Satou Arcanum Dimension
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Active 6 days ago
Welcome to Satou Arcanum Dimension!
You’ve entered the realm of gateways to other dimensions. A secret... View more
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Welcome to Satou Arcanum Dimension!
You’ve entered the realm of gateways to other dimensions. A secret mystical world awaits you. You’ve come to uncover secret mysteries or to fulfill your missions.
Beware as you walk through this otherworldly dimension. Strange creatures and dark magicians find their way here to interfere with your agenda.
**Note: This group is mainly for members of the GrandSugarClan, although all may enter and use this group,
Please note:
**All new arrivals and new rp characters, we ask that you first join Skyrie.net group and Skyrie Sandbox group so that you understand how to get around Skyrie and what’s expected.
**If we find any post we deem irrelevant we will delete it without warning.
Realm of Moon Worshipers
Realm of Moon Worshipers
Helena SweetSeraphimDeaSugarDemon Okumura-Sakata replied 5 years ago 9 Members · 44 Replies
*Her human emotions got in the way and feels warmth on her cheeks* Oh dear! I am blushing?!? Gomen, I may act stranger before you, but it’s still me.
*Takes her hand and gets her into the jet.* Come on hop in all of you! *Once they are in* This is the lazy way for goddesses to get around. *he jokes and chuckles as they fly out of Satou Arcanum and head towards S-Clan and the Empire.*
// Domo arigato minna! //
// Domo arigato Tsuki Tsuki, Soji, Alto and Noloty. This part of the RP is now closed but anyone is welcomed to use this realm in the future.//
**New RP**
*Ginnoji and Ginkachi walked towards Satou Arcanum with their mommy Helena. There they waited to be given passage to the path they were seeking but as she had explained to them, Helena needed to speak to Tsuki Tsuki about allowing them passage through that portal. This god guarded the place and Helena did not want Tsuki-Tsuki to feel like they had intruded. So they set out for the Realm of the Moon Worshipers to find the Japanese God of the Moon.*
Mommy Helena! *he held her arm and looked to her.* Maybe we should go back. What if we anger the god?
*They huddled close as they felt as if they were floating in mid air. Ginkachi was in awe. She had seen a little of her adopted mother’s powers and had felt it her healing aura but she had never been able to witness her opening and going through portals. It made her a little nervous. She was behind Helena and Ginnoji, she would hug the linked arms of her brother and mother, sometimes she’d close her eyes. This was an incredible experience.* Tell me when we get there!!
*Helena’s mind was in a trance as she led her children Ginnoji and Ginkachi towards the realm of the moon. Her hair grew silver and white streaks in them mixed with the dark long hair they were familiar with. There was a reason for the change. Helena had not entirely accompanied her children, she had separated a large part of her essence in order to be able to stay at the mansion to protect Erin and to be able to enter the portal in the Realm of the Moon. There she slowly took physical form. It took some time but soon, they appeared at their destination. Then she stood looking up at Tsuki-Tsuki. She finally held the hands of Ginkachi and Ginnoji.* Tsuki-Tsuki sama, I have come to ask your permission to enter the portal you are guarding where these children can learn more of their origins. *She would smile.* Domo arigato for meeting with us here.
*Tsuki Tsuki opened a portal closes to him to receive Helena, Ginkachi and Ginnoji. He was in his sisters domain, therefore, the Japanese god of the moon was in a fully white garb. His hair was purple and white and he wore a crown with a the phases of the moon on it. He was slightly surprised at feeling Helena’s presence when she located him but part of him had expected her to come. He listened to her request but he realized Helena had split her soul once more.* Tell me Helena, is that you truly you? I suppose the answer would be yes and no. *he got closer and held up a strand of her hair as he examined it.* I see, you need not tell me. I understand now. *He paced away from her.* I wish you would be more careful with your powers. They are magnificent and watching them grow and transcend amazes me. Such as Noloty has amazed me as well. But Helena, or rather, Helena’s soul, I shall called you Selena, since you’re in my realm now. *He then continued what he was saying* Those invisible beings that sought you out in the old world are trying to find you once more. I can sense their eagerness, they can smell the sweet scent of your celestial essence. No, you should be more careful. *He looks at the two children and their bunny ears. He understood why she was doing this.* While you are there, you may all undergo a series of physical changes but once you return you will be as you were. *he opens another portal to the dimension they were seeking.* You may enter with my blessings. I shall retrieve you when the time is right.
Tsuki Tsuki, I understand. I am aware of the universe even though I’m not completely here. * This part of Helena’s soul had been honored to receive a name from a moon god. She would bow and show her gratitude.* There is no greater honor. *Although, this part of Helena’s soul had been released back in the old world, she had only been an orb, and now she was taking a temporary physical form. But it would be several generations before she would be allowed to roam the earth in a human vessel.* I’m also grateful that you will allow us through the portal that will allow my children to find more answers about themselves. *She felt ears on her head.* Oh my my! What is this?
*He admires her and blushes as well. He makes a majestic robe appear on his arms and puts it around Helena’s soul.* Blessings! I shall see you three soon! *Sends them on their way.*
**Those of the Realm of Moon Worshipers prepare to celebrate the Super Spring Worm Moon.*
Diana: *the Realm of Moon Worshipers had been at peace for a long time. An demi-goddess and warrior named Diana enjoyed a long slumber. But as of late she could not feel the moons upon her skin entering through windows of the quiet bed in her temple. She felt earthquakes and heard startling noises. She rose and growled! Her heart turning dark! Then she sensed something else.* Leona! Born into a new world! HAH! Maybe, my awakening is not in vain after all, I have someone to take it out on! @leona *She rose and summoned her battlegear. It slowly merged with her body and her sword floated into her weapon floated into her hand. She looked at it.* Hmm it’s a bit dull. *She walked out of the temple and let out an angry wail.* I shall punish whomever awakened me and I shall get my revenge on Leona!
*Once she was ready she stepped out of the the dimensional portal of the Realm of Moon Worshipers and into Satou Arcanum. She had not stepped foot in for long when a strange powerful pulse of energy expelled her from the area. *She screamed as she flew into the air and landed outside the Satou Arcanum area on a pile of corpses of dead monsters.* Ugh! What is this? *She tried to bet back into Satou Arcanum but couldn’t.* So whatever is causing all this is in there. But I cannot approach! *She looked back at the rest of the world.* What a mess! I supposed I have to do something first. *Looks at her weapon.* Tch!
*Then Diana, Scorn of the Moon made her way into a world that seemed new to her.* -
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