ‘cosmic B.S.,’ but this is getting a bit too coincidental. I mean, it’s not like all our flights were cancelled, or something, right?” She looked around at the others.

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