Satou Arcanum Dimension
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Active 6 days ago
Welcome to Satou Arcanum Dimension!
You’ve entered the realm of gateways to other dimensions. A secret... View more
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Welcome to Satou Arcanum Dimension!
You’ve entered the realm of gateways to other dimensions. A secret mystical world awaits you. You’ve come to uncover secret mysteries or to fulfill your missions.
Beware as you walk through this otherworldly dimension. Strange creatures and dark magicians find their way here to interfere with your agenda.
**Note: This group is mainly for members of the GrandSugarClan, although all may enter and use this group,
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**All new arrivals and new rp characters, we ask that you first join Skyrie.net group and Skyrie Sandbox group so that you understand how to get around Skyrie and what’s expected.
**If we find any post we deem irrelevant we will delete it without warning.
Inception to an Apocalypse
Inception to an Apocalypse
Mephisto FaustianSugarDemon Pheles Sakata replied 5 years ago 15 Members · 65 Replies
*She finally says words that she struggles to release to the elders and those around her.* Leave….me… flee…. save…. yourselves!
*Lord Sesshomaru could sense her grief and her pain.* Never! We would never do such a thing! Just resist as much as you can, my beloved niece! We’re here for you!
*Hikari battled within Satou Arcanum and was also protecting the strange young man with the eyes of god. @diego He said his name was Carlos or Carlitos but she doubted this was his true name. He said plenty to her yet, her instincts told her he had not told her everything. She didn’t have time to keep interrogating him. Protecting her queen was her main focus. She would learn more about this mysterious guy if Mephy, the elders, Toshi and she could keep Lady Helena’s magick from increasing. So far, some part of it was contained within Satou Arcanum. She felt her dragon spirit near her and a hologram of one of the fairies appeared as well. She felt they had news for her. One told of the calming of dragons at FireStarter Dragon Island then the Dragon Spirit fused with her fairy magick. The other let her know the faery realm had been rid of that which wanted to steal immortality. Then it too lent her strength to endure the pulses of energy coming from her Queen Helena. She noted that Carlitos eyes had widened.* What? What is it that you see now? Speak up? There are more terrifying creatures that could be released from any of those dimensional portals. Are you sensing one of those is opening?
"Ozy" Ozymandias Diego Watch FudoTeppeiKondo *SombrosoGalactoseBestiarusz *
ModeratorJanuary 3, 2020 at 9:12 am*Carlos, the watcher, felt he could give Hikari some information. She had been protecting him even though she didn’t have to. He was gripping on to the sandy floors trying to maintain himself in the area he had chosen to record the event. Before Hikari had asked why his eyes had suddenly changed, he was speaking of words the gods themselves were speaking.* There is talk of three keys that might be able to save the seraphim and in turn, the world. They mention the key of the body which is manifested by two individuals, the key of the soul which is only held by the one who holds her heart, and the key of the mind… a mind that can reach hers, a legendary entity called the phoenix. The seraphim is not completely in control of herself and for all we know she isn’t completely among us but rather, the destructive force driving her is. The reason she amazes me, is that even if she may be unconscious she is withholding the full extent of her powers. As if she is still aware of who is fighting around her. *He watched as Hikari looked surprised but then stopped him for a moment while she seemed to get news from some spirits. As this was happening, Carlitos felt a change in Helena, one that frightened him, his eyes eager to witness the event opened larger. He then answers Hikari’s questions.* No! Not something from another dimension, something worse. Humans, trying to take the situation into their hands have launched missiles in their misguided attempt to end this. *He sighs* Look at her eyes, they’ve changed, this means, that these missiles will become part of her energy thus making her more destructive. Those missiles must not reach her, and for this the 1st key must arrive with it’s two heroes. Otherwise, we are in for an even more painful event. *He braced himself for the worse.*
*The elders were absorbing the worst of the destructive energies being thrust out by niece Helena. Even though the world, part of the outer atmosphere and possibly other dimensions were feeling the force of Helena’s energy. They had no idea that they weren’t being impacted completely by it because of the elders and a shield that Mephisto continued to erect around her every time she broke it down. He worried his nephew Gin had come across a deadly foe and this was the reason he still hadn’t been able to arrive. And worse, he sensed some strange change in Helena as she opened her eyes and the color had taken on a very specific look, one of hunger to also absorb more power into herself.* No! Don’t!
*Helena’s eyes were closed. Then they slowly opened but rather than the usual beautiful rainbow colors that constantly changed with every blink of her eyes, there was nothing but white black orbs. Her eyes were sinister and destructive. She had sensed the missiles being sent her way from several directions by the humans who wished to end the current state they were in but her destructive seraph had begun to take more control over Helena’s usually kind nature. She prepared her darkest aura to embrace the hypersonic missiles, if these missiles were to reach her. She intended to absorb them, gaining more power and releasing it towards the world tenfold. She slowly breaks down the shield that Mephy had erected around her so that she can absorb the powers of humanity’s fear and hatred forged into the missiles they had so desperately sent her way.*
*He was surprised to see that she was breaking the barrier that had been containing her destructive powers.* What is she doing? *he then grins with demonic pleasure.* Would be lying if I didn’t say I wasn’t enjoying this challenge. *He continuously tried to reseal the shield in order to keep her from unleashing more of the powers she was already exhibiting.* Do you think this doesn’t hurt Helena! *he was becoming exhausted but he would not give in.* Is she going to unleash her full seraph mode? Guess we’re going to die here. Mein gott!
*She puts a small barrier over Dieguito who’s eyes continue to glow as he witnesses and records the events before him. Hikari looks at Lady Helena.* She has grown in size, she seems larger than life from here. At least she has resisted goion full nine-wings on us. Still, these energy pulses of her hurt, it’s going to leave some bruises on me. *She then looks at Mephy challenging Helena’s size.* Oh shit! I’ve never seen Mephy do that! Is that his true demon form? *She shakes her head and realizes that he’s trying to keep the shield around Helena closed and Helena seems to be quickly breaking it down. She also senses strange movement around her but it wasn’t inside of Satou Arcanum.* Seems there’s plenty of company that wants to do something about this. It’s useless, there’s only one person I can think of that can stop her. And I have a feeling some are not making easy for him to get here. *Hikari then focuses on her task.* Since it seems that there are defenses outside, I will focus on helping Mephisto keep this containing shield from opening. It’s best if Lady Helena’s powers aren’t felt at their full potential. We’ve minimized it as much as we can, and I’m sure Lady Helena herself is doing her best to resist. Please, hang in there my beautiful queen. *She decides to siphon some of her fairy magic fire. Her eyes and hands begin to light up and the magic fire begins to curl around Mephisto’s shield helping reinforce it. She carefully concentrates on her own powers and materializes the seal until her fairy aura and the shield are intermingled. She begins an invocation to strengthen the shield.* The circle is cast! Ancient fairy god and goddesses lend me your strength! Please allow this fairy fire seal to remain unbroken until the pure heart is revealed. *She then releases her own magic and allows the seal to flow around Mephisto’s once more to create a triple shield around her.*
"Ozy" Ozymandias Diego Watch FudoTeppeiKondo *SombrosoGalactoseBestiarusz *
ModeratorJanuary 14, 2020 at 10:34 pm*Dieguito was grateful to Hikari. He hoped he lived through this so he could somehow pay her back for her protectiveness and kindness. He felt some hope as he watched the strength of those around the lovely seraph contain such an immense source of power. He stood behind the barrier and observed every little detail. He could see how painful the energy pulses were for everyone exposed to it. He wasn’t even fully exposed and he felt like he was being punched repeatedly. He could tell something was happening outside or near the borders of Satou Arcanum as movement seem to increase everywhere. He, however, was there to witness an amazing event. Would the world perish or would it be saved?*
*Mephisto does his best to contain Helena’s full destructive force from crushing the rest of the area. He is in full infernal demon form. He knows he’ll pay the price later since being in the human world in full infernal demon form for one of his demon class was forbidden. But extreme measures had to be taken at a time like this. He was however enjoying the challenge as any demon of his status would.* Sweet seraphim, are you absorbing my powers? *he grins* I see. This is going to be very trying for me. Please, don’t drain me to the point that you become the end of me.
*Helena was torn between the multiverse that called to her soul and her heart which belonged to the people of the planet she as about to destroy. She could see the ones she loved struggle, fight and protect both her and the world they loved. Her eyes opened but she still only saw the things from a distance place which she had a difficult time returning from on her own. She wanted to feel the embrace of her husband Gintoki, so she could feel grounded once more. Her heart supplicated for his embrace, she wanted to intertwine her fingers in his and stare at his eyes but her seraphim was on a road to bring the world to its demise.*
*Gintoki Lucifer burst past all the barriers in Satou Arcanum leaving a temporary dent and pushing against the pulses released by his wife Helena until he was able to open his large demonic wings and wrap them around her in order to contain her destructive force while he put his arms around her.* Helena, oi! I’m here! I’m already here! *he whispered to her, it had been long and he knew it would take some time for her to react to him so he held on to her tightly awaiting a reaction from her.* You’re safe now! For all that you love, you can stop the destruction. I told you time and time again, no matter where you are, I will come and find you and I will hold you tight! Nothing can keep us apart!
*With Gin’s arrival, the elders and those who had been within and directly hit by the powerful pulses of Helena’s energy had been taken away. Their bodies could no longer handle the painful beating and stress of containing Helena’s powers. Mephisto cautiously continued to maintain the shield around Helena even though his brother had finally arrived. But something wasn’t right. He noticed after Lord Sesshomaru mentioned it.* Gin brother! Has she responded to you yet? *he waited anxiously for an answer.*
*Mephisto’s words only confirmed Gin’s thoughts. Something seemed to be off but he wanted to wait a bit longer before trying to do anything else. He could feel her heartbeat and he could tell she seemed to be trying to reach for him.* Helena?
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