Savage Pirates of the Seven Sugarway Seas
Savage Pirates of the Seven Sugarway Seas.
**property of GrandSugarClan**
Several pirate ships... View more
Savage Pirates of the Seven Skyrieway Seas (info)
Savage Pirates of the Seven Skyrieway Seas (info)
Savage Pirates of the Seven Skyrieway Seas.
Several pirate ships battle against the law, the seas and each other while seeking the infamous Treasure Island in order to obtain the vast quantities of gold said to be hidden on that island.
Info & Rules
1. RP Only please
2. Stick to the the nautical adventure / pirate theme.
3. You may come up with your own pirate adventure idea and post it on the wall or in the topics area of the forum.
4. Pirate talk and regular speech are both acceptable.
5. You don’t necessarily have to be a pirate. Use your imagination.
6. Have fun!
7. If we think you’re being an ass or we find your rp to be irrelevant to the rules above, we’ll just remove you without warning.
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