Kintoki Belial

  • Kintoki Belial

    Posted by Kintoki Belial GoldSugarDemon Sakata on March 4, 2019 at 6:17 am

    Belial: Before Kintoki was manifested on earth, he was the hated demon Belial.
    Originally created as an Earth Seraphim, ranking in the First Sphere.
    These Seraphim were called Sons of God.
    The fall of Belial came in the form of his hatred of humans. When asked to acknowledge man by bowing down to them, Belial pretended to do so, but he later began to lie and deceive the humans for fun creating some of the first fights and wars. This eventually angered his creator who disowned him and began to call him worthless.
    Belial’s new title: Demon of Lies
    He was acknowledged in the human Holy Bible as the source of great evil. Some apocrypha declare Belial was created next to Lucifer (Gintoki). Belial was a king in Gehenna governing over 80 infernal legions. His personality is deceitful and evil-hearted. A lawless demon who stood proudly next to his brother Satan (Nero Kurotoki) when they were waging the war against the Sons of Light. It’s rumored that he started the war with his lies.
    He appeared to King Solomon who later listed him in Solomon’s Goetia.
    When summoned, Belial appears as either one or two angels sitting in a chariot of fire.

    He always understood himself to be worthless and useless so his agenda was destroy anything pure and honest. His lies were the causes of wars in the inferno he called home and in any dimension he took interest in.

    After setting foot in the physical world, he had changed bit by bit due to the clan that he had surrounded himself with. He barely resembled the old Belial that he was known as in legend. His brother Gintoki Lucifer had shown him a whole new world. Something different from the dreary life they had lead in the inferno where their brother Satan Kurotoki dwells.

    But in some places in the human world, occultists and wizards, even malicious humans still wished to worship and summon Belial for the purpose of obtaining wealth and creating chaos. It was hard to tell if Belial would respond to their summoning. He had adjusted to the human world so well, that hearing these voices would be distant and normally, he would just ignore their pleas.

    It was later, that he would remember that his devotees had created a Sect of Belial and he only remembered because it would come up during an investigation that would be addressed in the 13th Bureau…*

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