Rock station 5
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Active 4 years ago
We are an up and comming band, unsure of our fate and destiny and unsure if we will make it big or... View more
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Nagisa glances up at Koharu with a slightly awestruck expression, he didn’t really expect something like that from him, but quickly shakes it off and gets back into the flow of the music, working off of Koharu to build his part of the song. For a few hours they went on like that until eventually a man on the street stopped and said, “hey kid, you’re bleeding…” Nagisa stops sharply, the strings had cut through three of the fingers of his left hand. “A-ah… Sorry…” He mumbles to Koharu, pulling out a hankerchief and trying to clean the blood off the neck of the guitar.
Koharu stops a few moments after Nagisa stops. He looks at the man and then Nagisa. “Oh, my God! Are you okay? Are you hurt?” he looks at Nagisa’s fingers. He frowns. “Why don’t we take a rest?”
Nagisa nods “sorry… I got it dirty…” He murmurs, trying to stop the bleeding with the handkerchief after finishing cleaning the guitar. His head was tilted down and slightly away from Koharu, as if not wanting to meet his gaze.
“I don’t care about the guitar, I just want to make sure you’re okay.” he bites the inside of his cheek. “Hmm, why don’t we find a restroom to wash those fingers off?” Koharu looks at the signs, looking for a restroom sign.
Nagisa shakes his head, “Its fine…” He pulled a small tin of band-aids from his backpack, “…It doesn’t hurt…” He mumbles, still not letting himself look into Koharu’s eyes.
“Alright.” Koharu smiles. “Maybe we should get going on the train to the café? Or we can always do that another day.”
“Um… if you want to its fine.” Nagisa stands up after bandaging his fingers.
Koharu nods, looking up at the boards that show the times of train arrivals and where to. “Okay, so the next train is going into the town where the café is…” he begins to ruffle through is pockets. “Hmm, I don’t have any money or my card.”
“Ah… I’m broke too…” He scratches his arm, looking down to the asfault. “…guess we should go home, right?”
“Sheesh, I’m sorry. I should’ve brought money–Oh wait. I have a… bike?” he looks at Nagisa, tilting his head to the side. “Would that be okay?”
“I-I guess…” Nagisa nervously stutters, “um… B-but would the guitar be safe though?”
Koharu nods, “Yeah, the guitar will be fine. There’s a strap on it, right?”
Nagisa nods and puts the strap over the shoulder, “Yeah, I guess so…”
“Good.” he smiles, he starts walking back to the store. There’s a little hop in his step
Nagisa follows a few feet behind Koharu, holding his arm across his chest, still looking down.
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