Rock station 5
Public Group
Public Group
Active 4 years ago
We are an up and comming band, unsure of our fate and destiny and unsure if we will make it big or... View more
Public Group
Koharu’s smile grows bigger. “Really? You’d do that for me?”
Nagisa nods and pulls out his phone, “…If you want… I could, um, ask them now. Do you want me to try…?”
“Yes please, that would be fantastic!” Koharu does a little jump.
Nagisa scrolls through his contacts for a second, then dials one of the numbers. “Um, Hi…” he starts, then gives a timid explanation of the events that just happened. The person on the other end began yelling at him loud enough that Koharu might have been able to hear. Every once in a while, Nagisa would say quiet ‘sorry’ ‘yes’ or ‘I will’ until the voice on the other end eventually stopped.
Koharu stands in silence, tapping his nail against one of the shelves. He gets all nervous when the person on the phone begins to yell. He bites the inside of his cheek so much it begins to bleed a bit. “Um…what did they say?” he asks quietly.
Nagisa sighs, “…Its fine, Its just Teacher… she always yells at me…” He puts the phone back up to his ear, “She forewarded the call to the other guys though.” He waits for another moment, then someone on the other end picked up, “..Um, hi?” He begins timidly, then more people started talking loudly on the other end, but this ttime they sounded happier. Nagisa stayed silent, listening to the people for a good 10 minuets, then jumps in, “But–! I-I can’t! Its-!” He pauses for a moment then looks down, sounding a little more sad, “…In that case its fine…” The people on the other end of the phone talk again for a good few more minuets, then Nagisa smiles, “Oh, alright, thank you very much!” Hr says then hangs up.
Koharu walks over to Nagisa and smiles. “So, what happened?!”
“They agreed to let you in!” Nagisa says happily, smiling at Koharu, “…Ah, but those guys… they really like me for some reason… and um… they said only if I signed on too… sorry…” He twiddles with the tuning pegs on the guitar on his lap.
Koharu shakes his head. “No, it’s fine! I love your playing.” he claps his hands together. “Oh…” he pauses, looking down. “I honestly haven’t been this excited in a long time.” he looks up at Nagisa. “So, will we like go to the guys and like show them what we can really do?”
Nagisa nods, “They sounded really exited too, anytime tomorrow, they said.” he pulls the guitar back up to his chest, “We should probably choose a song… though I think they might like it better if its an original…”
Koharu thinks for a moment. “I don’t have any original songs though. I wrote some when I was younger but I don’t know where they are.” he taps his foot. “Do you have any, Nagisa?” he asks.
Koharu smiles softly when Nagisa starts to play and sing. He taps his foot along to the beat. “Nice…” he says under his breathe while Nagisa sings and plays.
Nagisa plays the ending to his song then mutes the strings with his palms again, “So… um, was that good enough?”
Koharu smiles, nodding. “Yes, that’s was very good!” he claps. “You sing and play wonderfully!”
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