Split: Visiting Yggdrasil

  • Split: Visiting Yggdrasil

    Posted by Archangel Michael ✞ ArchistrategosSucreSpiritus on August 8, 2021 at 5:52 pm

    *Michael agreed to meet his little sister at Yggdrasil and at first he was having a bit of a hard time having a conversation with her but then he would remember Thoth’s words and began to keep an open mind. He was beginning to have a different perspective of how the events took place back then and began to understand his sister’s actions. Despite some disagreements and even some hurtful words being exchanged between the two, in the end there was forgiveness and now more than ever Michael knew that he needed to be alongside his sister and give his undivided support* Let’s heal first then afterwards we may have to have a conversation with Father.

  • 4 Replies
  • Noloty Kagerou PoisonSugarDemon Maruchie Sakata

    January 15, 2022 at 2:00 am

    //New RP//

    *After the meeting at the mansion, Noloty visited Yggdrasil to organize her grimoires at close range in case someone tells her at least of hint of what this spell Jean spoke of entails. She places them in a small rolling cart and takes them deep in to the woods until she reaches a beautiful waterfall located near the Tree of Life. She enters the calming waters and begins to meditate and clear her mind. Once in complete concentration and focus, she slowly feels a tingle in her body. The tattoos on her back began to lit up and suddenly she felt a psychic connection with Jean* Ehh? *Noloty was confused at first then without giving herself the chance to refocus on her concentration, she felt a sudden pull towards the bottom of the pond. Noloty was shocked and at the same time scared, thinking that whatever was pulling her will make her drown but to her surprise, she found herself standing midair in between planets and a beautiful starry sky* Nani?? *She turns around and her eyes widens as she sees Jean walking towards her* Jean?? Is this one of your reality warping scenarios? *As surprised as she was and wanting an explanation, she noticed that Jean had not time to chit chat and gave her some very valuable information. She listened carefully to every detail and once the conversation was over, Jean had vanished and suddenly it was dark. Noloty opened her eyes and shockingly she noticed that she was standing at the same spot all this time* Oh dear! Was this a dream? No! it was not! *She quickly gets out of the pond and gets a hold of a few of her grimoires and begins to look into the pages until she found what she was looking for* Anja! There it is! So this is the spell…oh dear! This could be worrisome; let me return back home and share this info.

  • Noloty Kagerou PoisonSugarDemon Maruchie Sakata

    February 16, 2022 at 6:32 pm

    *At Yggdrasil focused on her Lightning powers*

  • Noloty Kagerou PoisonSugarDemon Maruchie Sakata

    June 25, 2022 at 3:09 pm

    *At her witches den, Noloty tries to get one of her ingredients while a few of her potion bottles escapes her grasp* Ohhh Michael! Don’t just stand there, help me get that! @heavenlysoldier

  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    January 14, 2023 at 9:51 pm

    *Observes Helena in amazement as she sees her create a new portal to enter Yggdrasil* Wow!! I can see the Tree of Life from here! Noloty would be thrilled! @sweetsugardemon

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