Rock station 5
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Active 4 years ago
We are an up and comming band, unsure of our fate and destiny and unsure if we will make it big or... View more
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Fang nods but jumps hearing banging on the door and he looks up and almost dives under a table seeing it was his dad.
Koharu instantly stands up and pushes Fang to the side where he can’t be seen from the door. Koharu unlocks it and opens it only a crack. “S-Sorry sir, but we’re closed at this time.”
Man glares at him, “I know my son is in there and I want to see him now.”
Koharu scoffs. He shakes his head. “No, no, no. You’re son is not in here. That’s my work partner back there. I don’t believe he’s your son. I’m sorry I can’t help you, but I need to do now. Thank you.” he shuts the door and waves at Fang’s dad through the door.
(I’m sorry for my last post, it was filled with errors ;-;)
The male nods as he sees Fang’s dad walk away. He turns to Fang, letting out a breath. “I’m shaking so bad right now.”
(Tis all good)
Fang was curled up on the ground holding his side in pain more being able to move.
Nagisa, who had hidden behind the guitar rack when Fangs dad showed up, tentatively emerged from his hiding spot and began to pace quickly back and fourth across the shop, pulling at the ends of his hair. “W-what are we supposed to do? This is bad… It’s really bad…. What can we do?” His voice showed how much panic he felt.
Fang looks to Nagisa but he cries out in pain when he tries to move to get up.
Nagisa quickly stops pacing and runs over to Fang’s side, “Ah, sorry, sorry, you shouldn’t move, right? That’s not good…”
Fang breaths heavily from the pain along with trying not to cry again.
Koharu bends down. He gently touches Fang’s side. “What happened here…?” he asks softly. “Were you kicked? Punched?”
Fang cries out when Koharu touches it and he curls up and holds his side in pain, “I-I th-think he broke my r-ribs.”
Nagisa steps back a few feet, beginning to pace again, even more frantically this time, “t-this is really bad! W-we gotta do something… What should we do? Can we go to the hospital? What can we do?”
Koharu backs up a bit. He thinks for a moment. “We need to get to a hospital but I don’t have a car. I want to call an ambulance, but they’re crazy expensive to pay off…I’m not sure what to do….” he scans Fang’s body. “Maybe we can pick you up and bring you to the hospital. I don’t want to hurt you, though.”
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