Rock station 5
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Active 4 years ago
We are an up and comming band, unsure of our fate and destiny and unsure if we will make it big or... View more
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Fang smiles at him, “Cobalt is just a bid teddy bear if you are a friend of my families. Now is you try to hurt us that’s a different story.”
Nagisa chuckles, “Yeah…” his mind goes blank, his body freezes up and all expression vanishes from his face for a couple seconds, then he shakes his head. Brushing his hair back into his face to make sure his eyes are still hidden, “Ah, sorry… ” he says, then runs to grab his bag from the entry of the house, “So, um… can you show me around…?” Nagisa says, averting his eyes and looking to the ground.
Nagisa nods, still looking down, “Please don’t worry about me.”
Fang’s smile fades a bit but he nods and takes Nagisa’s hand again and leads him through the house showing him all the rooms, “My aunt is most likely at the store to get groseries for dinner. My little sister lives with Mark so she won’t be around at all”
“So then it’s just you and your aunt?” Nagisa says, taking his guitar off his back and timidly sitting in a chair after the tour finished, “Um, you have a very nice home…” He awkwardly fiddles around with the zippers on his guitar case, having never been particularly good at making conversation.
Fang looks at him then at the ground, “Thanks and yeah it is just my aunt and I unless I have to go to Mark’s house.”
“Oh, alright…” Nagisa nodded a few times, slowly averting his gaze to the floor too. “S-so… um…”
Breaking under the pressure, Nagisa lets out an unsteady nervous chuckle, “S-sorry, I’m not r-really used to t-talkiing to people about this kinda stuff…” he hugs his guitar close to his chest and looks down, wearing a bitter smile, “I’m basically useless at almost everything, right?”
“Your not.” Fang thinks for a second. “Can you play?” He says gesturing to the guitar.
“Yeah!” Nagisa nods, “Its just about the only thing I can do properly! You wanna see?”
Fang smiles and nods, “Do you know anything by ‘Bring Me The Horizon’?”
Nagisa pauses to think for a moment, “Hmm… Not sure, if I’ve heard it before I can probrably play it, but I’m not sure if I’ve heard it…” He unzips his case, trying to pull out his guitar without also pulling out the papers stuffed inside, although unsuccessfully as he had to shove a couple back in. “It’s hard to remember words, you know? They’re so much more complicated than melodies half the times I don’t know what they mean.” Nagisa smiles, beginning to tune his guitar.
“Really? To me the words come easy.” Fang pulls out his phone and brings the the notes for the guitar for ‘Throne’. “Can you play this?” He shows Nagisa the song.
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