Secret games
Public Group
Public Group
Active 5 years ago
M3l0dy: Hi my name is M3l0dy. Founder and current officer and leader of group 1 troop 1. *has hand... View more
Public Group
Group Description
M3l0dy: Hi my name is M3l0dy. Founder and current officer and leader of group 1 troop 1. *has hand out waiting for a handshake* What’s your name?
Bellbell: I’m Bell, and I will be teaching you little children how to properly weapons and blades as well as hand-to-hand combat. A word from the wise, mess with me, and you will wake up with your sorry little face cut to ribbons. Am I understood?
Jason: Hey I’m Jason. If you happen to want to have general combat training and/or want to be a pilot, might as well join this troop. Oh I’m leader of Group 2 troop 1, nice to meet you. Break my rules, and I break something on you. See you later.
Scratch: Hello he said. I am Scratch, leader of group 2 troop 2 he said. I’m sure you have many questions about what we do
and how we do it, and I can garuntee that I can answer them all but I won’t he said. If you want to know how to join
you can’t. If you already know how, then welcome aboard he said!
Group 1 Troop 2
Group 1 Troop 2
Posted by Bell on January 5, 2014 at 6:51 amSetting: Large training complex, two large buildings for living quarters (much styled in Troop 1, including separate rooms for each cadet and two shared bathing rooms for the opposite genders), living complex (For officials)
Welcome to Troop 2. I am Bellbell but you shall refer to me as Ms or Duani, either one is fine. Put away those guns children we have no use for them here. Troop 2 is in charge of hand-to-hand combat as well as knives, while Troop 1 is in control of firearms. We will be using the truly dirty weapons here not like firearms where you remain clean. I would suggest that you turn right back around and try out for Troop 1 if you want to stay alive and rest easily. We do not have any time for the weak or pity cases here. We shall be working hard to use our bodies and take them to their full potential. Expect to be training hard for the first several months. Training will commence at the arrival of four cadets. Sleeping arrangements will be as follows: separate rooms for each cadet. Please note the sleeping arraignments you are assigned to. Bathrooms are shared with the same gender. ((Will release map ASAP))
Max replied 11 years, 1 month ago 15 Members · 154 Replies -
154 Replies
Schedule of classes for the following weeks:
1/12 Training Begins. Basic kicks and punches
1/19 Begin working with blades
1/26 Assassinations
2/2 Traps
2/9 LasersClasses subject to change
It appears you have a cadet *uses magic powers to make @eloquence appear* Well Kyla this is your troop and commanding officer. Officer Dauni ( @bellbell252 ) *disappears*
*reappears* Hey I’m back with another new cadet *@teanay-tesieu appears* say hello to teanay. *disappears*
Ugh, M3l you get back here right now!!! *No reply* *Sighs* Ok my ducks, well it appears you are stuck with me. Hopefully we shall be getting more pris- I am sorry I mean cadets soon but for now it is just the three of us. First of all, sleeping arrangements! Kyla you are in room one, Teanay you are in room two. The showers and bathrooms are down the hall *points* I expect the both of you to cooperate and play nice. Until we have more soldiers we will not began training. You now have a few days of reprieve and rest. I would suggest practicing your skills and increasing your stamina if you need it. *Hands each of you a map* Except for the officer’s areas you are free to go where you will so long as it is inside the Troop’s borders. I will see you at breakfast tomorrow. *leaves cadet quarters*
A tall, slender figure walks down the halls at a steady pace, not rushed but not slow. The tapping of his feet against the floor almost sound like he has three feet, but on seeing the man it is revealed that he is carrying a gentleman’s cane, with a ball handle. He continues to walk, until he reaches the Officer’s Quarters, at which point he stops, thinking for a moment, then knocks politely, but firmly, with a smile ready for whoever steps out.
He raises a brow at her reaction, chuckling. “Are you the officer? Hmm, not very professional~.” He leans on his gentleman’s cane. “I just thought I’d notify you I’ll be training here. You’re younger than I thought you’d be, but that’s alright. I hope your age does not limit your experience.”
It hasn’t been too long since the commander of the troop had dropped Reiji off at his new room and office in the Officers’ Dorm. He had to admit it was pretty impressive for what it’s worth. He didn’t really need to settle in on one space since he was a mercenary, and he didn’t need much formalities since he was freelance. His curious eyes and hands explored his own little complex, examining the possibilities he had in his own property. Looking to activate the lever that was discreetly hidden behind his desk- as shown before, a door swung open to his left, revealing his private room, which looked as presentable as the office.
The merc’ smirked in amused satisfaction. He could get used to this.
He dropped all of his equipment in a designated corner and hung his specially embroidered trench coat to the side. The young man then crashed on the couch on the left-hand side wall of his office, crossing his arms behind his head and gazing up onto the ceiling. His clie– commander- commander now…? What made him then, an officer? whatever- stated that the troop, so far, were gonna gather and introduce and debrief and all those formalities. Considering his higher-put position, would he have to address himself to the cadets in a similar manner? Well, his part of the deal was that he’d be her training assistant and whatnot, but no way in hell would he go through the training regime for himself.
Whatever, just wing it.
Reiji leaned his head back to catch eye of the folder he placed on the desk when he first came in, containing the papers of the information that was released thus far. It was convenient for him to take notes beforehand, yeah, but there wasn’t enough information to satisfy his hunger for details. His mind needed something to digest and make sense of if he was going to follow through with this. He was sure the commander- miss Bell Bellum, was it?- would fill him in on all the essentials later, though. Then don’t worry about it.
He let out an exhale, half sighing, and closed his eyes as his breathing evened, letting himself fall to a state of calming content. There was no telling how everything will work out later, so he may as well enjoy this while it lasted.
A lithe figure walked down the halls cautiously, pausing every few steps to sniff the air and listen for noise. He was determined to take in as much sensory information as possible before forming an impression of his troop. In the young man’s hand was a well creased scrap of paper listing his troop assignment and some basic information such as the names of his superior officers and his sleeping arrangements. Sandy clutched the paper like a lifeline as he headed to the cadet housing block.
Once inside his room, Sandy promptly dumped his supplies haphazardly on the floor and cast a look around what was to be his new home. There would be time to unpack later, now it was time to wander and explore. Sandy fished out a granola bar from the front pocket of his backpack and devoured the chocolate covered snack immediately. Feeling optimistic and slightly less hungry, he grinned, pocketed the slip of paper and left his room.
Meanwhile in the officers quarters building…
*Steps out into the hall* *Suddenly rushes the boy slamming him into the wall and holds a knife up to his throat*
Who the hell do you think you are talking to boy?! *She whispers angrily in your ear.* Evidently you need to be taught proper respect for your elders. *in a calmer voice* Well we will cure you of that! *Grabs you by the ear and tows you along past another door in the Officers quarters which reads: Rei-Rei* Who has a name like Rei-Rei? you think to yourself *Banging on the door she yells* Get your sorry butt out here! We are going to torture the kiddies! I expect you to be there in five for a meet and greet!!! You hear a grunt which you believe is supposed to be some kind of response. *This female then tows you out side, across the grass into another building. She pulls you inside and throws you at her feet. As you hesitantly stand up, you notice two pairs of eyes staring at* OK! Listen up people! Man this girls voice is like a bullhorn! This is… Umm *Shoves you forward and hisses* whats your name kid? -
He opens his eyes, smiling slowly, as he lifts his cane back to his side. “Oh, wonderful, training already. This will be fun~” He says, as he lifts his cane in front of him. “Xenyx Peterman, ma’am. Now, who am I fighting?”
Reiji’s consciousness was on the brink of slipping into the depths oblivion, only to immediately snap back to reality after hearing fierce banging reverberating through the room and his body. Off guard, shocked, and exasperated, he nearly jerked himself off the couch from the jolt, only having his instincts kick in to right himself and stumble to a haphazard half-sitting, half-slouching position. He ran a hand across his face and through his now slightly matted jet gray hair as a clearly demanding and almost psychotic voice rung his eardrums.
The hell… already?
It’s a good thing he decided to crash on the couch and not his comfy bed…
But it was more his fault for letting his guard down, even here…
Tch, women.
“Yeah… yeah whatever,” he muttered in a groan, but it seemed to come out as a grunt more than anything. He pulled himself together as he waited for the seemingly hurried footfalls to recede, cursing himself for getting too relaxed.
He pushed himself off the couch and proceeded to gear up once more, throwing his coat over his shoulder as he picked up his metallic mask that was also thrown on his desk, wistfully smiling as he clasped it atop of his head. He rubbed his temples as he made an effort to leave his office and locked the door, mentally preparing himself before he finally caught a glance at the tag beside it. He blinked, re-read it, and slapped his hand on his forehead, but he chuckled nonetheless.
It read ‘Rei-Rei’ in simplicity, but seemingly mockingly.
How funny. He made a mental note to rip it off and change it later as he made his way to the rendezvous point of this little meet up.
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