Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose Dimensional Gateway

  • Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose Dimensional Gateway

  • Balder Hringhorni ✨ Bal-Bal Sato.no.Kami ✨

    October 23, 2020 at 5:24 am

    *He  hugs Helena warmly and then turns to address Loki.* Wait here and I’ll have Shuhei come merge with you so that you may enjoy the earthly realm. *Bal bal and Tsuki Tsuki head back to the large cities with Helena.*

  • Lord Beerus *Hakaisha Sato.no.Kami*

    October 25, 2020 at 6:14 am

    *Lord Beerus had taken some time to deal with his godly duties in other dimensions. He gave his tournament warriors a break to enjoy the festivities of the next few months but he would ruthlessly have them train later on to make up for any lost time. He then passed the gates into Satou Arcanum since he too would be partaking in the festivities taking place in the physical world.*

  • *Leaving Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose and heading towards True Crossover Academy of the Blue Flame.* Time to fill the young ones heads with endless knowledge! *he sighs* But some of those airheads may be a challenge.

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