Ryouran Advertising Department
Public Group
Public Group
Active 6 years ago
The word ryouran means to beautifully fall out of order. This single word best describes the atmosphere... View more
Public Group
Group Description
The word ryouran means to beautifully fall out of order. This single word best describes the atmosphere of the company, a glorious catastrophe. Ryouran is a small business located in a cheap, somewhat run-down building hidden away in a corner of the Shinjuku that several artists, managers, marketers and other various workers call “home.” Despite its beyond modest appearance, Ryouran produces high-quality advertisements for the other local businesses, however the true magic lies within the walls of the building.
Rp Time!
Makio watches him leave with a dull stare before turning back to the printer and retrieving his prints. As he walked back to his desk, he stopped to look at the other drawings pinned on Shino’s board. He stood there for a second, holding the folder with his pictures stiffly close to his chest. “They’re good.” Makio murmured with a slightly awestruck look in his eye.
Shino flips a thumb up “thanks” he remarks, already starting another piece.
Arrenadd runs back in after an hour, his shirt on now, and looks at them. C-could you guys come listen to this? I need other people’s opinions…”
Makio glances up briefly from his monitor, looking toward Arrenadd then briefly exchanging a glance with Shino before ducking back behind his screen, burying his face in his tablet, muttering something about not knowing anything about music.
Arrenadd looks at the ground, “You don’t have to know anything about music. I just need to know it sounds good.”
Shino slowly stands and walks after Arrenadd “I can give it a listen. “
He says then glances back to Makio before he heads back to the sound room.
Makio watches them leave before ducking his head back into his computer, resuming his work, diligently editing his photos for a few seconds before his attention was drawn from the screen to the camera on his desk. He pauses for a moment before reaching for the camera. He touches it with almost a caress before jolting up and throwing the strap around his neck and began to walk off after the other two.
Arrenadd stops hearing another set of foot steps. Then he glances behind him and smiles seeing Makio. As he turns his hair moves from his eye a bit showing a hint of blue behind it before it’s covered again.
Makio snapped a picture of Arrenadd in the brief moment both his eyes were exposed, his photographer’s instincts kicking in before his mind could. He blinked and quickly looked down, “…Sorry.” He looked down at his camera’s screen, looking over the photo. He let his camera drop around his neck again without deleting the photo despite his apology.
Arrenadd blinks for a second then smiles again. “It’s fine.” Once to the sound room he opens the door for them.
Makio nods to him and slips into the room silently, picking up his camera again and absentmindedly paging through the pictures he currently had saved on his SD card.
Arrenadd walks in behind them and closed the door, then goes over to another person, that was sitting in a chair with headphones on listening to something, and taps his shoulder.
Man looks up to Arrenadd before taking off the headphones and stands. He looking to be a bit older then Arrenadd but only by a few years.
Arrenadd looks to Shino and Makio. “This is my older brother Gunther. He plays guitar in the band I’m in and is also the back up singer.”
Gunther nods to the two in front of him, “Hello” He says as he bows slightly.
Makio glances between the two of them briefly, then meets Gunther’s eyes for a moment. “Nice to meet you.” He said with a deep bow, holding his camera close to his chest “Please treat me kindly.”
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