Characters and Info!!

  • Characters and Info!!

    Posted by Wake on July 30, 2017 at 9:37 am

    Alright! Welcome to the agency! So here’s the job description: Ryouran hires basically anyone that can be of any help whatsoever, whether you’re an artist, marketer, secretary, or whatever else that can chip in! Even if you can’t really do anything, there’s probably a spot for you somewhere. You see, the work environment here is relaxed to a fault, people can practically do what they want as long as they meet their deadlines. This often leads to people rushing to finish the work they’ve put off for weeks and massive faults with paperwork, but that’s all in the namesake! This also leads to the job being perhaps one of the most enjoyable you will ever work, weather you’re an artist perusing your passion or a manager just earning a wage. Either way, lets have fun and make some friends!
    This RP isn’t super-serious, but takes place in a real world setting, so as long as it meets that criteria, do whatever you want!
    (also sry for making so many rp’s I get bored…)


    Job description:
    Other Skills:
    Bio (Optional):
    Extra (Optional):

    Name: Makio Tomoya

    Age: 18

    Job: Photographer

    Job Description: Makio is a photographer specializing in candid shots and quite good at that. He often works collaboratively with the artists and graphic designers, using the photos he takes in various advertisements. Usually when on assignment, he’d spend half a day at whatever business they need to advertise and come back with many usable pictures for the ad, he’d spend the rest of the day editing the photos and work with the rest of the team for the rest of it.

    Appearance: He has light grey-green hair just long enough to cover the tops of his ears in sort of a mushroom cut, however his curls make it more stylish. About average height and build, a little on the skinny side, around 5″9′. Usually wears a plain color t-shirt or one with a stripe if he’s feeling extra saucy that day, usually pairing that with jeans. He has fairly pale skin, but tans fairly easily, if he’s sent to take pictures outside on a sunny day, he’ll usually come back several shades darker than when he left. His most remarkable feature are his eyes, a pretty and fairly rare shade of grey-blue. Almost always has his camera within arms reach

    Personality: Makio is generally a quiet person, he likes to do his work more or less alone, but never really avoids people, in fact he often goes out of his way to hang around the people he likes, however because he rarely talks unless spoken to first or unless he has something important to say. He’s rather soft-spoken and expressionless, so it’s easy to talk over him. he can sometimes come across rather stalker-ish. This isn’t aided by the fact that he has a has a habit of taking pictures of people now and then when they aren’t really expecting it, but that’s his specialty after all. The pictures almost always turn out to be rather beautiful, capturing the person’s personality when they’re at their best. Although he can definitely come off as a little weird, he’s a sweet kid and really weak to affection. He’s pretty forgetful at times too.

    Other Skills: Other than photography, he can draw pretty well, not nearly good enough to do any work as an artist though.

    Bio: Makio obtained his first camera when he was still in elementary school, it was a hand-me-down from his father once he bought a new one. As a child, he had a lot of difficulty sympathizing with other people and expressing his emotions, but somehow the camera helped. These traits still carry over to him now, but to a lesser extent. Over his years of taking pictures, he developed amazing skill of capturing complex emotion in a single photo. In high school, he very quickly became the president of the photography club and his skill was even recognized by his upperclassmen. After graduating, he decided to go straight to work instead of spending money he didn’t have on college, thus became employed at Ryouran.

    Extra: His favorite animal is the alligator which he has a tendency to sketch when zoning out. His favorite food is strawberries, but he’ll eat anything that’s red.

    Wake replied 7 years, 7 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Andi Wolf

    July 31, 2017 at 12:06 am

    Name: Arrenadd (pronounced Arrenath) Booke goes by Arren

    Age: 19

    Job: Musician

    Job Description: He is mainly a singer. He can play some piano but not enough to be good at it. As a musician he works with a few managers that can help him in his career of getting to the top.

    Appearance: Is about 6ft, muscular, but thin. Believe it or not he is actually an albino, so his hair his pure white and his short on the left side but the right goes a bit past his ear except for his bangs which is long enough to hand in front of his right eye and past his nose. He has one blue eye the other being red. The reason it is red is when he was born there was a lack of pigment in his left eye causing it to turn red instead of blue. He has 13 piercings, 6 on his left ear, 1 on the bridge of his nose and tongue, 2 on his bottom lip, and 2 in his right eyebrow. Wears skinny jeans with a tight t-shirt, and hightops when he has something important . Other than that he doesn’t care and just wears sweats with a baggy t-shirt and no shoes.

    Personality: He likes to be alone but doesn’t mind being around other people. He is very quiet and doesn’t usually talk to people he doesn’t know. Most of the time he can be found listening to music while he is read, or writing songs or poems. He is very kind a plight but will bite your head off if you get him mad enough. During his free time he can be found outside shooting his bow.

    Other Skills: He can draw and is very good at it but was never into it enough to peruse it as a career. The best thing he has ever drawn is the logo for his band.

    Bio: As a kid he loved to sing. His parents loved to listen to him and even helped to make his voice stronger. His freshman year in high school he was cleaning the choir room and began to sing. Some kids heard him and went in. Those kids became his best friends and they made a band together and called it Toxótis. They played on the streets for a while until someone told them about Ryouran. Arren decided to check it out and stayed while his friends went to college but they still meet up to play.

  • Andi Wolf

    July 31, 2017 at 12:08 am

    This is what he looks like)

  • Chris the wise

    August 2, 2017 at 12:55 pm

    Name: Kurogane Shino
    Job: artist
    Job Description: he does the matt paintings and renderings for the company.
    Appearence: He wears a loose kimono and hakama, he is quite tall with long dark hair usually handing in a loose twist behind his head, stubble marks his chin and his fingers sport spots of paint and ink.
    Personality: Shino is Laid back to the extreme, usually seen with his feet up and his hat over his eyes when not working on a piece. He is easy going around most people and encourages others to be aswell.
    Other Skills: Surprisingly good at cooking and Sculpure.
    Bio: Shino is the second son of a incredebly rich family, as his brother would inherit the business he was left pretty much to his own devices. He took up art as an outlet to his bordem and got really good at it.

  • Helexia

    August 5, 2017 at 12:10 am

    Name: Momoka Hina



    Job description:She creates logos or images to use for advertisements.

    Momoka has a lot of space theme small tatoos on her left side of her body and a star tatoo with an eye on the wrist of her left hand that she usually covers up. She wears a lot of light color clothing and usually wear some type of accessory on her hair and colors her nails a different color from the other hand but usually green and magenta. She also likes to where studded earrings a lot.

    Personality: Momoka is a quiet girl who has a hard time making friends, she usually keeps to herself and devotes her time towards work more. The friends that she usually hangs out with nicknames her the struggle of the group because she always struggles with what she does to produce good quality of drawings or very detailed characters. She is usually the type of person who will get scared about deadlines and try to finish her work before the deadline comes so she won’t have to worry too much.

    Other Skills: Momoka is also good at making small plushies.

    Bio: Ever since she was young she aspired to do something art related in the future. Although her family disapproves her of going into the art field she didn’t mind as long as she is able to do what she loves. During her high school years she was really active in her art club and joining a lot of art competitions in hopes of getting her name out there in the world some more. Once she became more noticed she decided to do character designs, commissions, and more on her spar time. She decided to get a job at Ryouran to have a more steady job while doing her other jobs on the side for extra income.

    Extra:She loves witches and has a lot of sketchbooks and drawings devoted to drawing them.

  • Wake

    August 10, 2017 at 5:02 am

    I did a draw of Makio a while back, forgot to post it earlier tho whoops (@-@
    Also I made his expression suuuper weird for some reason
    Not really sure why, it just kinda felt right

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