Unexpected Path To the Secluded Kitsune Mountains

  • *He smiles* They all came in this direction. *AkoyaKurama was excited about seeing what had been discovered behind the thick forest and he already had a sense of what it could be.*

  • Xerxes & Zerzes (RebelSugarDemons)

    November 30, 2017 at 5:32 pm

    *Xerxes and Zerzes were looking forward to seeing what they were sensing and what their grandfather Leo had left the mansion to investigate with their uncle Gentoka. Shortly afterwards, they saw their father Tomoe head in the same direction with a few others.*

    Xerxes: Like hell we’re staying behind!

    Zerzes: Of course not brother. We’ll go see what all the fuss is about too! *gives Xerxes a thumbs up and a grin.*

  • *Hikari had gotten reports that Lady Helena had opened a new portal. She had entered another dimension in which she found a Kitsune Kingdom. It was to Hikari’s relief to get such news. She wanted to be near Lady Helena, the woman she owned her life to. She would protect her at all cost. She headed towards the portal and stands in front of it using her own fairy magic to summon the kitsune spirit of the realm. As soon as the spirit appeared she asked for it to guide her there, as the spirit complied she followed, soon she would find Lady Helena.*

  • // admin cursing: what the fuck!!! I wrote “OWED” not “OWNED” muther fucker!!

  • *Damiana made her way to Satou Arcanum. She could sense the movement of family ahead. She went to to the opened portal and noticed the kawaii kitsune hidden within the forest trees.* So this is the path everyone is taking. *She had to see it for herself, she went through the path until she was met with the spirit of a small fox that seemed a little frightened of her. Perhaps because of her demon blood. She went down and did her best to make the spirit feel comfortable with her until it accepted her and led her towards the secluded kingdom.*

  • Rintoki BlueFlameSugarDemon OkumuraSakata

    December 4, 2017 at 8:40 am

    *Rintoki and Xeryus walked towards Satou Arcanum and then lept towards the open dimension door.* This is it. This is where everyone seems to be coming to. But is it a trap? *he suddenly sees a spirit fox which makes him feel at ease.* Look grandson Xeryus, a spirit fox!

  • Xeryus Algol * VesperDeviluke DraconizianSugarDemon

    December 4, 2017 at 8:44 am

    *Stops in his tracks* What a magnificent creature! *he smiles* Granddaddy Rintoki, it wants us to follow him. Shall we?

  • Rintoki BlueFlameSugarDemon OkumuraSakata

    December 4, 2017 at 8:46 am

    *He shrugs* Yeah, sure, why not? Doesn’t seem harmful and if the family is in some cond of trouble we should be there! *they both ran following the quick fox spirit through the deep forest.*

  • Kintoki Belial GoldSugarDemon Sakata

    December 6, 2017 at 7:30 am

    *Kintoki had gone searching for Noloty but he couldn’t find her at all. He lost track of Chief Rika when they went into Satou Arcanum. But then he sensed familiar auras going through a portal nearby. He entered and caught a glimpse of family following little fiery foxes.* This is interesting! *he walked in and followed the family through the thick forest within the mountains.*

  • Tamaki HayashiSakata 💚 TerribleTornadoSucreSpiritus

    December 9, 2017 at 3:27 am


    // continuation of rp with Erin chan. //

    *Tamaki stood within the dessert lands of Satou Arcanum, there were several portals. She then looks at Erin and pouts.* I don’t know where they went. *She looked around for a hint, even a glimpse of someone and then she noticed Erin take a step forward.* Erin chan? Where are you going? *She follows her*

  • Erin Himiko Heita (CherishedPrincessShadowLight)

    December 13, 2017 at 11:49 am

    Erin walked with tamaki to Satou Arcanum. She noticed she was lost and stepped forward. “It’s this way! Erin can feel uncle Naruto through it!” Erin grabbed Tamaki’s hand and rushed towards the right portal and blinked as she took a step in, hoping Tamaki would be right behind her.

  • Tamaki HayashiSakata 💚 TerribleTornadoSucreSpiritus

    December 26, 2017 at 6:40 pm

    *She was glad that Erin knew how to find the way and followed her without question.*

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