GSC-Squad Military Warehouse
GSC-Squad or S-Squad Military Warehouse is a place for the 13th Bureau to keep public records,... View more
S-Clan Description
S-Clan Description
S-Clan Unit on Skyrie.
S-Clan Special Operations Squad (S-Clan short for SugarClan / this group is strictly family only) An elite squad made up of various different military forces that are part of the families/clans that we are composed of.
Our mission is to protect the citizens of Kabuki Town, Akihabara, and our families.
Welcome to the S-Clan Special Operations Squad Headquarters!
Here you will find our squad barracks or temporary dormitories.
A specialized area for basic training of Shinsengumi and other military members that are part of the Grand Sugar Clan of families.
Commander Kondo will fill you in on your various orders and missions.
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