Rock station 5
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Public Group
Active 4 years ago
We are an up and comming band, unsure of our fate and destiny and unsure if we will make it big or... View more
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Koharu smiles as Nagisa plays. He finds himself sitting down while tapping his foot along to the beat. “Sing louder, Fang can’t hear you. There’s no need to be shy.” Koharu mentions quietly. “You have a beautiful voice..”
Fang listens to him play and smiles tiredly, laying his head down but watches Nagisa.
Nagisa nods slightly at Koharu and closes his eyes, beginning to sway slightly with the chords. His voice increases in volume but maintains the soft and gentle quality it had previously.
Fang smiles and his eyes slowly close as the drugs take affect causing him to fall asleep.
Nagisa strums the final chord and lets his had drop down, then takes the guitar off and puts it back in his case. He turns to look at Koharu, “Um… What are we supposed to do now?”
Koharu stands, looking at Fang and smiling softly. “We should get going. I’ll give the secretary my information so the hospital can call me back for news on Fang.” he turns his attention back to Nagisa. “Do you by any chance know any relatives of his so I can contact them and tell them what happened?” Koharu cocks his head to the side.
Nagisa begins to shake his head, then stops short, “Oh- Um… He lives wih his aunt, I think…” he says and awkwardly scratches his arm, “We should tell her, right?”
“Thank God.” Koharu says under his breath. He looks up at Nagisa and smiles, “Do you know where she lives by any chance?” he taps his foot rapidly on the floor.
Nagisa nods, “Um… it’s near the shop, but sort of down… kind of…” He murmured, putting his hands in his pockets, “It’s like 2 octaves down for 24 measures or so…” He says, his voice lowering as he talks.
Koharu snickers at Nagisa’s way of directions. “Good thing I know how to read music or else I wouldn’t know what the hell you were talking about. We’re going to take the train to get to the shop, okay?” Koharu walks to the door, still chuckling.
Nagisa lifts his head a little, “Eh…?! You get it?” He begins to smile and his walk becomes slightly more confident, “People don’t usually get it.” He says, sounding almost exited and speeding up a little to walk in the same time as Koharu.
Koharu laughs again. “I’m glad that I was able to understand. It’s an interesting way of showing directions, but if you really think about it, it’s exactly like a map. I like that a lot, Nagisa!” Koharu slows down his pace a bit. They get to the first floor of the hospital. Koharu walks up to the front desk and quickly gives the secretary his information. The secretary seemed a little too excited after getting his information, which had included his number.
Koharu walks back to Nagisa, smiling. “Alright, let’s get to the train station.”
Slowly, a slight smile begins to grow on Nagisa’s face. He gives a quick nod, holding his arms behind his back and standing up a little straighter with a slightly more confident posture, “Im glad!” He said with a soft chuckle, almost sounding like a giggle, speeding up his walk slightly to match speeds with Koharu, “No one’s understood in a while! Even Teacher doesn’t usually!”
Koharu laughs under his breath. He puts his hands in his pockets and looks down. “So, who is this “Teacher” you speak of? You’ve mentioned them once or twice.” Koharu looks up at Nagisa with slight interest in his eyes.
Nagisa holds his arm across his chest, “She’s the orchestra conductor at the college.” He sighs slightly an lets his head fall backward, “She says I spend too much time on guitar and I have to either do something else or make friends so she makes me play cello…” He frowns slightly, still looking up to the sky, “And if I don’t she makes me play flute, it’s so annoying.”
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