Sacred Timeline

  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    June 10, 2022 at 5:29 pm

    We finally arrived, my Lady! This is the sacred gem I was talking to you about. This will be our very last resort to keep the clan safe and well hidden in case the situation with the Multiverse goes wrong. From here, we can also see what’s going on with all parallel universes. @sweetsugardemon @meaperrary

  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    June 10, 2022 at 5:31 pm

    *Observing one of the many solar systems in one of the universes.

  • Archangel Michael ✞ ArchistrategosSucreSpiritus

    June 18, 2022 at 12:58 am

    *Accompany Jean to the Sacred Timeline and raises an eyebrow upon recognizing the book in front of her* You cannot walk around with The Darkhold so freely here! Are you sure it’s safe to use it here? @darkphoenix

  • Archangel Michael ✞ ArchistrategosSucreSpiritus

    June 18, 2022 at 1:03 am

    *Doing some research of his own while Jean reads her book* @darkphoenix

  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    January 14, 2023 at 9:48 pm

    // NEW RP//

    *After arriving at the Sacred Timeline and having long conversations in between cosmic training, Jean was delighted to see the final result* Amazing my lady! Creation really does suit you! What would you name this flower? @sweetsugardemon

  • Helena SweetSeraphimDeaSugarDemon Okumura-Sakata

    January 23, 2023 at 10:51 pm

    *She looks to Jean as if seeking approval for her first trial with guidance. She was relieved when Jean gave her approval. She felt like she was back in school and giggled as she thought it was best Thoth sama wasn’t the one teaching her since he was normally so strict about everything. She then hugs Jean.* I’m so glad. I feel I still must improve as the other gods will be watching what I am able to do. And they can be rather judgmental. I don’t want to do anything that will cause them concern either.

  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    January 24, 2023 at 6:45 pm

    *Jean embraces Helena’s hug and smiles* You are absolutely right, my lady! There’s so much room for improvement and I wholeheartedly trust that you will achieve it. It just takes time and no need to rush either. I’m a bit of a perfectionist so I would make sure that minimal errors be made, although creation has its tricks but I will be here to guide you and ahem! *coughs* Thoth-sama is more than welcome to observe. *giggles* You’re also right about the Gods as well, they will watch…especially one in particular. The oldest one of all…you know…the one related to Noloty and Michael… *this last sentence she tried to turn it into a sarcastic comment as she winks as her*

  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    April 2, 2023 at 10:17 pm

    *Jean has been away for some time keeping guard of the galaxies as the threat reaches closer to Skyrieverse. She had stopped by the Sacred Timeline to make sure things were in order but soon realized that it was much to be done and she couldn’t handle it alone. She telepathically asked Noloty if she could assist and was relieved to hear her affirmative reply. As Jean stands by one of the portals, she can sense the presence of three familiar ladies* Good! She bought company! *giggles* I better get going. *Leaves Noloty a note then head back to the galaxies*

  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    November 13, 2023 at 12:46 am

    *Phoenix was flying across the galaxies making sure no threat or anomalies was happening and once the coast seemed clear, Phoenix would return back to Skyrieverse. Once entering the realm of the Sacred Timeline, Phoenix came across a cosmic energy which for some reason felt recognizable but also realized that this energy was much more powerful, almost god-like, and understood why it was not able to detect what it truly was. The energy felt warming and non threatening which had Phoenix feel a bit perplexed but somehow for some apparent reason was trusting it, then suddenly, without any explanation, Phoenix was given a sword. A voice spoke but only saying one word, a name. It was clear to Phoenix what it had to do and left the Sacred Timeline to arrive at Satou Arcanum. Upon arriving, Phoenix call out the only person she can share this experience, the one name the voice mentioned: Helena @sweetsugardemon

  • Helena SweetSeraphimDeaSugarDemon Okumura-Sakata

    November 22, 2023 at 11:49 pm

    *Helena, Thoth and Jean spoke rather cheerfully even though Helena had experienced so much distress and sadness during her meditation. The news that Jean gave her of things being peaceful on her way there gave her a sense of calmness. Those things that worried her during meditation would soon get her attention but she did want to be a source of comfort for all those needing help. She couldn’t fall into a sense of hopelessness herself. She was excited as she received the sword and they all headed towards the Ancient Sanctum Sanctorum of the Heavenly Beings. She felt a momentary jolt from the sword she had taken into her being and realized something else was out there waiting for the right time to make it’s move. It make Helena’s skin get goosebumps but at that instance the sword also calmed her as if to let her know, no matter what was out there, it was ready to go into action and guard the innocents once more.* I understand now. *she uttered and then continued on her way.*

  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    February 26, 2025 at 6:04 pm

    Awaiting the Arrival of the Dawnborn

    The cosmos whispers, the heavens sigh,

    A star yet unlit stirs in the sky.

    A child unborn, yet fate foreseen,

    A bridge between the ash and serene.

    The Phoenix flares, her fire spins,

    In molten dreams, the tale begins.

    The Archangel kneels, his sword aglow,

    A father who fears what the fates bestow.

    For in the void where echoes roam,

    The shadows writhe, they scent their own.

    They wait beyond the veil of time,

    To twist her light, to dim her shine.

    But still, she stirs within the flame,

    A spark, a pulse, a whispered name.

    Not yet of flesh, not yet of form,

    Yet storms will break where she is born.

    Will she rise with steady grace,

    Or burn too bright, consumed in haste?

    Will rage take hold, unbridled, wild,

    Or will the light still guide this child?

    The stars hold breath, the moons stand still,

    The dawn awaits her boundless will.

    And when she wakes, when fate is spun,

    A warrior rises with the sun.


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