Secret games
Public Group
Public Group
Active 5 years ago
M3l0dy: Hi my name is M3l0dy. Founder and current officer and leader of group 1 troop 1. *has hand... View more
Public Group
Group Description
M3l0dy: Hi my name is M3l0dy. Founder and current officer and leader of group 1 troop 1. *has hand out waiting for a handshake* What’s your name?
Bellbell: I’m Bell, and I will be teaching you little children how to properly weapons and blades as well as hand-to-hand combat. A word from the wise, mess with me, and you will wake up with your sorry little face cut to ribbons. Am I understood?
Jason: Hey I’m Jason. If you happen to want to have general combat training and/or want to be a pilot, might as well join this troop. Oh I’m leader of Group 2 troop 1, nice to meet you. Break my rules, and I break something on you. See you later.
Scratch: Hello he said. I am Scratch, leader of group 2 troop 2 he said. I’m sure you have many questions about what we do
and how we do it, and I can garuntee that I can answer them all but I won’t he said. If you want to know how to join
you can’t. If you already know how, then welcome aboard he said!
Posted by M3l0dy on January 5, 2014 at 2:56 amName:
Group troop border:Jorroll replied 11 years, 2 months ago 25 Members · 25 Replies -
25 Replies
((I will place mine up here as a example))
Name: Bell Bellum (Not Belle you nitwit!)
Age: 17 (but can still beat your sorry butt)
Height: 5′ 6″
Weight: Like I’m going to tell you. (130 lbs but mostly muscle)
Appearance: German look (ie Blue-gray eyes, Pale gold hair, fair skin), Prefers lightwieght clothes and HATES dresses (Only grudgingly accepts the uniform because she can move in it, and because M310dy makes her). Carries no less than thirty blades/weapons on personnel at all times.
Traits/info: As a child prodigy, Bell raced through her education including several martial art disciplines and learning weapon skills. Currently at the age of 17 she is a elite weapons and hand-to-hand combat specialist.
Response to the intro:
Welcome to Troop 2. Put away those guns children we do not use them here. If you thought we were going to be playing around with little toys like that, you were wrong. Troop 1 is in control of firearms. We will be using true weapons here. I would suggest that you turn right back around and try out for Troop 1 if you want to stay alive and rest easily. We do not have any time for the weak or pity cases here. -
Name: Melody
Age: 14
Height: 5’2
Weight: 98 pounds
Appearance: Red and blue eyes. Black hair chest length. Red glasses. Flat chested. Has a serious look everyday. Hardly smiles.
Traits/info: Strict and stern, but sometimes lazy and free flowin. An interest in guns and katanas and bows and arrows. Works 24/7.
Name: Jason
Age: 15. Or 15 trillion. Who knows, and who cares?
Height: 5′ 10″
Weight: 143 pounds, or 65 kg
Appearance: Black hair, piercing blue eyes, tall and a bit lanky. Wears regular clothes unless prompted by higher authority or if going to an important meeting.
Traits/Info: Personality alternates between easygoing and stern, and quite frequently. Jason is highly trained in combat and many other things, being essentially a badass in battle. However, Jason is rarely on the battlefield these days, so yeah. Is currently Leader of Group 2, Troop 1
Name: Kyla (Or Kye if you prefer)
Age: 14
Height: 5″4′
Weight: around 130
Appearance: Short bright red hair with bangs that exceed the rest of the length of her hair; she has subtle brown eyes, freckles across her body, and a pale as all hell complexion. She usually wears shorts, regular shoes (ie like tennis shoes) and a tank top with a button up (unbuttoned) over unless forced in other dressing.
Traits/Info: She is stern, but get her in the right mood and shell lighten up your day. She is trained well with knowledge of battle strategies and is behind the scenes more often than not. She has basic training with bow and arrows. She will not take your bullshit.
Name: Ryvein Redstrak
Age: 16
Height: 5″5′
Weight: 150 pounds
Appearance: Arabian look (Light brown skin,short black hair, black eyes) uses a white t-shirt beneath a brown jacket and light yellow pants
Traits: High skilled medic, sea strategist and light infantry strategist
Well trained dual handed short swords combat and archery
Info: Member of family of pirates that transcend the ages of man Ryvien is the younger son, as such he is trained as a ship officer, commander and in the family’s arms (the dual short swords and the bow and arrow) as a family tradicion all the kids after finishing their training at the age of 16 are given a ship some sailors and throw out at the sea to search for their own destiny -
Appearance: If there’s a way to post a drawing could I just draw her instead? I’m not that good with detail.
Traits/info: She’s pretty stubborn, but knows when to listen. Her skills in fighting aren’t the best, but she knows how to throw knives pretty well. As well as most of her life she’s lived alone and doesn’t really know any of her family members.
Shoto Kibi
175 lbs (or around 80 kg)
Appearance: japanese albino short white hair red eyes otherwise basic build of young adult
clothes vary on situation (armor when going in to battle casual clothes when relaxing etc)
Info: Practical jokester doesn’t take much too seriously. He was slightly traumatized by having to kill someone threatening to murder his family but the experience has caused him to not show remorse when loved ones lives are on the line. Since then he was a mercenary for a short period of time. fights with any weapon on hand (even his bare hands if needed) is not especially the master of anything is well talented in lots and is very versatile. also as a trickster he will use tricks and jokes to annoy confuse or distract enemies -
Name: Honda Amane (Family name is Honda)
Age: 15
Height: Just short of 5’11”
Weight: ~150 pounds
Appearance: Nearly androgynous, he is certainly of Japanese descent. His face and build are almost identical to that of a flat-chested female. He has dark hair, and blue eyes. Around his neck hangs a Magatama – Specifically, the Yasakani no Magatama, an Imperial Regalia of Japan. How this has fallen into his hands is unknown.
Traits/Info: A descendant of Honda Tadakatsu, Amane inherited his military might. From birth, he was exceptionally skilled with weapons – Particularly, the spear, and the combination of sword and spear. He follows only the Seven Virtues of Bushido, as well as the associated value of wisdom, feeling the associated values of filial piety and respect for elders recommended, but optional.
Despite fierce loyalty being one of his key traits, there is nobody he feels has earned his loyalty. Despite his youthful, feminine looks, he can be quite cold and calculating, and a deadly force to be reckoned with. He does not needlessly attack others, though, of course.
Name: Simon
Height: 6ft
Weight:150 pounds
Appearance: Green hair, hazel eyes, eye patch with bomb cartoon on it over right eye, normal build.
Traits/info: Simon’s past is shrouded in mystery. The first things he can truly remember are waking up three years ago in a pile of rumble with a cut across his right eye. Other than that he can only vaguely recall that his family were specialized weapons experts and that he can recall every bit of his training with them. As such, Simon is a master weapons crafter and well suited for combat. His preferred weapons are miniaturized bombs that he carries on him at all times. These bombs come in multiple different variants and types which allows him to switch up his style in mid combat. He also keeps multiple throwing knives and two custom hand crossbows with specialized ammo on hand as well. Has also trained himself to make improvised weapons when unarmed and to create medicines and poisons with many different types of plants. Even though he has been through a lot, he is a kind hearted person, quick to trust and easy to get along with. He is a nerd at heart and will often create weapons from his favorite fandoms as a hobby. He has a huge sweet tooth and a quick temper if anyone where to hurt his friends. -
Name: he refuses to say, but most people call him I
Age: ???
Height: nobody knows for sure, but he seems to be of average height.
Weight: again, seems pretty average.
Appearance: white silhouette of a neatly dressed man.
Traits/info: he refuses give much information about himself. And has come to hate skyrie for constantly asking. But he usually tries to be kind around people who aren’t skyrie. Although if you’re friends with him he might actually be a bit silly. Also he hates ships that have anything to do with him. Like, every kind of ship. Also he almost never lies. Unless you consider sarcasm lying. In that case he lies a little. Also he hates M31ody a little bit for forcing him into group 2. And on the topic of combat, you never really know what weapon he’s carrying, because his weapons are also silhouettes. So they blend right in with him. Although he’s not good with camo for obvious reasons. But it’s not too easy to hit him. It’s not impossible, but not easy.
Also he’s a good cook.(but nobody has ever seen him cook with meat. Let alone eat it) -
Name: Scratch
Height: 6′
Weight: 2lbs
Appearance: A completely white being dressed in a white suit with a green undershirt and bowtie (because bowties are cool).
Traits/info: He is the leader of group 2 troop 2 and tends to narrate what other people do. He also has a habit of saying “he said” after everything he says. -
Name: Gamer
Age: 14 or 15
Height: 6′ 2″
Weight: Unknown, possibly 150 lb.
Appearance: Human form: Brown hair/eyes, blue jeans, blue shirt with diamond, gear symbol, flame symbol, and black hole symbol on the chest and pearls on the shoulders, Speed Shoes with Red Stars replacing the yellow buckles, Lucarionite wristlet, glasses.
Lucario form: Looks like a Lucario, but with glasses, wristlet, and shoes.
Triple-Type form: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/357/0/6/lucario_with_fire_flower_by_gamerpainter-d6z4olr.png Also has the traits of his normal Lucario form, but with the shirtTraits/info: Can turn into a Lucario, which can go Triple-Type and be Fighting-Steel-Fire type. Can also control time, space, and fire. Also has a gun that can copy any game power for 10 minutes, then crashes. Also a member of the Looker Bureau, Elite Beat Agency, and Chaos Hunters. Originates from the Pokemon dimension’s Lost Hex.
Troop: Group 1 Troop 1
Name: Sandy (Group 1 Troop 2)
Age: 18
Weight: 125 lb
Appearance: Sandy has neck length light brown hair cut in a ruffled and slightly disheveled style but always wears an immaculately pressed uniform. He is thin and wiry, with green eyes and an easy-going smile ever present on his face. He often sports a chrome earpiece that blinks distractingly.
Traits/info: Sandy specializes in pole-arms and claw gauntlets. He names his weapons, occasionally talking to them as if they are people. When fighting, he launches into a blind fury and completely abandons strategy or tactics in favor of raw enthusiasm. He takes an interest in bizarre body modifications, sporting a new one every month or so. A notable trait is that he tends to wear androgynous clothes or switch between male and female clothing. Has a playful yet slightly feral personality. He will eat anything. -
Training Officer of Group 1 Troop 2
Name: Reiji Farran; possesses various aliases, leaves out merc’ titles, but a common casual being Rei
Age: Roughly young adult in appearance, however undetermined age; assumed to have slowed physical aging
Height: 5’10”
Weight: ~140, give or take
Appearance: Rei seems to hold a neutral composition to him in terms of physical ethnic traits, as it is difficult to exactly pin him down just by looking at him. He has a rather pale complexion by comparison, and has a lean but lithe build. His hair is a dark gray with various hints of various shades but is silver when put under the light; with it being, in a sense, well kept in a rather ruffled way, bangs framing and slashing his face. His eyes are a cool slate, but the intensity and sharpness varies. He has some scars along his body, most of them being on his hands/arms, but they are usually concealed, the only apparent one crossing at the bridge of his nose. On the field, his attire is usually dark with light accents, a common and simple combination being a shirt, long coat, slightly baggy pants, combat boots, etc. In terms of casual clothing he doesn’t care much what he wears, so long as he could keep his black leather gloves and some sort of coat, preferring to be monochrome in color as well. If possible, he would be inclined to keep his- iconic, in a way- metallic mask on his person and his often obscured necklace.
Traits/info: Rei only discloses information that is necessary for others to know about his trade as a freelance mercenary, with a mindset as a vigilante as some put it, which often shrouds him within enigmatic shadow. He usually goes by the various aliases that he developed over the good amount of years under his belt as he doesn’t like personal involvement with randoms, only making special exceptions to those he truly trusts, which is hard to come by. A plethora of rumors go on about his origins as both a person and as a mercenary, but he never addresses them and is very defensive at the mention, being smooth/tact to dodge and slip away from the topic- figuratively and some cases literally.As a mercenary, his combat skills are closely labeled to what people think of assassins, but a bit more adaptable. He was trained before his career, but he developed and learned on his own as time went on. He has keen eyes and quick wits, which builds into his various styles such as swordplay, marksmanship, hit-and-run, ambush, etc. Precision and swiftness- efficiency- is key to him, and can be deadly in, technically speaking, any range as they can be close or long range. His main weapons are blades of various kinds and sizes, his specially made dual pistols (quite nearly magnums), and precision rifles.
In terms of personality, he can be as complicated as the symbolic monochrome spectrum. He is usually depicted as a calm and collective young man, being both objective and subjective in ways, vigilant as well as a touch meticulous in some instances. He holds a personal moral code but seems to have been wrongly portrayed as sketchy to some over time, alluding more and more to his gray scale motif. Casually, he is rather cool headed and nonchalant of things, little witty remarks here and there with a finely accompanied and sly smirk. On the solemn, taciturn side, he becomes icy and apathetic, which can lead to his more piercing demeanor. He loathes narrow mindedness, amoral/unjust acts (in terms of combat, he especially despises the use of poison), and the like. As such for being freelance, he is loyal and protective to those he respects and follows orders when given, but since he still holds a sense of independence both for his sake and equally deserving others, he can be also rather rebellious in some degree; all for better or worse. If possible, he would want a justifiable reason for actions, and he can be easily skeptic when his tolerant and understanding mind cannot wrap around something. Like all else he has weaknesses, soft sides, but he has carefully built walls to either take the hits for him or to counter the offense.
Name: Xenyx Peterman
Age: 16
Height: 5’9
Weight: 146lbs
Appearance: A tall, slender teen. He possesses black hair, and is heterochromic, with one blue eye and one green eye. He wears a black, fancy suit, and carries a ball-handle gentleman’s cane.
Traits/info: Xenyx likes to keep quiet about where he came from, but he is especially adept with hand to hand combat. His compact muscles make him able to move fast while still keeping strength. He insists on keeping his cane, and often uses it to bat enemies away.
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