
  • Description/Rules/Notes

    Posted by Kintoki Belial GoldSugarDemon Sakata on January 7, 2019 at 6:21 am

    Satō no Kokoro Restaurant! A cozy family-owned restaurant run by both family and friends of the GrandSugarClan, located close to the Kabukicho area. The restaurant boasts top chefs and several floors with spectacular views and excellent food.

    Owners: Rintoki, Noloty and Kintoki.

    // Simple Rules & Notes:
    RP as if you’re in a restaurant!
    Respect the admins & mods (owners and staff)

    The forums represent different floors and areas for formal, casual, family and outdoor dining. We may add more but see which one you wish to respond to or simply respond in on the wall.

    Anyone from GSC may work at the restaurant, except those we know can’t cook haha. (coughs..Mephy..) Anyway, anyone that is not part of our clan please interview first unless we already hired you.
    Anyone causing trouble will be removed without warning. //

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