Satou Arcanum Dimension
Welcome to Satou Arcanum Dimension!
You’ve entered the realm of gateways to other dimensions. A secret... View more
Souls in the Machines, Oh my beautiful kansmusu..
Souls in the Machines, Oh my beautiful kansmusu..
*It was back during a time when Helena had first encountered Tama and Kintoki in which she questioned the beings that were machine but deep inside there was more to them than just parts and pieces. Their lives were becoming more human with each encounter. Helena knew that the soul could outlast and transcend the physical body, so why would it not take refuge in the comfort of a machine, in this case and android maid and a cyborg. As Gin set out to save these Tama and Kintoki from their fates that day, Helena had become unconscious but what had really occured was that Helena had been transported to Satou Arcanum’s inner dimension. There she was younger and was in a room where she was in full meditation. Her own soul had traveled to a time when she was younger and had witnessed something she had forgotten from her past experience. As she hid among the warriors of a forest when she was pursued by mercenaries, she had seen the pictures of warships and fleets. To the normal viewer, the pictures were simply war machines from a World War II era but Helena didn’t see this. She saw girls, young girls wanted to take human form. Their faces were clearly visible to her and their souls cry. As Helena touched the pictures, these souls were granted their wish of becoming physical girls. They would later be known as kanmusu. The girls could still take the form of battleships but they now had a new design, some even began to resemble the beautiful lady who saved them. The girls looked at Helena as their mother who had given birth to them or had freed them from their original forms, she had freed their souls. But before Helena could see what had happened, she had been called to fight and flee as her pursuers had gotten to close to a vulnerable village.Helena then awakened back in the era where she had been before she lost conciousness. This is where the story of a few of Helena’s long lost daughter’s begin… their voyage to find their future mother (Helena) and father(Gintoki) and their adventures along the way…
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